Download SCCS Anatomy/Physiology Name: Friday, April 17 Urinary System

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SCCS Anatomy/Physiology
Friday, April 17 Urinary System Intro
Use your textbook and/or internet research to fill out this introduction to the urinary system.
The Urinary System
Cells produce waste that can become toxic if they accumulate
Urinary System Functions:
Removes salts and nitrogenous wastes
Maintains normal concentration of water and electrolytes
Maintains pH, controls red blood cell production and blood pressure
Urinary System Composition:
Pair of ____________________which remove substances from the blood
Ureters which transport_________________ from the kidneys to the bladder
Urinary bladder _________________ urine
Urethra conveys urine to the ________________________of the body
Lie on either side of the ______________column deep in the abdominal cavity
Positioned behind the parietal peritoneum (retroperitoneally)
Lateral side is __________________, medial is concave
Sit a depression called the renal sinus
Entrance is called the hilum
Superior end of the kidney forms a funnel shaped sac - renal pelvis
Renal medulla = core of the kidney
Renal cortex = outer shell around the medulla; the cortex appears granulated due to the presence of
Renal arteries supply blood to the kidneys
Renal veins drain blood from the kidneys
Kidney Labeling:
Renal Arteries and Veins:
Arteries attach to the abdominal aorta
Veins attach to the inferior vena cava
Interlobar arteries pass between the renal pyramids
Afferent arterioles lead to the nephrons
Nephron - functional unit of the urinary system
Quick Analogy: A nephron is to the urinary system as the ______________________ is to the nervous system
-each kidney contains about 1 million __________________
-renal corpuscle: composed of a tangled cluster of capillaries which filters fluid
- renal corpuscle is part of the glomerulus
Pathway = glomerulus -» proximal tubule --» nephron loop (also called Loop of Henle) --» distal tubule --»
collecting duct --» ureter --» bladder
Urine Formation:
glomerular filtration - urine formation begins, plasma is filtered
tubular reabsorption - returns most of the fluid to the body - PROXIMAL TUBULE
tubular secretion - removes what is not needed; produces urine - DISTAL TUBULE
Urine Composition:
95 % ______________________________
Contains urea and uric acid (gives urine its characteristic smell)
Can contain trace amino acids
Urine may also contain other chemicals that can be detected.
____________________present in a pregnant woman are detectable in urine
*Diuretic – any substance that increases urine production
Urine Elimination:
After urine forms in the nephrons, the ureters (starting with the renal pelvis) carry the urine away to the
Bladder is an expandable structure that __________________ urine before it is eliminated from the body.
Transitional epithelial cells change shape to allow for _________________ and contraction.
Micturition = urination; as the bladder fills this reflex occurs though it is also under voluntary control
Detrusser Muscles – muscles that attach to bladder and sphincter that control urination
Urethra = tube carries urine to the outside of the body