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Introduction to Electronics for High Energy Physics CERN Summer school 2003 C. de LA TAILLE LAL Orsay 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille [email protected] Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 1 Outline Course 1 : The art of electronics : is there something beyond Ohm’s law ? Course 2 : Learning to decipher a schematic Course 3 : Electronics in high energy physics 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 2 Introduction Speak “electronician” in just 3 lessons… “Did you cascode your charge preamp to increase your open loop gain ?” “Did you find an FPGA with LVDS I/Os for your digital filter ?” A lot of vocabulary (and abreviations…) to get used to, but : Little prerequisite knowledge required : Ohm’s law : U = Z I Some basics of Fourier (or Laplace) transforms cannot hurt for signal theory Many more details are given in the transparencies -> don’t be scared ! 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 3 Electronics in experiments A lot of electronics in the experiments… Readout electronics : amplification, filtering… : Analog electronics (A,V,C) Processing & Trigger electronics : Digital electronics (bits) [see lecture of Cittolin] The performance of electronics often impacts on the detectors 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 4 Overview of readout electronics Most front-ends follow a similar architecture fC Detector V Preamp V Shaper Analog memory V bits ADC FIFO DSP… Very small signals (fC) -> need amplification Measurement of amplitude and/or time (ADCs, discris, TDCs) Several thousands to millions of channels 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 5 Readout electronics : requirements Low noise High speed Low power Large dynamic range High reliability Radiation hardness Low cost ! Low material (and even less) 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 6 The foundations of electronics Voltage generators or source Ideal source : constant voltage, independent of current (or load) In reality : non-zero source impedance RS V RS → 0 Current generators Ideal source : constant current, independent of voltage (or load) In reality : finite output source impedance RS RS → ∞ i Ohms’ law Z = R, 1/jωC, jωL Notice the sign convention i V Z 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 7 Frequency domain & time domain Frequency domain : V(ω,t) = A sin (ωt + φ) • Described by amplitude and phase (A, φ) Transfer function : H(ω) [or H(s)] vin(ω) vout(ω) h(t) vout(t) = The ratio of output signal to input signal in the frequency domain assuming linear electronics F -1 Vout(ω) = H(ω) Vin(ω) Time domain H(ω) Impulse response : h(t) = the output signal for an impulse (delta) input in the time domain The output signal for any input signal vin(t) is obtained by convolution * : Vout(t) = vin(t) * h(t) = ∫ vin(u) * h(t-u) du vin(t) Correspondance through Fourier transforms X(ω) = F { x(t) } = ∫ x(t) exp(jωt)dt a few useful Fourier transforms in appendix below 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 8 Appendix 1 : a few useful Fourier Transforms H(ω) = 1 <-> H(ω) = 1/jω H(ω) = 1/(1+jωT) H(ω) = 1/jω (1+jωT) H(ω) = 1/(1+jωT)n … 9-11 july 2003 h(t) = δ(t) (impulse) h(t) = S(t) = (step) h(t) = exp(-t/T) (low pass filter, exponential) h(t) = 1 - exp(-t/T) h(t) = 1/n! (t/T)n-1 exp(-t/T) C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 9 Using Ohm’s law Example of photodiode readout Used in high speed optical links Signal : ~ 10 µA when illuminated Modelisation : volts • Ideal current source Iin • pure capacitance Cd light Simple I to V converter : R ! R = 100 kΩ gives 1V output for 10 µA 10 Gb/s optical receiver (Orx) Speed ? Transfer function H(ω) = vout/iin H has the dimension of Ω and is often called « transimpedance » and even more often (improperly) « gain » Vout I in Cd 100K H(ω) = R/(1 + jω RCd) -1/jRCd is called a « pole » in the transfer function 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 10 Frequency response Bode plot Magnitude Magnitude (dB) = 20 log |H(jw)| -3dB bandwidth : f-3dB = 1/2πRC 100 dBΩ • R=105Ω, C=10pF => f-3dB=160 kHz • At f-3dB the signal is attenuated by 3dB = √2, the phase is -45° 80 dBΩ Above f-3dB , gain rolls-off at -20dB/decade (or -6dB/octave) Phase 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 11 Time response 10Gb/s eye diagram ps/div) Impulse(10 response Impulse response h(t) = F -1 { R/(1+jωRC) } = R/ τ exp(-t/τ) τ (tau) = RC = 1 µs : time constant Step response : rising exponential H(t) = F -1 { 1/jω R/(1+jωRC) } = R [ 1 - exp(-t/ τ) ] Rise time : t10-90% = 2.2 τ « eye diagramm » Speed : ~ 10 µs = 100 kb/s ! Still 5 orders ofmagnitude away from a 10 Gb/s link ! 