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1.2 Properties of
Real Numbers
Here we will classify real numbers
Use the properties to evaluate
Real Numbers
Rational numbers 4 , 0.08, 1/5, 7/11
Numbers that can written as a fractions
Irrational Numbers
 Numbers
 , e, 2 , 5
that cannot be written as a fraction
Together the numbers make up the real number line.
Rational Numbers
Can be broke into class
 Integers
No fractions
 Whole Numbers
Just Positive numbers and zero
 Natural Numbers
Positive number
So the number 5 is an Natural number, a
whole number, an integer, a rational 25
number and a Real number same as
The number – 176 would be an integer, a
rational number and a Real Number
The number
would be a rational
0.46 number and
a Real Number as would
Properties of Real Numbers
Commutative property of Addition
Commutative property of Multiplication
68  8 6
Why state property of Addition, does not
subtract work the same why?
Associative Property
Associative property of Addition
(3 + 2) + 8 = 3 + (2 + 8)
Associative property of Multiplication
3  4  5  34  5
Identity element
What is a number that you can add to any
number and not change it.
What is a number that you can multiply to
any number and not change it?
Additive and Multiplicative Inverse
The inverse is the number that brings you
back to the Identity element.
In addition it is the opposite of the number
5 + (-5) = 0
In Multiplication is the reciprocal of the number
8 1
Distributive Property
Here is where you multiply across addition
or subtract.
34  6  3  4  3  6
Of course we would use Order of
Operation to add 4 + 6 first.
7( x  2)  7 x  14
 But what about this one
Distributive does what its name
When you distributive paper, everyone in
the row would get a paper.
It would multiply every term (little algebra
expression) in the parentheses.
Simplify an Expression
With using the properties you have
something I call Adding Like Terms
 Adding Like Terms is where you add the
coefficients of the terms with the same
degree and variable.
5x  7 x  12x
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