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Algebra: Equations and Inequalities
6.1 Algebraic Expressions and Formulas
Order of Operations
1. First, perform all operations within grouping
2. Next, evaluate all exponential expressions.
3. Next, do all multiplications and divisions in the
order in which they occur, working from left to
4. Finally, do all additions and subtractions in the
order in which they ocuur, working from left to
“Algebraic Expressions”
An “algebraic expression” uses addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, powers, roots, etc. to combine numbers
and letters that represent numbers. Letters that stand for numbers
are called “variables.” In an algebraic expression the ordinary
rules of arithmetic, including the order of operations, apply.
When a number is multiplied times a variable they are written next to
each other. For example 2x means “two” times “x.”
Exercise Set 6.1 #7
Evaluate x2 – 6; for x = -2
Vocabulary of Alegraic
• Terms – parts separated by addition or
• Coefficient – the numeric multiplier of a
• Constant term – term which does not
contain a variable.
• Like terms – terms which share a common
Properties of Real Numbers
Commutative Property of addition: a+b=b+a
Commutative Property of Multiplication: ab=ba
Associative Property of addition: (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
Associative Property of multiplication: (ab)c=a(bc)
Distributive Property
a(b + c) = ab + ac
a(b - c) = ab - ac
“Simplifying”Algebraic Expressions
Simplied expression – parenthesis have been
removed and like terms have been combined.
The rules of arithmetic can be used to “simplify”
an algebraic expression.
Exercise Set 6.1 #45, 49, 53
3(x + 5) = ?
5(3x + 4) -4 = ?
7(3y – 5) + 2(4y + 3) = ?
Algebra: Equations and Inequalities
6.1 Algebraic Expressions and Formulas