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By: Sachin Sinha
Mixed Numbers- a fraction and a whole number
Fraction- part of a number
Numerator- top number in a fraction
Denominator- bottom number in a fraction
Percent- of 100
Decimal- a number based on ten
Improper Fraction- a fraction where the
numerator is greater than the denominator
Mixed Numbers and Simplifying
Mixed Numbers are composed of a whole number
and a fraction. 4½ is a mixed number while 6/4
is an improper fraction. 6/4 is equivalent to 1½.
The way to simplify a mixed number is to first
divide the denominator into the numerator. (6÷4
is 1.5) Then keep the whole number and put the
numbers after the decimal over the number
according to the decimal. (.5 is in the tenths
place so put five over ten[5/10] and simplify to
½.)The most important rule with fractions and
whole numbers is to simplify!
First line the problem up vertically.
2. Then add the whole numbers.
3. If the denominators are different multiply them
to get the same denominators. Make sure you
also multiply the numerator by the same
number you multiplied to the denominator.
4. Add and simplify.
2 4/7 = 2 16/28
+3 ¼ = 3 7/28
5 23/28
Line up the problem just like adding.
Then find a common denominator like you do in
addition. If you so have a problem where the top
fraction is less than the bottom fraction, then all
you do is use the process borrowing in the
bottom number. To borrow all you do is take one
away from the whole number and add the
denominator to the numerator to get the top
9 3/8= 8 11/8
- 6 5/8= 6 5/8
3. Subtract.
2 6/8= 2 3/4
Multiplying is pretty easy.
1. Line the problem up horizontally.
2. Cross Cancel if you can.
3. Then multiply for your answer.
4. Finally simplify.
4/5 x 7/8= 1/5 x 7/2= 7/10
Dividing is just like multiplying.
1. Write the problem vertically. 4 3/5 ÷ 1 2/5
2. Multiply the whole number by the denominator
and them add the numerator to the product for
the dividend and divisor. 23/5 ÷ 7/5
3. Keep, change, and flip. Change the division
sign to multiplication and flip the divisor.
23/5 x 5/7
4. Finally multiply. 23/7
5. Simplify for the last step for every problem.
3 2/7
Fractions to Percents
First step in doing this process is to write
the fraction, mixed number or whole
number. 7 ¾
Then convert the mixed number into a
decimal. 7.75
Then move the decimal over two places to
the right. 775%
Fractions to Decimals
First keep the whole number to the left
of the decimal.
Divide the numerator into the
denominator for the number to the right
of the decimal.
4 ¾ 4÷3=.75
24 ¼ 4÷1=.25 24.25
Percents to Decimals
1. First make it easy for you. Eliminate the
percentage sign (%).
2. Then simply move the decimal over two places
to the left. You may sometimes have to include
a zero.
77%= .77
64%= .64 2%= .02 724%= 7.24
Thank you
I hope you learned
something from
my presentation!