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A new study with the
dietary supplement called
Creatine could possibly
strengthen patients
muscles by 10 percent
There are new ways to
strengthen your muscles
without doing any work!
(the “Abtronic”)
Muscular Dystrophy
• Weakness of the facial
muscles/scapula that
shows up before age
• Slow progression
• 20 % of affected
people use wheelchair
• Causes all around
• No known cures
Smooth Muscles
• Occurs in small groups or sheets of overlapping cells tightly bound
together(ex. Digestive tube, uterus, bladder, respiratory tract, vessels)
can regenerate. Spindle-shaped cells with one central nucleus;
unstriated, no myofibrils, scattered myosin filaments, actin filaments
attached to dense bodies. Contraction produces a cellular twisting
motion. Action is slower, but longer lasting, aerobic, resist fatigue.
Much of our internal organs are made up of smooth muscles. They are
found in the urinary bladder, gallbladder, arteries, and veins. The
smooth muscles are controlled by the nervous system and hormones.
We cannot consciously control the smooth muscle that is why they are
often called involuntary muscles.
Skeletal Muscles
Bundles of cells run in parallel(fasicle); in various
arrangements such as spindles, bands, or sheets;typically
between 2 bones and across a joint. Connective tissue is
subdivided into three parts which together form part of
the deep fascia, merge to form tendons and aponeurosis.
Very vascular. There are three skeletal fiber types: Red
slow-twitch fibers, White fast-twitch fibers, and
Intermediate fibers. The skeletal muscle makes up 40%
of an adults body weight. It has the stripe-like markings,
or striations. The skeletal muscle is composed of long
muscle fibers. Each of these muscles fibers is a cell
which contains several nuclei. The nervous system
controls the contraction of the muscle. Many of the
skeletal muscle contractions are automatic. However we
still can control the action of the skeletal muscle. And it
is because of this reason that the skeletal muscle is
called voluntary muscle.
Cardiac Muscles
Branching network of cells forming layers that
wind in overlapping spirals to from the heart.
Cells connected by intercalated discs containing
desmosomes and gap junctions. A c.t. layer
separates atria from the ventricles. Inherent
rhythmic contraction, pacemaker cells, gap
junction connections form functional synctium of
two atria and of the two ventricles, heart rate
moderated by ANS. The cardiac muscles are the
muscle of the brain itself. The cardiac muscle is
the tissue that makes up the wall of the heart
called mydocardium. Also like the skeletal
muscles , the cardiac is striated and contracts
through the sliding filament method. However it
is different from other types of muscles because it
forms branching fibers. Unlike the skeletal
muscles, the cardiac muscle is attached together
instead of being attached to a bone.
To view a movie about the
Muscular System and how it functions,
click on the site below. ( Wait until the
site fully loads then click on View Movie
to watch!)
• The skeletal system provides support,
protection, bodily movement, blood for the
body, and it stores minerals. It consists of
206 bones that the tissue and organs are
attached. All of the main organs are
protected by the skeletal system(brain-skull;
heart-rib-cage). Muscles are connected to
bones by tendons, and bones are connected
to each other by ligaments. This is what
allows our body to move. Around 2.5
million red blood cells replace old ones each
second by the bone marrow, which is in only
some bones. Bones store the minerals,
calcium and phosphorus. When there is
extra of either of these two, it all builds up
in the bones. When these minerals in the
blood run low, it is taken from the bones
and distributed into the blood.
To find out more information of the
skeletal system, click on the site
• Osteosarcoma is the most common found bone cancer
in children. Osteosarcoma is diagnosed in 4 out of
every 1 million people each year, and it happens to
males more often than females. There is currently no
known cure. To treat this disease the bone and its
surrounding tissue must be removed. This may be
treated with an amputation, or a limb salvage
procedure. Chemotherapy is also necessary to treat
this disease. This prevents the tumor from spreading.
Drugs have come out which help to make the tumor
smaller and to prevent it from spreading. Children
with localized Osteosarcoma have a 70% chance for
survival, but children with metastatic Osteosarcoma
have only a 30% chance of living.
• Bone condition with the symptoms of
bone fragility, pain, fracture, and
death from fracture complications
• 40% of people with this disease are
• 25 million Americans are affected
• No cure yet but there are many
projects working to solve this
• Could be prevented by getting lots of
• Immovable (2 pieces of bone directly connected
with no space in between them): Joints in the
skull that cannot be moved
• Ball/Socket (ex. The shoulder) Shoulder and hip;
allows movement in almost full circle
• Gliding Joint (wrist and ankle, two bones joining
one larger bone) Wrist and ankle, back and forth
• Pivot Joint (hand) Ends of the radius, and ulna,
rotates with a ring of bone and fibros tissue
• Hinge (knee/elbow) Allows movement, only back
and forth
Bibliography: Kathleen
How Our Muscles Work by Chelsea House Publishers 1995
The Human Body: The Muscles by Kathleen Elgin 1973
Randi: Bibliography
Arnau, Eduard . The Skeletal System. N.p.: n.p., n.d.
Wilson, Ron . How the Body Works. N.p.: n.p., n.d.
Bibliography Cont.
Brett Veronico
Joe Schaffer
Works Cited
Feinberg, Brian . The Musculoskeletal
System. New York, Philadelphia: Chelsea
House, 1993.
Silverstein, Alvin, and Virginia B.
Silverstein. The Skeletal System:
Frameworks for life. Englewoods Cliffs,
Silverstein, Alvin , Virginia Silverstein, and
Robert Silvertein. The Muscular System.
New York: Twenty-First Century Books,
The Skeletal System. 9 Jan. 2002
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital . 9
Jan. 2002
Works Cited
Feinberg, Brian. The Musculoskeletal
System. New York: Chelsea House, 1993.
Muscular System. 1 Jan. 2002
Muscular system. 8 Jan. 2002
Muscular System. 8 Jan. 2002
Silverstein, Alvin, Viginia Silverstein, and
Robert Silverstein. Muscular System. New
York: Twenty First Century Books, 1994.
Silverstein, Alvin, Virginia Silverstein, and
Robert Silverstein. The Skeletal System.
New York: Twenty First Centur Books,
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