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Data Structures
(… and their analysis)
Computational Complexiy
int naive_multiply(int x, int y)
if (y == 0) return 0;
if (y == 1) return x;
if ((y % 2) == 0)
return naive_multiply(x,y/2) + naive_multiply(x,y/2);
return x + naive_multiply(x,y/2) + naive_multiply(x,y/2);
Computational Complexity
Number of subproblems: 2  a=2
Size of subproblem = ½  b=2
Amount of work: constant
(at most 8 => 3 ==, 1 %, 2 /, 2 +)  k = 0
a vs b^k  2 vs 2 ^ 0  2 vs 1  a > b^k
O(n^(log b a)=n^(log 2 2) = n^1)  O(n)
Computational Complexiy
int multiply(int x, int y)
if (y == 0) return 0;
if (y == 1) return x;
int value = multiply(x,y/2);
if ((y % 2) == 0) return value + value;
return x + value + value;
Computational Complexity
Number of subproblems: 1  a=1
Size of subproblem = ½ b=2
Amount of work: constant
(at most 8 => 3 ==, 1 %, 2 /, 2 +)  k = 0
a vs b^k  1vs 2 ^ 0  1 vs 1  a == b^k
O(n^k lg n = n^0 lg n = lg n)  O(lg n)
Typical approach to writing functions: Work on
one type of data
void sort(int *a, int size)
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
int j = index;
for (int k = index + 1; k < size; k++) // for each position in array
if (a[k] < a[j]) {j = k;} // find the smallest
int temp = a[index]; a[index] = a[j]; a[j] = temp;
// switch into appropriate place (first, second, third…)
What if want to sort:
Rectangle objects?
Rewrite the function with different parameters.
Same algorithm, different data.
Not efficient for the programmer/code size (readability).
Template functions:
Allow arbitrary types to be used in the function
Add template <class Type> before the function
 Replace all uses of a type in that function with Type
Templates: Example
template <class Type>
void sort(Type *a, int size)
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
int j = index;
for (int k = index + 1; k < size; k++) // for each position in array
if (a[k] < a[j]) {j = k;} // find the smallest
Type temp = a[index]; a[index] = a[j]; a[j] = temp;
// switch into appropriate place (first, second, third…)
Templates: Overloading Operators
Need to ensure that user-defined types
implement appropriate operations for templated
Uses < (less than), = (assignment)
 Need to be defined as appropriate for context
< for Rectangles might be dependent on area
Need to be defined as appropriate for data structure
Deep copy in assignment, copy constructor if necessary
Templates Syntax
Template Syntax:
Can have multiple types in template <> statement
template <class SType, class UType>
void doSomething(SType SData, UType uData) {};
Can use type name in return type, parameters, and as the type
of local variables within the function
template <class Type>
Type myFunction(Type input)
Type copy = input;
return copy;
Templated Functions
No change in calling templated functions – Compiler handles
template creation for you
void main()
double* myDoubleArray = new double[3];
int* myIntArray = new int[3];
// initialize with some random data
Will generate two chunks of code – one that does a double*
insertionSort and one that does an int* insertionSort
Templated Functions
Think of templated functions as a function
As shown on previous slide, compiler will generate a
function for each type needed in your program
 If never called, never even compiled into final
machine code.
Templates: Another Example
Binary Search (currently implements integer search)
int BinarySearch(int *list, const int input, const int left, const int
if (left < right)
int middle =(left + right) / 2;
int value = list[middle];
if (input == value) return middle;
else if (input < value) return BinarySearch(list, input, left,
else return BinarySearch(list,input,middle+1,right);
return – 1;
Templates: Another Example
Binary Search (templated)
template <class Type>
int BinarySearch(Type *list, const Type input, const int left, const int
if (left < right)
int middle =(left + right) / 2;
Type value = list[middle];
if (input == value) return middle;
else if (input < value) return BinarySearch(list, input, left, middle1);
else return BinarySearch(list,input,middle+1,right);
return – 1;
Templates in Classes
Container class:
A class that represents a datastructure for storing
and retrieving objects
 Classical example: Array
 Others: Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues
Templates allow for one container class to hold
arbitrary object types (though limited to one type per
Programmer develops methods for storing/retrieving
 Doesn’t need to be concerned with how its later used.
