* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Data Structures in C++ CSC307 What The Course Is About A data structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently. Data structures are concerned with the representation and manipulation of data. Data: Streets in a city. Manipulation: Do something with the data. Add a new street. Close a street. Make a street one way. Find route from your home to nearest gas station. Data representation: simple variables…int, float array variables… int [], float [] Others to be studied in this course. Data Structures in 307 Linear List Arrays Stacks. Queues. Dictionary. Binary trees. Priority queues. Search trees. Graphs. Stack Queue Dictionary Example Tree President root children of root VP1 VP2 Manager1 Manager2 Manager VP3 Manager grand children of root Worker Bee great grand child of root Example Prerequisites C++ (CSC101, 102) with a grade of C or better. Math Web Site For The Course 10:45-11:45 Textbook Organization of Text Three parts – Part I … Chapters 1-4, Background – Part 2 … Chapters 5-16, Data Structures – Part 3 … Sorting Algorithms Each chapter … concepts + applications Grades 5% for participation 15% for in class tests 30% for assignments (3 assignments) 30% for midterm 20% for final exam Homework submission Make sure your code can be compiled on Orca! Submit your codes to class gmail: – [email protected] Submit your paper tests in class before you leave Tests Test 1: (take home)80+/100 will be considered to stay in 307, other may retake 101 Test 2: (take home), 70+/100 will be consider to stay, others may retake 102 Exams Exams are close book, close notes 3 term exams 30% Final 20% Grades (Rough Cutoffs) 90 to 100 80 to 89 70 to 79 60 to 69 0 to 59 A – Excellent work B – Good work C – Average work D – Inferior work F – Fail Goal Learning efficient data structures and algorithms Design and write large programs Understanding and designing data abstraction and interfaces Learn C++