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--------------------– Are involuntary (no control) & found in
digestive tract, bladder & blood vessels.
– Move food through digestive tract
– They are slow sustained & rhythmic
– They fatigue more slowly than skeletal
• ---------------------– Found only in the Heart
– Involuntary (no control)
– Fibres are intertwined pushing blood into
– Difficult to fatigue
– Nerve impulse messages relayed from cell to
cell causing rhythmic contractions & relaxation
• ---------------------------– Attaches to, and causes movement of the
– ‘Striated muscle’ as it has a striped appearance
– Voluntary (have control)
– Also involved in reflex actions
– Messages sent from the brain to the muscle
concerned causes movement
• The ‘All or Nothing’ principle
– Nerve impulses will not stimulate muscle fibres until it
reaches a certain threshold level.
– Above the threshold muscles will _________________.
– Below the threshold muscles will _________________.
– Intensity of muscular contraction can vary depending
• The _____________ of motor units stimulated
• The varying ______________ at which the impulses arrive at
the motor unit
Types of Contractions
• _______________________
– muscle length changes throughout the range of
movement (most common)
– Eg’s pushups, throwing, sit-ups, kicking
– 2 Types:
• Concentric - when muscle length shortens
during the contraction. eg Bicep in a Bicep
• Eccentric - when muscle lengthens while
force is being developed. Eg lowering body
in a sit-up.
– Isotonic contractions are effective in training as
you can easily adapt training activities to
resemble sporting movements.
– The disadvantage is that the greatest benefit is
at the weakest point in the muscle and
therefore the entire muscles range of motion is
not trained.
• ________________________
– When force is generated but there is no change in the
the length of the muscle
– Eg gripping a tennis racquet, pushing against a wall,
holding weights in stationary position.
– In isometric training you should train the muscle at
different joint angles to increase strength throughout
the entire range of motion.
– Isometric training can cause an increase in blood
pressure causing stress on the circulatory system.
• _____________________
– Develops maximal velocity throughout the entire range
of motion
– Involves the use of expensive machinery to train, such
as Cybex machines or a Hydra Gym
– Benefit of using these machines are that the amount of
force applied by the machine is the same at the force
applied by the muscle throughout the entire range of
– Considered the most effective way to train strength &