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Physical Fitness
Physical Fitness
Definition: The ability to perform
physical activity and to meet the
demands of daily living while being
energetic and alert
Two Types of Exercise:
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic
Aerobic – Activity in which large amounts
of oxygen are required continually for an
extended period of time
– ex. Running, biking, swimming
Anaerobic – activity in which the body’s
demand for oxygen is greater than what is
available during exertion
– ex. Weight training
Increase resistance = muscular strength
Increase repetitions = muscular endurance
Aerobic Exercise:
Reduce injury
Improve body composition
Improve cardiovascular health
Improve tone, appearance and selfesteem
– Makes you tired
– Takes too much time
– All exercises give you the same
Anaerobic Exercise:
– Reduce injury
– Increase strength in bones,
tendons & muscles
– Improve tone and appearance
– Increase self-esteem
– Decrease flexibility
– Reduces coordination
5 Components of Physical Fitness
Cardio-respiratory Endurance
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Body Composition
Benefits of exercise depend on
the F.I.T.T. Principle
Frequency – how often (3-5 x’ week)
Intensity – how hard (70-85% of Max. HR)
– 220 – your age = Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
Time – How long (20 – 40 minutes)
Type – What kind (aerobic vs. anaerobic)
Cardio-respiratory Endurance
Definition: The ability of the heart,
lungs and blood vessels to send fuel
and oxygen to body’s tissues during
long periods of vigorous activity
Measured by: The 1 mile run/walk,
3-minute step test
Benefits of Cardio-respiratory
Helps your heart and lungs function
more efficiently
Increases your metabolic rate
Increases your #’s of antioxidants
Improves insulin sensitivity
Improves the muscles ability to use
lactic acid
Improves the function of the immune
Benefits (continued)
Increases HDLs and decreases LDLs
Decreases chance of colon cancer
Improves psychological well-being
F = 3 x 5 times per week
I = 220-age =(Max HR); x 75%
T = 20 min. or more
T = Aerobic activities (running, biking,…)
Muscular Strength
Definition: The maximum amount
of force a muscle can produce in a
single effort
Measured by: How much weight
you can lift one time
Muscular Endurance
Definition: The ability of muscles to
work over a long period of time
without fatigue
Measured by: Sit-ups, push-ups
and pull-ups
Benefits of Muscular Strength and
Help to perform everyday tasks
Help maintain correct posture
Reduces the risk of being injured
Improves body composition by (+)
muscle mass and (-) body fat
Improves self-image
Keeps bones dense and strong
Muscle strength and endurance
F = 2 x 4 times per week
I = 8-12 reps, 3 sets
more weight = strength
more reps = endurance
T = 8-12 reps, break between sets
T = anaerobic activities
resistance exercises
Body Composition
Definition: The percentage of fat,
lean muscle, connective and
supportive tissue
Measured by: Weight charts,
Electronic body fat analyzer, skin
calipers (more areas measured the
better – at least 5), hydro-static
Teen Boys – 10-22%
Teen Girls – 15- 27%
Benefits of Good Body Comp.
Reduces risk of obesity
Reduces risk of heart disease
Reduces the risk of developing
Improves appearance and self-image
Reduces the risk of having a stroke
Reduces the risk of developing high
blood pressure
Body Composition Con’t
F = 3 x 5 days per week
I = work at target heart rate
T = time depends on intensity
T = aerobic activities
Definition: The ability to move a
body part through a full range of
• Dynamic stretching is defined as
"actively moving a joint through the
range of motion required for a
• Static stretching refers to holding a
stretch with no movement.
Benefits of Good Flexibility
Improves quality of life
Prevents and relieves symptoms of
Prevents injuries to muscles and
Improves performance in sports
Dynamic Stretch
F = prior to any physical activities
I = between light to moderate effort
T = 5 to 10 minutes
T = aerobic activities
Flexibility con’t
Static Stretch
F = 2 x 3 times per week
I = hold each stretch for 30 sec. x 3-5
T = 15 – 30 min. (Hit all major joints)
T = Static Stretching
-Stretch to a pull is felt and the hold
Performance Related Fitness
Reaction Time
Performance Related Fitness
Agility – ability to
change position of
the body rapidly and
maintain control
Balance – ability to
assume or maintain
any body position
with control and
Coordination – ability
to combine vision or
other senses with
movements of the
Power – ability to do
strength performance
quickly, combining
factors of strength
and speed
Reaction Time –
Amount of time it
takes to get moving
once you need to
Speed– time it takes
to perform a
Other Types of Exercise
Isometric – Exercise involving
muscular strength with little or no
movement of the body part
– Example: Pushing against wall
Isotonic – Exercise involving muscular
contraction with movement
– Examples: Push-ups, pull-ups, weight
lifting, etc.
Other Types of Exercise Cont.
Isokinetic – Exercise involving
muscular strength, muscle endurance
and flexibility with movement through
an entire range of motion
– Examples: Pushing or pulling against a
hydraulic lever: Cybex machines, nautilus
Principles of Training:
Improving the operating efficacy of the body
Overload Principle – Operating at a
level above which is normal, thus
forcing the body to adapt and function
more efficiently
Principle of Progression– Gradually
increasing the amounts of exercise to
improve your fitness
Principle of Specificity – Different
kinds of exercises work on different
areas of fitness
Need for Physical Activity
Muscle Building
Sedentary Society
Weight Control
Emotional Release
Fitness for Life
Ways to increase
physical activity
– Daily Routine
– Job Related
– Formal Act
Cool Down
– Recreation
Fitness for Life Continued
How to
Progress slowly
Keep charts
“Buddy System”
Benefits of
– Feel better about
– Blood vessels dilate
– RBC carry more O2
– Lower resting HR
– Muscle tone
– Decrease heart