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Electricity Jeopardy
Circuits 1 Circuits 2
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Circuits 1
Draw a series circuit with
two 5-ohm resistors, a
switch and a 9 volt battery
$100 Answer Circuits 1
5 Ohms
5 Ohms
$200 Circuits 1
Ammeters always must be connected in __________.
$200 Answer Circuits 1
$300 Circuits 1
Draw a circuit diagram with a parallel circuit, that has a 9 volt
battery, and two 15 ohm resistors. Also, draw how a voltmeter
would be connected to measure the voltage drop across just
one branch.
$300 Answer Circuits 1
15 ohms
15 ohms
$400 Circuits 1
30 Ohms
120 V
20 Ohms
What is the total current in this circuit?
$400 Answer Circuits 1
2.4 Amps
$500 Circuits 1
20 Ω
15 Ω
What is the equivalent resistance?
30 Ω
$500 Answer Circuits 1
R = 6.67Ω
$100 Question Circuits 2
Draw a parallel circuit with a 9 volt battery, a 5 ohm resistor,
and a 10 ohm resistor that has its own switch.
$100 Answer Circuits 2
10 ohms
5 ohms
$200 Question Circuits 2
Is fuse in your house connected in series or in
$200 Answer Circuits 2
In series
$300 Question Circuits 2
As you add bulbs in series, what
happens to the bulbs? Why?
$300 Answer Circuits 2
They get dimmer because the current decreases
as resistance increases
$400 Question Circuits 2
1.5 V
What is the total current running through this
$400 Answer Circuits 2
I = 0.675 A
$500 Question Circuits 2
10 Ω
10 Ω
What is the equivalent resistance in
this circuit?
$500 Answer Circuits 2
R = 10 Ω
$100 Question Electric Current
What 2 things must there be for
there be a flow of charge from one
place to another?
$100 Answer Electric Current
A path of conducting material
A voltage
$200 Question Electric Current
For most conductors, as
their temperature
increases, their
$200 Answer Electric Current
$300 Question Electric Current
You flip on a switch for a lamp plugged
into the wall. A moment after you flip the
switch, the electrons that are moving to
light your bulb most likely came from
$300 Answer Electric Current
The wire that makes up the circuit
$400 Question Electric Current
How much current is running through a
circuit when 150 Coulombs of charge move
in 3 seconds?
$400 Answer Electric Current
50 Amps
$500 Question Electric Current
How much time does it take
for a current of 4 amps to
carry 3 x 10-10 C of charge
through a wire?
$500 Answer Electric Current
t = 7.5 x 10-11seconds
$100 Question Ohm
What is the voltage of a
circuit that has a
resistance of 15 ohms and
a current of 4 amps?
$100 Answer Ohm
v = 60 volts
$200 Question Ohm
What is the resistance of a wire if a
9 volt batter produces a current of
.5 amps?
$200 Answer Ohm
R = 18 ohms
$300 Question Ohm
What is the current in a wire that
has a resistance of 20 ohms and
whose battery has a potential
difference of 120 volts?
$300 Answer Ohm
I = 6 amps
$400 Question Ohm
How much voltage are you using if your 60 Watt light bulb has
current of 0.5 A passing through it?
$400 Answer Ohm
V = 120 V
$500 Question Ohm
How long does it take
4 C of charge to pass
through a resistor with
30 ohms if you hook a
9 volt battery up to it?
$500 Answer Ohm
t = 13.3 seconds
$100 Question Extra
Why is a squirrel able to stand on a power line with out
$100 Answer Extra
No difference in potential between
Its feet
$200 Question Extra
What is the power of a light bulb if it is attached to a 9 volt
battery and the current in the circuit is 2 amps?
$200 Answer Extra
P = 18 watts
$300 Question Extra
Name the 3 ideal conditions for a wire in a circuit.
$300 Answer Extra
Short, Thick, and Cool
$400 Question Extra
What is the current in a 60 W bulb connected to a 120 V
$400 Answer Extra
I = .5 amps
$500 Question Extra
What is the resistance of a 40 watt
bulb if you plug it into the socket of
the wall (120 volts)?
$500 Answer Extra
R = 360 ohms
Final Jeopardy
How much charge does a 40 watt bulb have pass
through it if you plug it into the socket of the wall
(120 volts) and allow it to stay on for 5 seconds?
Final Jeopardy Answer
q = 1.67 C