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Graphs and
Finding your way in the wilderness
Chapter 14 in DS&PS
Chapter 9 in DS&AA
General Problems
• What is the shortest path from A to B?
• What is the shortest path from A to all nodes?
• What is the shortest/cheapest path between any two
• Search for Goal node, i.e. a node with specific properties,
like a win in chess.
• What is shortest tour? (visit all vertices)
– no known polynomial algorithm in number of edges
• What is longest path from A to B
Some Applications
• Route Finding
– metacrawler, on net, claims to find shortest path
between two points
• Game-Playing
– great increase in chess/checkers end-game play
occurred when recognized as graph search, not tree
• Critical Path Analysis
– multiperson/task job schedule analysis
– answers what are the key tasks that can’t slip
• Travel arrangement
– cheapest cost to meet constraints
• Graph: set of edges E and vertices V.
• Edge is a pair of vertices (v,w)
– edge may be directed or undirected
– edge may have a cost
– v and w are said to be adjacent
• Digraph or directed graph: directed edges
• Path: sequence of vertices v1,…vn where each <vi,vi+1>
is an edge.
• Cycle: path where v1=vn
• Tour: cycle that contains every vertex
• DAG: directed acyclic graph
– graph with no cycles
– Tree algorithms usually work with DAGs just fine
Adjacency Matrix Representation
• Matrix A = new Boolean(|V|,|V|).
– O(|V|^2) memory costs: acceptable only if dense
• If <vi,vj> is an edge, set A[i][j] = true, else false
• Special matrix multiple operator:
– row[i] @ col[j] = row[i][1]&col[1][j] or
• In A@A, if entry [i][j] is true, what does that mean?
– There is some k so that vi->vk and vk->vj or a length 2
path from vi to vk.
• Similarly, A^k indicates where any two vertices are
connected by a length k path.
• Cost: O(k*n^3).
Matrix Review
• If A has n rows and k columns and
• B has k rows and m columns then A*B = C
• Where C has n rows and m columns and (standard)
– C[i][j] = A[i][1]*B[1][j]+….+A[i][k]*B[k][j]
• or i-j entry of C is dot product of row i of A and column J
of B. Total time cost is O(n*k*m).
• Example: matrix of size 3-3 represents a linear
transformation from R^3 into R^3.
• Points in R^3 represented as a 3 by 1 vector (column)
• Essentially matrices stretch/shrink or rotate points.
– Determinant defines amount of stretch/shrink.
• Theorem: Locally every differentiable function can be
approximated by a matrix (linear transformation).
Cost Matrix Representation
• Now A[i][j] = cost of edge from vi to vj.
– If no edge, either set cost to Infinity or add Boolean
attribute to indicate no edge.
• New multiplication operation
– row[i]@col[j] = min { row[i][1]+col[1][j],
row[i][n] +col[n][j] }
• Now A^2 contains minimum cost path of length 2
between any 2 vertices.
• A^n has complexity O(n^4). Not good.
• If add A[i][i]= 0, then A^k records minimum cost path
of length = k. (how to change to allow all paths <= k)
Adjacency List Representation
• Here each vertex is the head of linked list which stores all
the adjacent vertices. The cost to a node, if appropriate is
also stored.
• The linked lists are usually stored in an array, since you
probably know how many vertices there are.
• Memory cost = O(|E|) so if |E| << |V|^2, use list
• Graph is sparse if |E| is O(|V|).
• To simplify the discussion, we will assume that each
vertices has a method *sons* which returns all adjacent
• Now, will redo same problems with list representation.
General Graph Search Algorithm
Looking for a node with a property
Set Store equal to the some node
while ( Store is non-empty) do
choose a node n in Store
if n is solution, stop
• Decisions:
else add SOME sons of n to store
– What should store be?
– How do we choose a node?
– what does add mean?
– How do pick which sons to store.
