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Skeletal, Muscular &
Reproductive Body Systems
• Complete the 10 mc questions on the
• It is now time for a quiz
• Clear off your desks
• You will only have about 10 minutes
• To be able to describe the skeletal,
muscular & reproductive systems and
how their functioning helps the body to
maintain homeostasis
REVIEW- Without using notes!
• Describe what role peristalsis plays in
the digestive system
• Peristalsis is the squeezing of food by
involuntary muscles- it forces the food
through the digestive tract
REVIEW- Without using notes!
• How can astronauts digest anything in
outerspace, when there is no gravity??
• Peristalsis forces the food through the
digestive tract
REVIEW- Without using notes!
• Describe the passage of food through
the digestive tract- from beginning to
end, what organs/parts does the food
pass through?
• Mouth--> Esophagus--> Stomach-->
Small Intestines--> Large Intestines-->
REVIEW- Without using notes!
• What types of cellular wastes does the
excretory system of the body get rid of?
• Water, heat, carbon dioxide, salt, urea
REVIEW- Without using notes!
• What are the 4 major organs that
comprise the excretory system? Which
ones are organs of excretion and which
ones are organs of elimination?
• Lungs, skin, kidneys- excretion
• Large Intestine/ anus- elimination
REVIEW- Without using notes!
• What is the function of the endocrine
• Glands secrete hormones that regulate
the body’s functions (respond to
changes inside and outside of the body)
• What are the 4 major functions of the
skeletal system?
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Skeletal System
• To protect organs, allow
movement, make red & white
blood cells
• Examples of Organ Protection:
– brain covered by skull
– heart & lungs covered by ribs
Skeletal System
• Joints
• How do bones move?
• 3 type of joints
– Ball & Socket- allows twisting
– Hinge- move in one direction
– Slightly moveable- limited
movement (vertebra & ribs)
Ball & Socket Joint
Hinge Joint
Skeletal System
• Bones
• Blood cells made in marrowhave calcium
Skeletal System
• Cartilage
• Softer, flexible bone
Skeletal System
• Ligaments
• Holds bone together at joints
Skeletal System
• Tendons
• Cordlike tissue that attaches
muscle to bone
Muscular System Video
• Describe the 3 types of muscle found in
the body and area in which you can find
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Muscular System Diagram
Muscular System
• Allows the body to move
• Muscles only contract (pull)they don’t push
Muscular System
• Types of
• VOLUNTARY (skeletal)
– Can control them
– Are attached to bones
– Work in pairs
Muscular System
• Types of
• INVOLUNTARY (smooth)
– Can’t control them
– Found in blood vessels, organs,
digestive tract
Muscular System
• Types of
• Cardiac (Heart)
– Smooth, Involuntary
Reproductive System Video
• What type of gonads are found in the
male & female and which cells does
each produce?
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Reproductive System Diagram
Reproductive System
• Sex cells combine to produce
• Ovaries: In females, produce
• Testes: In males, produce
Reviewing what we’ve learned
• What is the job of the skeletal system?
• What is the job of the reproductive system?
• What is the job of the muscular system?
Reviewing what we’ve learned
• Distinguish between the 3 types of joints
• Distinguish between the 3 types of muscles
• What are the major parts of the reproductive
• Virtual Body: Skeletal system animations
• My Body for Kids: Skeletal system animated diagram
• My Body for Kids: Muscular system animated
• Yucky Body Facts
• Interactive body system review
Assignment- Write in AGENDA
• Body System Review Homework
• Due next class