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Chapter Fifteen
Sexually Transmitted
Copyright, Corey E. Miller, 2002
The STD Epidemic
STDs are the most common
reportable infectious disease in U.S.
Five Most common
Hepatitis B
U.S. Rates exceed every other
industrialized nation
Causes (Eng & Butler, 1997)
Less Pragmatic
School Education
Access to Health Care
Disparities among groups
Women contract STDs more easily
Most new cases occur in people 15-24
2/3 15 –24
¼ under 20
Higher rates among African American
and Hispanic groups
People who are sexually active at early
High Risk
Know partner less than 1 month
Nonexclusive partners
20% of women thought they had partners
that were exclusive but weren’t
87% of Men who have sex with men also
have female partners
2x as likely to have HIV
29% married
Behavioral Factors
Contributing to Spread
Early initiation of sexual activity
Multiple sex partners
High-risk sex partners
High risk sexual behavior
Incorrect condom use
Substance abuse
Sexual coercion
Lack of understanding
Other Factors Contributing
to Spread
Social factors
Poverty and marginalization
Access to health care
Secrecy and moral conflict about sexuality
Biological factors
A symptomatic nature of STDs
Resistance to treatment
Lack of cure
Biological Sexism
Women more likely than Men to acquire
Vagina = ideal environment for organisms
Long Term Effects
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Ectopic Pregnancy
Cervical Cancer
Harm to Fetus
Principal STDs
Urinary tract
Genital warts
Genital herpes
Characteristics of Bacteria and Virus
Many asymptomatic
Vaginal discharge
Burning during urination
Can cause infertility
Pain during urination
Can lead to PID (and infertility)
Urinary Tract Infection
Burning and discharge
Often Chlamydia
Can cause death
Genital Warts & Herpes
Same Virus as Cold Sores
No Cure
 Viral Disease of the Liver
 Types A, B, C
A through contaminated food or oral-anal sex
Usually curable w/in 6 weeks – usually no
ling term effects
B is the most dangerous
Long Term Liver damage or Cancer
Very infectious (100 x more than HIV)
Through bodily fluids
Intravenous drugs
Vaccine exists
C is typically passed through handling blood
Vaginal Infections
Also referred to as vaginitis
Bacterial vaginosis
Other STDs
Enteric infections
Granuloma inguinale
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Molluscum contagiosum
Scabies - mite Sarcoptes scabiei
Pubic lice - Phthirus pubis;
commonly known as crabs
Avoiding STDS
Practice abstinence
Practice sexual exclusivity
Reduce risk during sexual activity
Select partners carefully
Avoid multiple partners
Avoid injecting drugs
Get vaccinated
Protect babies
Be a good communicator
Treating STDs
Recognize STD symptoms
Seek treatment
Get partners to treatment