• Cycles are a problem
Problem: Is Graph connected? (matrix rep)
Note: n by n boolean matrix where n is number of vertices.
Set A[i][i] to true
Set A[i][j] to true if there is an edge between i and j.
Let B= A^2, using boolean arithmetic
Note B[i][j] is true iff there is a k such that B[i][k] is true
and B[k][j] is true, i.e if there is a 2-path from i to j.
A^k represents whether a k-path exists between any
Let C = boolean sum of A^i where i= 1…n-1. (why?)
Graph connected if C is all ones.
Time complexity: O(N^4)!
How about directed graphs? Basically the same algorithm.
For directed graphs, strongly connected means directed
path between any two vertices.
Is Undirected Graph G Connected?
(adjacency list representation)
• Suppose G is an undirected graph with N vertices.
Let S be any node
Do a (depth/breadth) first search of G, counting the
number of nodes. Be careful not to double count.
If number of nodes does not equal N, disconnected.
• Searching a Graph is like searching a tree, except that
nodes may be revisited.
• Need to keep track of revisits, else infinite loop.
Depth First Search Pseudo-Code
Store = Stack
Choose = pop
Initial node: any node
Add = push only new sons (unvisited ones)
– keep a boolean field visited, initialized to false.
– When a node is “popped”, mark it as visitied.
• Graph connected if all nodes visited.
• Properties
– Memory cost: number of nodes
– Guarantee to find a solution, if one exists (not shortest
solution) How could we guarantee that?
– Time: number of nodes (exponential for k-ary trees)
Breadth First Search
G is a undirected Graph
As before each node has a boolean visited field.
Initial node is arbitrary
Store = Queue
Choose = dequeue and mark as visited
Add = enqueue only those sons that have not been visited
– Time: Number of nodes to solution
– Space: Number of nodes
– Guaranteed to find shortest solution
Is Directed Graph Acyclic?
(array represntation)
• Let A[i][j] be true if there is a directed edge from i to j.
• Similar to previous case, if B= A^2 with boolean
multiplication, then B[i][j] is true iff there is a directed
2-path from i to j.
• Algorithm:
For i = 1 to n-1 (why?)
Compute A^i.
If some diagonal element is true, exit with true
end for
Exit with false.
Is Directed Graph Acyclic?
(adjacency list rep)
• With care, breadth first search works.
• Define the indegree of a node v as the number of edges of
the form (u,v), with u arbitrary.
• Define the outdegree of a node v as the number of edges
of the form (v, u) with u arbitrary.
• A node with indegree 0 is like the root of a tree.
• A node with outdegree 0 is a terminal node.
Breadth First Search Pseudo-code
• Algorithm Idea (has numerous variations/implementations)
• Store = Queue
Compute indegree of all nodes
Enqueue all nodes of indegree 0
While Queue is not empty
Dequeue node n and lower indegrees of nodes of
form (n,v)
Enqueue any node whose indegree is 0.
If any node still has positive indegree, then cyclic.
Why does algorithm terminate?
• Properties:
– Time & Space: Number of nodes
– find node closest to “roots”.
Best-First Search
Goal: find least cost solution
Here edges have a cost (positive)
Store = priority queue
Add = enqueue(), which puts in right order
Choose = dequeue(), chooses element of least cost
• Properties:
– Find cheapest solution
– Time and Memory: exponential in…
• depth of tree.
Best First Pseudo-Code
Set distance from S to S to 0
Priority Queue PQ <- S
while (PQ is not empty)
vertex <- PQ.deque()
sons <- vertex.sons()
for each son in sons
PQ.enqueue(son, cost to son)
Topological Sort
• Given: a directed acyclic graph
• Produce: a linear ordering of the vertices such that if a
path exist from v1 to v2, then v1 is before v2.
• If v1 is before v2, is there a path from v1 to v2?
