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Math 2/Unit 2/Lesson 2/ TOOLKIT: Matrix Methods (Investigation 1)
In this investigation, you learned how to multiply a row matrix by another matrix and how to interpret
the product.
[1 x 4] x [4 x 2] = [1 x 2]
[3 6 -5 9] 
8 
= [90 171]
- 9
To multiply matrices the
number of columns in the
first matrix must be the
same as the number of rows
in the second matrix
3(3) + 6(7) + (-5)(3) + 9(6) = 90
3(5) + 6(8) + (-5)(-9) + 9(7) = 171
The result is the number of
rows of the first matrix and
the number of columns in
the second matrix
Math 2/Unit 2/Lesson 2/ TOOLKIT: Matrix Methods (Investigation 2)
Matrix multiplication can be useful but only in certain situations.
[2 x 3] x [3 x 2] = [2 x 2]
1 2 
1 2 3 
 22 28
4 5 6  3 4   49 64
 5 6  
1(1) + 2(3) + 3(5) = 22
1(2) + 2(4) + 3(6) = 28
4(1) + 5(3) + 6(5) = 22
4(2) + 5(4) + 6(6) = 28
Math 2/Unit 2/Lesson 2/ TOOLKIT: Matrix Methods (Investigation 3)
In this investigation, you explored how powers of an adjacency matrix for a digraph and sums of the powers
could be used to analyze the digraph and the situation it models.
Squaring a Matrix
Multiplying a matrix by
1 2
1 2 1 2 7 10 
3 4   3 4  3 4   12 22
 
1(1) + 2(3) = 7
1(2) + 2(4) = 10
3(1) + 4(3) = 15
3(2) + 4(4) = 22
Math 2/Unit 2/Lesson 3/ TOOLKIT: Matrix Methods (Investigation 1)
In this investigation, you examined properties of matrices and their operations and compared them with
corresponding properties of real numbers.
When you add or subtract matrices, the sizes must be exactly the same.
[2 x 2] + [2 x 2] = [2 x 2]
1 2 5 6 6 8 
3 4   7 8   10 12
 
 
Adding Matrices is
1 2 5 6 5 6 1 2
3 4   7 8   7 8   3 4 
 
 
 
Additive Identity or Zero
Matrix is a matrix with all
1 2 0
3 4   0
 
Additive Inverse Matrix is
the matrix that adds to the
original matrix to create a
zero matrix
1 2  1 - 2 0
3 4   - 3 - 4   0
 
 
Multiplicative Identity is the
1 0
matrix. 
0 1 
This matrix has all ones on
the main diagonal and zeros
everywhere else. It also
must be a square matrix and
it is commutative.
0 1 2
0 3 4 
1 2 1 0 1 2
3 4  0 1  3 4 
 
1 0 1 2 1 2
0 1 3 4   3 4 
 
Inverse Matrix of A, where
d - b 
A= 
 is
- c a 
1 d - b 
A 1 
ad  bc - c a 
5 3 
If A= 
 , then
 4 4
4 - 3 
A 1 
5(4)  3(4) - 4 5
1 4 - 3 
A 1 
20  16 - 4 5
1 4 - 3 
4 - 4 5
 -3 
1 4 
A 
- 1 5 
4 
A 1 
To find A-1 with your calculator
use the x-1 button
If you multiply [A] [A-1] you
should get the identity matrix
1 0
0 1 
 -3 
1 4 
5 3 
If A= 
 then
 and A  
 4 4
- 1 5 
4 
 -3 
 
4  = 1 0
 
 4 4 
  - 1 5  0 1 
4 