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Download Solving systems of 3x3 linear equations using a TI
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Solving systems of 3x3 linear equations using a TI-84 plus and matrices. Solve the system: x − 2 y + 3z = 0 3x − y + z = −7 5 y + 4z = 2 Step 1: create a matrix using a coefficient matrix Press the Matrix button (2nd MATH) and arrow right to EDIT Step 2: Enter the coefficient matrix by naming the matrix size. Step 4: Edit the spaces using a 0 for the third x (since there was no x listed) Step 5: Go back and create a new matrix B Step 6: This matrix should be 3x1 and have the solution numbers. Step 7: To use matrix A and B in an equation, go back to the matrix menu and select Matrix A Step 8: Once you select matrix A into the main screen, take its inverse using ()1. Then multiply by matrix B. Step 9: Press enter and you should get the solution to the matrix in x,y,z order.