• NO
• Note: there may be multiple correct topological sorts
• Algorithm Idea:
– any vertex with indegree 0 can be first
– Output and delete that vertex
– update indegree’s of its sons
– Repeat until empty
• So we need to compute and keep track of indegree’s
Algorithm Implementation
• HashTable of (vertex, indegree, sons)
• Queue of vertices
• Step 1: read each edge (v,w) and add 1 to indegree of w
– linear
• Step 2: Add all vertices with indegree 0 to queue Q.
• Step 3: Process Q by:
– dequeue vertex
– update indegrees of its sons (constant by hashing)
– enqueue any son whose indegree become 0.
• Time complexity: linear
• Space: linear
• Proof: Does everything get enqueued?
UnWeighted Single-Source
Shortest path algorihtm
• Input: Directed graph and start node S
• Output: the minimum cost, in terms of number of edges
traversed, from start node to all other nodes.
• Idea: do a level order search (breadth-first search)
• We’ll use a hashtable to mark elements as “seen”,
– i.e. we’ll track vertices that we’ve visited
– use hashtable to hold this information by “marking”
vertices that have been visited
• We’ll use a queue to store the vertices to be “opened”
– to open a node means to consider its sons
• Each vertex will have a field for distance to start node.
Shortest Path Algorithm
Set distance from S to S to 0
queue <- S
while (queue is not empty)
vertex <- queue.dequeue()
mark vertex as visited (enter in hashtable)
record cost to vertex
sons <- vertex.sons()
newSons <- sons that are unmarked
fill in distance measure to newSons
Essentially, breadth-first search
• Will this terminate?
– Will we ever revisit a node?
• Computational cost?
– O(|E|)
• What are the memory requirements?
– Suppose we don’t count graph (virtual graphs)
– Can we bound queue?
– Only O(|E|) and if m-ary tree, this is exponential.
• Did we need the hashtable?
– This avoids a linear search of the constructed graph
– remove a factor of O(|G|).
Positive-Weighted Single-source Cheapest Path
• Suppose we have positive costs associated with every edge
in a directed graph.
• Problem: Find the shortest path(total cost) from given
vertex S to every vertex.
• Solution: Dijstra’s algorithm
• BFS idea still works, with slight modifications
– Replace Queue by Priority queue.
– As before, replace newSons by betterSons.
– As before, replace add entry to update entry (which
may be add)
– Note: may reopen an old son( if return with better path)
• Dense graphs: O(|V|^2), sparse graphs: O(|E|log|V|)
Weighted Shortest Path Pseudo-Code
Set distance from S to S to 0 (on node)
Priority Queue PQ <- S
while (PQ is not empty)
vertex <- PQ.dequeue() … remove min
mark vertex as visited (enter in hashtable)
record cost to vertex
sons <- vertex.sons()
goodSons <- new sons OR old sons with better costs
queue.enqueue(goodSons)… enqueue puts in proper
Graphs with negative edge costs
• Dijsktra doesn’t work (since we may have cycles which
lower the cost)
• Input: Directed graph with arbitrary edge costs and vertex
• Output: Minimum cost from S to every vertex OR graph
has a negative cost cycle.
• Note: If no negative cost cycles, then a vertex can be
visited (expanded) at most |V| times.
• Algorithm: Add counter to each vertex so each time it is
visited with lower cost, counter goes up. If counter
exceeds |V|, then graph has negative cost cycle and we
exit. Otherwise queue will be empty.
Weighted Single-Source shortest-path problems
for Acyclic graphs
Easy since no cycles
Edge costs may be positive or negative
Best-first search works
Node may be reentrant
Reentrant node require may required updating cost.
Or apply topological sorting algorithm. (text)
Algorithm Display
• Idea:
– Iterative use of breadth first search
– addition of edges to effect other choices
• See Diagrams provided
• Analysis: (requires augmented path be cheapest)
– Runs in linear time
Minimum Spanning Tree
• Given: an undirected connected graph with edge costs
• Output: a subtree of graph such that
– contains all vertices
– sum of costs of edges is minimum
• If costs not given, assume 1. What then?
