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The Respiratory
and Circulatory System
What is Respiration?
• The process in which the
body brings in Oxygen
and gets rid of Carbon
Respiratory System
• Includes:
– The Pharynx
– The Larynx
– The Trachea
– The Bronchi
– The Lungs
– The Diaphragm
• Pharynx- A tube-like passage
used by food, liquid and air.
• Larynx- Airway to which the vocal
cords are attached.
• Trachea- Tube that
connects the
Larynx to the
• Bronchi- Two short
tubes that branch
into the left and
right lungs.
• Organs that take in
Oxygen and release
Carbon Dioxide.
• Contain Alveoli- Tiny
grapelike clusters where
Oxygen and Carbon
Dioxide changes place.
• Diaphragm- Muscles beneath the
lungs that contracts and relaxes every
time you breath.
– This helps to pump the lungs allowing
Oxygen to enter and Carbon Dioxide to
Respiratory Disease
• Lung Cancer- Smoking is the leading
cause of Lung Cancer.
• Bronchitis- Inflammation of the Bronchial
– Causes shortness of breath, wheezing
and coughing to bring up mucus.
• Emphysema- Damage to the Alveoli that
results in breathing problems and
Respiratory Disease
• Asthma- Inflammation of the
Respiratory System resulting
in wheezing and shortness of
–Triggers- Allergens such as pollen,
dust and cigarette smoke.
What is Circulation?
• The process by which
nutrients and oxygen are taken
to cells, and carbon dioxide
and waste are taken from
Cardiovascular System
• Includes:
–The Heart
–Blood Vessels
The Heart
• The Heart pumps blood throughout the
• Atriums- The upper chambers of the heart.
• Ventricles- The lower chambers of the
Types of Circulation
• Coronary Circulation- Supplies
the heart with blood.
• Pulmonary Circulation- Supplies
the lungs with blood.
• Systemic Circulation- Supplies
the body with blood.
• Arteries- Carries blood away from the
• Veins- Carries blood towards the
• Capillaries- Where arteries and veins
–Capillaries are very thin so O2 and
CO2 can diffuse into and out of the
What Makes up Blood?
• Plasma- The liquid part of Blood- Mostly
• Platelets- Cell fragments that helps blood
• Red Blood Cells- Transport O2 and CO2
throughout the body.
– Contains Hemoglobin- Molecule that carries
O2 and CO2.
• White Blood Cells- Used to fight off
Function of Blood
• Transports O2 and CO2
throughout the body.
• Carries waste to the Kidneys.
• Carries food nutrients to our cells.
• Fight infections and heal wounds.
Blood Types
Cardiovascular Diseases
• Hemophilia- Disease that prevents
people’s blood from clotting.
• Anemia- Disease where not enough
oxygen gets to the body cells.
• Leukemia- Disease where the body makes
too many white blood cells.
• Arteriosclerosis- When fat deposits build
up inside arteries.
• Hypertension- When blood pressure is too
high, making the heart work over-time.
Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
• Good diet, reduced stress,
exercising and not smoking
can reduce the chance of
Cardiovascular Disease.
Working Together
• The Circulatory and
Respiratory System work
together to give Oxygen to
all our body cells, and to get
rid of Carbon Dioxide.
Lymphatic System
• Carries Lymph throughout the Lymph
System and helps to fight off
• Lymph- Fluid from our tissue that has
drained into the Lymphatic System.
• Lymphocytes- Are White Blood Cells
that help to fight off infections.
• Lymph Nodes- Filter bacteria making
it easier to fight them with White
Blood Cells.