Download parasites fungi and variation traits

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With Jordan R. and Daniela L.
Vocabulary/Key Terms:
 Eukaryotic: organisms that are composed of cells with
organelles on the inside.
 Heterotrophs: organisms that obtains its necessary
amounts of carbon from other organisms by consuming
them, whether dead or alive.
 Feed off host
 Live in/on body
 Can cause infectious disease
 Specialized anatomically and physiologically
 Example: Tapeworms absorb nutrients through skin in
small intestine.
 Can also cause infectious disease
CHALLENGE: Name this parasite!
Sadly, they aren’t this cute:
 Eukaryotic
 Heterotrophs
 Multi-cellular
 Reproduce both sexually and asexually (good when
environment is changing)
 Attack tissues of living plants and animals
 Competitors for food (attack food sources)
 Cause severe allergic reactions through mold spores
1- Guess who lived here
 Parasites
 Fungi Review
Vocabulary/Key Terms:
 Natural Selection:
Process in which species that have adapted will survive
and continue to reproduce (unlike species that couldn’t
Vocabulary/Key Terms:
 Characteristic Change: when an organism’s physical
characteristics change over time
(Ex.) If one bird has a short beak and is unable to grab
food but then mates with a bird with a longer beak, their
offspring might have a longer beak.
Vocabulary/Key Terms:
 Phenotypes: an organism’s physical characteristics.
 Phenotypes influence many things, including:
 Find, obtain and use resources
 Ability to reproduce
Variation in Traits
 Variations exist within each organism’s phenotype in
every species.
 Natural selection plays a key part, especially when the
environment is changing.
 If a species has favorable characteristics, they will most
likely live.
 If a species doesn’t it will most likely end up dying out and
going extinct.
 Always certain diversity among a species.
 The more diversity, the better!
 Variation in Traits Video
He’s not… 0_o
Are you ready for this?
Test time!
 Each team will come up with a nickname, but base it off
of your material.
 Each team will receive a white board and will pick their
Recorder to write down their answers.
 There are 20 questions on this test, a bonus question
and 30 seconds to complete each question.
 Good luck!
Question #1
 Where do parasites mainly live?
 Answer: In or on their host
Question #2
 Define phenotypes and describe what they influence.
 Answer: they are an organism’s physical characteristics
and they affect an organism’s ability to reproduce and
find, obtain, and use resources
Question #3
 Are fungi eukaryotic or prokaryotic?
 Answer: Eukaryotic
Question #4
 How do tapeworms obtain their essential nutrients?
 Answer: By absorbing them through their skin.
Question #5
 How do fungi cause disease?
 Answer: They attack tissues of living plants and animals.
Question #6
 How does the diversity among a species affect the
repopulation of that species?
 Answer: if there is more diversity among the species,
there will be a greater chance that they repopulate and
continue to do so.
Question #7
 How do fungi repopulate asexually?
 Answer: They repopulate through budding.
Question #8
 Which picture best symbolizes a change in an organism’s
Question #9
 Complete the analogy:
 Climate:_____:: fungi: disease
 Answer: Characteristic change
Question #10
 How do heterotrophs get their necessary amount of
 Answer: By consuming them, dead or alive.
Here it is…
 Compare and contrast how the variation in phenotypes
of parasites and fungi may benefit and harm them if the
environment were to change.
Nice job! Keep up the good work!