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Answer Me!!!
What is required for electricity to flow?
Circuit Elements
A circuit must have
A source of potential difference (battery)
A source of resistance (resistor)
Wires connecting both terminals of the potential
difference source
A circuit may have
Multiple resistors
Voltmeters or Ammeters connected
Circuit Symbols
Be sure to check your reference tables
for appropriate symbols to use in
circuit diagrams.
Ammeters & Voltmeters
Measures Current
Connected in Series
Low Resistance
Measures Potential Diff
Connected in Parallel
High Resistance
Types of Circuits
There are two types of circuits:
Series circuits – have only 1 path for
current to flow.
Parallel circuits – have multiple paths for
current to flow.
Series Circuits
The current flows from the battery to R1 through R2
and then through R3 then back to the battery.
Current in a Series Circuit
In a series circuit current is the same
through all parts of the circuit.
That means that the current coming
from the battery is equal to the current
through any resistor.
Itotal = I1 = I2 = I3 = …
Potential Difference in a
Series Circuit
The potential difference provided by
the battery is equal to the sum of the
potential differences across each
resistor in the circuit.
Vtotal = V1 + V2 + V3 + …
Note that potential difference for each
resistor is consistent with Ohm’s Law.
Resistance in a Series Circuit
Ohm’s Law States:
Rtotal 
I total
And therefore:
V1  V2  V3  ... V1 V2 V3
Rtotal 
    R1  R2  R3
I total
Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 + …
Practice Problem 1
The diagram below shows resistors R1, R2
and R3 connected to a 12V battery. If the
voltage across R1 is 3V and the voltage
across R2 is 4V, what is the potential
difference across R3?
12 V
Practice Problem 2
R1 = 100W; R2 = 12W; and R3 = 4W in
a series circuit. Find the total
(equivalent) resistance.
Practice Problem 3
The diagram shows a circuit with two
resistors. What is the reading on the
Practice Problem 4
A 30 ohm and 60 ohm resistors are
connected in series to 12 V battery.
Compared to the current through the
30 ohm resistor, the current through
the 60 ohm resistor is
The same
Practice Problem 5
Determine the reading of the
Practice Problem 6
At what value must the variable
resistor be set to produce a current of
1.0 A through R1?
Practice Problem 7
What is the reading of voltmeter V1?
Practice Problem 8
A 100 ohm resistor and an unknown
resistor are connected in series to a
10V battery. If the potential drop
across the 100 ohm resistor is 4 V,
what is the resistance of the unknown
Answer Me!!!
What makes a circuit a parallel circuit?
Parallel Circuits
Current can flow from the battery to either
R1, R2 or R3 and then back to the battery.
Current will take the path of least resistance.
Current in a Parallel Circuit
In a parallel circuit, total current equals
the sum of all the currents in the circuit
(current through each parallel path).
Itotal = I1 + I2 + I3 + …
Potential difference in Parallel
In a parallel circuit, the potential
difference is the same in all parts of
the circuit and is also the same as the
total voltage (from the battery).
Vtotal = V1 = V2 = V3 = …
Resistance in a Parallel Circuit
Using Ohm’s law, we see:
Req 
I1  I 2  I 3  ...
Also stated as:
 
  ...
Req R1 R2 R3
Note that Req is always less than any individual
resistance in a parallel circuit.
Conservation of Charge in Electric
Charge in an electric circuit must be
At any junction in a circuit, the sum of
the currents entering the junction must
equal the sum of the currents leaving.
Practice Problem
The diagram below shows currents in
a segment of an electric circuit. Draw
the direction and label the magnitude
of the current through A.
Practice Problem 9
What are the correct readings of the
two voltmeters?
Practice Problem 10
What is the total resistance of this
circuit segment?
Practice Problem 11
What is the total (equivalent)
resistance of the following circuit?
Practice Problem 12
Two identical resistors connected in
parallel have an equivalent resistance
of 40 ohms. What is the resistance of
each resistor?
Practice Problem 13
Resistors R1 and R2 have and
equivalent resistance of 6W when
connected in parallel. The resistance
of R1 could be:
Answer Me!!!
What is the current measured by
ammeter A?
Practice Problem 15
What is the current reading of
ammeter A?
Answer Me!!!
Draw a series circuit that has 3
resistors. Then draw a properly
connected ammeter to measure the
total current and a properly connected
voltmeter to measure the potential
drop across resistor 1.