Container Classes: Abstract View
Rectangle 4
int2 int3
Container Functionality
Four essential functions:
Allocate space
Add => Add new data to the container
 Set => Update value of item in container
Delete => Remove data from the container
 Get => Read data of item in container
Free up used space
Container Functionality
What differentiates containers?
Specific rules for how create, store, retrieve, and
destroy are implemented
Is there a specific ordering?
 What does this look like in memory?
 Multiple things at a time, or single items?
Computational Efficiency – in storage, retrieval
Bag Container Class
Simplest type of container:
Allows multiple occurrences of same element
 No requirements on how elements are inserted,
stored, or removed from the array.
 Delete removes an arbitrary element – can’t specify
what to remove
Implementation up to programmer:
C++ array – Insert at next available spot, Deletion in
Bag Class Definition
// Bag that can hold only integers.
class Bag:
Bag(int MaxSize = DefaultSize) // constructor
// destructor, delete array
void Add(int x);
// add an element to the bag
int* Delete(int& x);
// delete an arbitrary element, store in x
Boolean IsFull();
// return true if MaxSize elements
Boolean IsEmpty();
// return true if zero elements
void Full();
// error handling function
void Empty();
// error handling function
int *array;
// storage of data
int MaxSize;
// largest possible size
int top;
// highest position in array (where to store)
Bag Class Definition
Add template <class Type> to class definition, change real types to Type where
template <class Type>
class Bag:
Bag(int MaxSize = DefaultSize)
// constructor
// destructor, delete array
void Add(const Type& x);
// add an element to the bag
Type* Delete(Type &x);
// delete an arbitrary element, store in x
Boolean IsFull();
// return true if MaxSize elements
Boolean IsEmpty();
// return true if zero elements
void Full();
// error handling function
void Empty();
// error handling function
Type *array;
// storage of data
int MaxSize;
// largest possible size
int top;
// highest position in array (where to store)
Update pass by value parameters to pass
by reference because now can be
arbitrarily large objects.
Templated Bag Class
In Bag implementation,
Add template <class Type> in front of each function
Add <Type> to scope indicator
Replace real types with Type as needed
template <class Type>
void Bag<Type>::Add(const Type& x) {
if (IsFull()) Full();
else {
top = top + 1;
array[top] = x;
Template Syntax
Creating objects of a templated class:
Add <type> to class name in variable declaration
Old way:
// hardcoded to work with one specific type
Bag myBagObject;
Templated version:
// templated class
Bag<int> myIntBagObject;
Bag<double> myDoubleBagObject;
Bag<GroceryItem> myGroceryBagObject;
Templates: Caveat
All templated information must be in the same
file for the compiler.
Forces class definitions and implementations into
one source file – the header file
 Bag.h example
Compiler generates only those functions that are
really called.
bagTester.cpp/bagTesterNoDelete.cpp example
Examples + Review
Another Container: Set
What are its properties?
How to define in terms of the 4 components of
Allocate some sized array / linked list
Add => Verify item is not already in the set; If not, place in arbitrary
position in the list (order doesn’t matter)
Delete, Get => Search the list for the item and remove it
Maybe we should consider order, as binary search would speed up
Free up used space – delete [] array, call LinkedList destructor
Ordered List Representations
So far, Bags and Sets and most of our other
programs, have relied on arrays as the container
Built in datastructure in C++
 Conceptually easy to understand
 Fairly trivial management operations (new, delete,
Ordered List Representations
Properties of arrays that affect use as containers:
Sequential locations of data
Sizing problems
Problems of rearranging data (adds, deletes in middle)
Requirement to compute how much space to allocate
Wasted memory
Size bounds
Clumsy resizing
Since the rest of this class is essentially data structures,
are arrays our best choice for “low-level containers”?
“low-level container” – a base storage mechanism that
other containers use for their actual storage of data