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Training programs
Design your own for you and your
personal goals!
What do you want to achieve this
Why have a training
Something to stick to/keeps you focused
Know if you’re improving
Plan training time in your busy schedule
To get better!
Benefits of sport and
Regular exercise improves health and fitness.
 Health is defined as a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being
 Fitness is the ability to meet the demands of the environment.
Mental benefits include:
 improved confidence
 relief of stress/tension
Physical benefits include:
 losing weight
 improved posture
 improved body shape
Social benefits include:
 meeting people
 making friends
Spiritual benefits?
Health related fitness factors
Everyone needs to have a level of fitness for everyday activities.
Exercise improves the health related fitness factors which are also
useful to sportspeople. These are:
 Cardiovascular fitness is the ability to exercise the whole
body for long periods of time and is sometimes called
stamina. Test:
 Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle can exert
against a resistance. It helps sportspeople to hit, tackle and
throw. Test:
 Muscular endurance is the ability to use voluntary muscles
many times without becoming tired. It helps sportspeople to
sprint or repeat quick actions for longer. Test:
 Flexibility is the range of movement possible at a joint. It
helps performers to stretch and reach further. Test:
 Body composition is the percentage of body weight which is
fat, muscle or bone. It helps sportspeople depending on the
type of sport they play, eg heavy rugby players are more
effective in the scrum than lightweight players, but light long
distance runners will always beat heavyweights. Test:
Skill related fitness factors
Skill related fitness factors are essential for success in sport. These are:
Agility - the ability to change the position of the body quickly and
with control. This helps team players dodge their opponents. Test:
Balance - the ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of
support when stationary (static balance) or moving (dynamic
balance). This helps gymnasts maintain their position and prevents
games players from falling over at speed. Test:
Co-ordination - the ability to use two or more body parts together.
This helps all athletes to move smoothly and quickly especially
when also having to control a ball. Test:
Power - the ability to use strength at speed. This helps athletes to
jump high, throw far or sprint quickly. Power = Strength x Speed.
Reaction time - the time between the presentation of a stimulus and
the onset of a movement. This helps swimmers to make a fast start.
Speed is how quickly an individual can move. This helps all games
players to move into position or get away from opponents quickly.
 An ideal training programme will be
designed based on the individuals
personal goals
 A successful training programme will
meet individual needs based on age,
gender, fitness level and the sport for
which we are training.
 A successful training programme will also
include exercise in the correct heart-rate
target zone.
P.O.T.s – Principles of
 Specificity – training must be matched to the needs
of the sporting activity to improve fitness in the
body parts the sport uses.
 Overload - fitness can only be improved by training
more than you normally do. You must work hard.
 Progression – start slowly and gradually increase
the amount of exercise and keep overloading.
 Reversibility – any adaptation that takes place as a
result of training will be reversed when you stop
training. If you take a break or don’t train often
enough you will lose fitness.
 Recovery – it’s essential to recover from a exercise
session as this is when the gains are made.
Use the FITT principles to
add the detail
 Frequency - decide how often to train.
 Intensity - choose how hard to train.
 Time - decide how long to train for.
 Type - decide which methods of
training to use.
M.O.T.s - Methods of training
 Broadly, training can be aerobic or anaerobic:
 Aerobic training improves cardiovascular
fitness. In aerobic exercise, which is steady and
not too fast, the heart is able to supply enough
oxygen to the muscles.
 Anaerobic exercise is performed in short,
fast bursts where the heart cannot supply enough
oxygen to the muscles. Anaerobic training
improves the ability of the muscles to work without
enough oxygen when lactic acid is produced.
Specific training methods
 Circuit training involves performing a series of exercises in a
special order called a circuit. Each activity takes place at a 'station'. It can be
designed to improve speed, agility, coordination, balance and muscular
endurance. Example:
 Interval training involves alternating between periods of hard
exercise and rest. It improves speed and muscular endurance. Example:
 Continuous training involves working for a sustained period of
time without rest. It improves cardio-vascular fitness. Example:
 Cross training involves using another sport or activity to improve
your fitness. It happens when an athlete trains in a different environment. For
example a volleyball player uses the power training for that sport to help with
fitness for long jump. Example:
 Fartlek or 'speed play' training involves varying your speed and the type
of terrain over which you move. It improves aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
 Resistance training uses weights or your own body weight to
provide resistance to the muscles. It improves muscular strength (high
weight, low reps), muscular endurance (low weight, high reps) and power
(medium weight and reps performed quickly). Example:
Stages of a typical
training session
 1. Warm-up
 Whole body exercise to raise heart rate and body temperature.
 Stretching to prepare muscles, ligaments and joints.
 Practising skills and techniques to be used in the session.
 2. Main activity - this could be:
 Fitness training - which may be linked to repeated technique
 Skill development - drills or team practices.
 Modified or Conditioned Games.
 3. Warm down (sometimes called cool down)
 Light exercise to help remove carbon-dioxide, lactic acid and
other waste products produced by intense exercise.
 Gentle stretching to prevent muscle soreness and stiffness later.