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Jeopardy Review!
English 9
4 November 2008
Ground rules
1 piece of paper per student
Each student answers each question in
pen – no scratch-outs allowed!
Each student has roughly 40 seconds
to respond to each question
Scoring rules:
• Answers earn credit
• Incorrect answers lose credit
• Each student answers each question
Each student earns points for the team
Top team gets extra credit on exam!
Team Scores
The latest standings for Period 1:
Bills: 62
Niners: 77
Chargers: 95
Eagles: 68
Cardinals: 66
Dolphins: 89
Who will emerge victorious?
Team Scores
The latest standings for Period 4:
Bills: 70
Niners: 78
Chargers: 118
Eagles: 77
Cardinals: 71
Dolphins: 110
Who will emerge victorious?
Categories + Point Values
Group 1 Categories
Grammar (Chapter 1)
Grammar (Chapter 2)
“Fish Cheeks” /
”The White Umbrella”
“The Most Dangerous
“A Christmas Memory”
Grab Bag!
Group 2 Categories
Grammar (Chapter 18)
“The Scarlet Ibis”
“The Lady, or the Tiger?”
“The Gift of the Magi”
“The Cask of Amontillado”
Grab Bag!
The questions in Group 1 Are worth
100/200/300/400/500 points
The questions in Group 2 are worth
200/400/600/800/1000 points
Grammar (Chapter I) $100
A word or word group that is
used to name a person, a place, a
thing, or an idea is known as a
Grammar (Chapter I)
$100 Answer
What is a noun(?)(!)
Grammar (Chapter II) $100
Sentences consist of two basic
parts: _____________ and
Grammar (Chapter II)
$100 Answer
What are subjects and predicates
“Fish Cheeks” /
”The White Umbrella” $100
How are the girls’ feelings
regarding their families similar
in both stories?
“Fish Cheeks” / ”The White
Umbrella” $100 Answer
Both girls feel ashamed about their
families, and their feelings are rooted
partly in their attitudes about their
own cultures.
“The Most
Dangerous Game” $100
Which island does Rainsford
reach after falling overboard?
“The Most Dangerous
Game” $100 Answer
What is Ship-Trap Island (?)(!)
“A Christmas Memory” $100
What is the name of the narrator
in “A Christmas Memory”?
“A Christmas Memory”
$100 Answer
What is Buddy (?)(!)
Grab Bag! $100
Please define “prepositional
Grab Bag! $100 Answer
A prepositional phrase is a word
group containing a preposition
and a noun or pronoun object. (It
also cannot stand alone because it
does not express a complete
thought – It lacks a verb!)
Grammar (Chapter I) $200
The word a pronoun replaces is
known as an _____________. (For
example: If the Italicized word
him in “A historian wrote down a
strange tale some villagers had
told him ” is replacing a second
use of the word “Historian,”
what term do we use to describe
Grammar (Chapter I)
$200 Answer
What is an antecedent (?)(!)
Grammar (Chapter II) $200
The ____________________ consists of
a verb and all the words that
describe the verb and complete
its meaning.
Grammar (Chapter II)
$200 Answer
What is a complete predicate (?)(!)
“Fish Cheeks” /
”The White Umbrella” $200
What “Secret” does Miss Crosman
tell “The White Umbrella’s”
narrator after joining her
“Fish Cheeks” / ”The White
Umbrella” $200 Answer
She tells her that she wanted to
have children when she was
younger, but she never married
“The Most
Dangerous Game” $200
What is “the most dangerous
“The Most Dangerous Game”
$200 Answer
What are human beings (?)(!)
“A Christmas Memory” $200
What does Buddy’s friend say
every winter?
“A Christmas Memory”
$200 Answer
“It’s fruitcake weather!”
Grab Bag! $200
Which gift does Della purchase
for Jim?
Grab Bag! $200 Answer
What is a chain that attaches to
the fob of his beloved
pocketwatch (?)(!)
Grammar (Chapter I) $300
While an adjective is used to
modify ___________ and ____________,
an adverb is used to modify
___________, _______________, and
Grammar (Chapter I)
$300 Answer
What are nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs (?)(!)
Grammar (Chapter II) $300
A __________________ consists of two
or more subjects that are joined
by a conjunction and that have
the same verb.
Grammar (Chapter II)
$300 Answer
What is a compound subject (?)(!)
“Fish Cheeks” /
”The White Umbrella” $300
Why doesn’t the girls’ mother tell
them she’s working in “The White
“Fish Cheeks” / ”The White
Umbrella” $300 Answer
She doesn’t want her daughters to be
ashamed of her.
“The Most
Dangerous Game” $300
What happens when Rainsford
hides from the General in a tree?
“The Most Dangerous
Game” $300 Answer
The General spots him, taunts him
by blowing smoke at him, and
leaves him there – just so he can
drag the hunt out longer.
