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Can you label the
positive and negative
legs on this L.E.D ?
Someone has
cut the legs on
this LED. Now
how can you tell
which is the
negative side?
4.Can you draw the
symbol for a L.E.D?
Can you circle
where your
L.E.D’s goes
on your P.C.B
Year7 Badge
5. Can you draw the
symbol for a resistor?
6. What is resistance measured in?________
7. Explain in your own words what a resistor does_________________________
8. Why do we need a resistor in our circuit?______________________________
9. Can you circle where you resistors go on your P.C.B board?
Year7 Badge
10. Using colouring pencils and your colour wheel create a resistor that is the value stated:
The value of
this resistor
needs to be
The value of
this resistor
needs to be