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille pulse response tr 10-90% Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 12 Current preamplifiers in theory Improve with an opamp Vout = G(vin+- vin-) G >> 1 : « open loop gain » Vin+ = 0 ; iin- = 0 Transimpedance configuration Rf between input and output (« shunt-shunt feedeback ») -> « current preamp » (PAI) Transfer function : Current preamplifier architecture • Vout - vin = - Rf if • Vin = (iin - if)/ jω Cd = - vout/G vout/iin = - Rf /(1 + jω RfCd/G) Bandwidth improvement by G >>1 Example with LM741, (G0=2 105) => BW = 3.2 THz ! 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Looks great ! Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 13 Current preamp in practice With an old LM741 Oscillations : ω0 = 500 kHz 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 14 Current preamp in practice Trying a more modern opamp… (OP 620 GBW=300 MHz) More (but faster) oscillations 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 15 Stability in current preamps What happens ? Open loop frequency response of OP620 Opamp open loop gain varies with frequency G(ω) = G0/(1 + j ω/ω0) • G0 : low frequency gain • ω0 : dominant pole • 90° phase shift above ω0 90° Phase shift in opamp + 90° phase shift on detector capacitance = 180° => oscillations frequency response of 2nd order Also with the maths : H(jω) = -Rf / (1 + jω RfCd/G(ω)) - Rf / [1 + jω RfCd(1/G0 + jω/G0w0)] - Rf / (1 + jω RfCd/G0 - ω2 RfCd /G0w0) 2nd order system 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille = = Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 16 Current preamp seen from the input Input impedance of PAI Input impedance Zin Zin = vin/iin = Rf/(G+1) -> small Low input impedance = « virtual ground » Current sensitive input Inductive behaviour With G(jω) = G0/(1 + j ω/ω0) Zin = Rf/ G0 + j ω Rf/G0ω0 Virtual inductance : Leq = Rf/G0ω0 • Ex : LM741 (G0ω0=107) : Leq = 10 mH • Ex : OP620 (G0ω0=109) : L = 100 µH RLC circuit with capacitive detector Resonant frequency : fres = 1/2π √LeqCd Quality factor : Q = R / √Leq/Cd Q > 1/2 -> ringing • Ex : LM741 : Q=105 √10-2/10-11 = 3 • Ex : OP620 : Q=105 √10-4/10-11 = 31 ! 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Cd 10pF Rf 100kΩ Leq 100µH Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 Equivalent circuit on the input 17 Stabilisying the current preamp Damping the oscillations: Need a resistor such as Q=1/2 R = 0.5 √Cd/Leq -> 1.5k Resistor on the input : OK but noisy -> Virtual resistor : Capacitance in feedback : Cf Resistive input impedance Req = 1/ G0ω0 Cf • Virtual resistor (noiseless) Q = 1/Cf √(Cd/Rf G0ω0) Q=1/2 => Cf=2 √(Cd/Rf G0ω0) Example : • LM741 (G0ω0=107) : Cf=10pF • OP620 (G0ω0=109) : Cf=0.5pF Cf Speed : ~ 200 ns = 5 Mb/S Only 3 more orders of magnitude to gain for the 10 Gb/s link ! 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 18 Charge preamps (1) Capacitive feedback Transimpedance configuration Similar to current preamp : Rf -> Cf Vout(ω)/iin(ω) = - Zf = - 1/jω Cf Integrator : vout(t) = -1/Cf ∫ iin(t)dt vout(t) = - Q/Cf Charge preamplifier architecture Charge sensitive preamplifier (PAC) Output proportionnal to the incoming charge « Gain » : 1/Cf Cf = 1 pF -> 1 mV/fC Transforms a short pulse into a long one The front-end of 90% of particle physics detectors 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 19 Charge preamps (2) Input impedance Input impedance of a PAC Zin = 1/jω G0Cf + 1/ G0ω0 Cf Low resistive input impedance Rin = 1/ G0ω0 Cf G0ω0 is given by the preamp design Determines the risetime at the output :ReqCd Good stability (…!) • Low sensitivity to detector capacitance • Small crosstalk 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 20 Charge preamp example Monolithic circuit Input Output Cf 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 21 Charge preamps in practice D0 Lar calorimeter charge preamplifer Z0 Input Output preamp driver Zf FET 9-11 july 2003 2” C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 22 10 Gb/s transimpedance amplifier « Simple architecture » 9-11 july 2003 C. de La Taille Electronics CERN Summer School 2003 23