– Note all spanning trees have same number of edges
• Application:
– Is undirected Graph with n vertices connected?
• IFF minimal spanning tree has n-1 edges.
Prim’s Algorithm
Let G be given as (V,E) where V has n vertices
Let T = empty
Algorithm Idea: grow cheapest tree
Choose a random v to start and add to T
Repeat (until T has n vertices)
– select edge of minimum length that does not form a
cycle and that attaches to current tree (how to check?)
– add edge to T
• The proof is more difficult than the code.
• Complexity depends on G and code
• O(V^2) for dense graphs
• O(E*log(V)) for sparse graphs (use binary heap)
Kruskal’s Algorithm
• Given graph G = (V,E)
• Sort edges on the basis of cost.
• Add least cost edge to Forest, as long as no cycle is
• Cost of cycle checking is?
– If implement as adjacency list, O(E^2)
– If implement as hash table O(1)
• Proof more difficult.
• Time complexity: O(E log E)
Finding the least cost between pairs of points
Idea: Dynamic programming
Let c[i][j] be the edge cost between vi and vj.
Define C[i][j] as minimum cost for going from vi to vj.
Finding the subproblems
Suppose P is the path from vi to vj which realizes the
minimum cost and vk is an intermediary node.
Then the subpaths from i to k and from k to j must be
optimal, otherwise P would not be optimal.
Now define D[i][k][j] as the minimum cost for going
from vi to vj using any of v1,v2..,vk as an intermediary.
Define D[i][j] as the minimum cost for going from i to j.
D[i][j] = min over k of D[i][k][j] and c[i][j].
All-Pairs (Floyd’s)Pseudo-Code
• Initialization:
– D[i][0][j] =cost(i,j) for all vertices i, j … O(|V|^2)
– D[i][k+1][j] =
• min(D[i][k][j], D[i][k][k+1]+D[k+1][k][j])
– This last statement is true since any path from the
shortest path from vi to vj using {v1,…vk+1} either
doesn’t use vk+1, or the path divides into a path from
vi to vk+1 and one from vk+1 to vj.
• The cost of this is O(|V|^3) - i.e. single loop over all
vertices with |V|^2 per loop.
NP vs P
• Multiple ways to define
• Define new computational model (Imaginary)
– add to programming language
• choose S1, S2,….Sn; where Si are statements
– Semantics: algorithm always chooses best Si to
• This is the Non-Deterministic model
• If problem can be solve in polynomial time with nondeterministic it is in the class NP.
• If problem can be solved in polynomial time on standard
computer (deterministic) then in class P.
• Unsolved (and possibly unsolvable) does NP = P?
• A problem is in NP or NP-hard if it can be solved in
polynomial time on a non-deterministic machine.
• A problem p* is NP complete if any problem in NP can be
polynomial reduced to p*.
• A problem P1 can be polynomial reduced to P2 if P1 can
be solved in polynomially time assuming that P2 can be
solved in polynomially time.
• Alternatively, if P1 can be transformed into P2 and
solutions of P2 mapped back to P1 and all the
transformations take polynomial time.
• This is a way of forming a taxonomy of difficulty of
various problems
NP-Complete problems
• Boolean Satisfiability
• Traveling Salesmen
• Bin Packing: given packages of size a[1]…a[n] and bins
of size k, what is the fewest numbers of bins needed to
store all the packages.
• Scheduling: Given tasks whose time take t[1]…t[n] and k
processors, what is minimum completion time?
• Graph: Given a graph find the clique of maximum size.
– A clique is a completely connected subgraph.
• Subset-sum: Given a finite set S of n numbers and a target
number t, does some subset of S sum to t.
• Vertex Cover: A vertex cover is a subset of vertices which
hits every edge. The problem is to find a cover with the
fewest number of vertices.