“A Christmas Memory” $300
What are Buddy and his friend
trying to buy from Haha Jones?
“A Christmas Memory”
$300 Answer
A quart of whiskey.
Grab Bag! $300
What serves as a symbol for
Grab Bag! $300 Answer
What is the scarlet ibis (?)(!)
Grammar (Chapter I) $400
An ________________ expresses either
mental or physical action, while a
_________________ connects the
subject to a word/word group
that identifies or describes the
Grammar (Chapter I)
$400 Answer
What are action verbs and linking
verbs (?)(!)
Grammar (Chapter II) $400
A _________________ is a word or
word group in the predicate that
identifies or describes the subject.
Grammar (Chapter II)
$400 Answer
What is a subject complement (?)(!)
“Fish Cheeks” /
”The White Umbrella” $400
What method did Amy’s mother use
to try to remind her to be proud
of her heritage in “Fish Cheeks”?
“Fish Cheeks” / ”The White
Umbrella” $400 Answer
When the object of her crush – and
his family – arrived for Christmas
dinner, Amy’s mother prepared all
of her favorite foods – something
the mortified Amy doesn’t even
realize until years have passed.
“The Most
Dangerous Game” $400
Who does Rainsford kill (besides
the unfortunate dog)?
“The Most Dangerous
Game” $400 Answer
Who are both Ivan and Zaroff (?)(!)
“A Christmas Memory” $400
Who is Queenie?
“A Christmas Memory”
$400 Answer
Who is the major canine character
in the story (?)(!) (The dog!)
Grab Bag! $400
What is the question the young
man asks with his eyes in “The Lady,
or the Tiger?”
Grab Bag! $400 Answer
What was “Which?” (?)(!)
Grammar (Chapter I) $500
Please list the coordinating and
correlative conjunctions in the
following sentence: “Whether we
saved money or not after paying
both Uncle Waldo’s and Dad’s
medical bills and having the
doorway widened is something we
still joke about in our family.”
Grammar (Chapter I)
$500 Answer
Correlative Conjunctions:
Whether…or, both…and
Coordinating Conjunction: …and…
Grammar (Chapter II) $500
A _______________ is a noun, pronoun,
or word group that tells who or
what receives the action of a verb
or shows the result of the action.
Grammar (Chapter II)
$500 Answer
What is a direct object (?)(!)
“Fish Cheeks” /
”The White Umbrella” $500
What does Amy Tan pray for at the
beginning of “Fish Cheeks”?
“Fish Cheeks” / ”The White
Umbrella” $500 Answer
The minister’s son, Robert, and a
slim new American nose.
“The Most
Dangerous Game” $500
How do Rainsford’s attitudes
regarding hunting shift over the
course of the story?
“The Most Dangerous
Game” $500 Answer
He begins the story as an
enthusiastic hunter who cares
nothing for the plight of his prey,
and ends it having survived three
days as prey – at a terrible cost. He
sympathizes a great deal more with
the animals he’s killed by the end of
the story.
“A Christmas Memory” $500
What do Buddy and his friend do
on their last happy Christmas
“A Christmas Memory”
$500 Answer
They fly kites in the winter wind.
Grab Bag! $500
What is the narrator’s name in
“The Cask of Amontillado”?
Grab Bag! $500 Answer
Who was Montresor (?)(!)
Jeopardy Review!
(Part II!)
English 9
4 November 2008
Grammar (Chapter 18) $200
What differentiates a sentence
fragment from a sentence?
Grammar (Chapter 18)
$200 Answer
A sentence is a word group that has a
subject and a verb and expresses a
complete thought. A sentence
fragment either fails to include a
subject or verb or fails to express a
complete thought.
“The Scarlet Ibis” $200
Doodle’s parents built him a
coffin even before they
“The Scarlet Ibis”
$200 Answer
…Even before they gave him a name
– William Armstrong.
“The Lady, or
the Tiger?” $200
Which word does Frank Stockton
originally use to describe the
king – a word that describes
virtually everything and
everyone in the story?
“The Lady, or the Tiger?”
$200 Answer
What is “semibarbaric” (?)(!)
“The Gift of the Magi” $200
What does Della sacrifice for
Jim’s gift?
“The Gift of the Magi”
$200 Answer
She chops off her hair – her most
prized possession – and sells it to
raise the necessary funds for the
“The Cask of
Amontillado” $200
What does Fortunato do that
drives Montresor to hate him
deeply enough to eventually
bury him alive?
“The Cask of Amontillado”
$200 Answer
Montresor never specifies what
Fortunato did beyond a vague
mention of new “insults” instead of
the usual “injuries” he suffers at
his rival’s hands. (This lack of
specificity is one of the reasons
we’re concerned about
Montresor’s reliability – or sanity
– from the start of the tale.)
Grab Bag! $200
An _________________ is a word that
expresses emotion and has no
grammatical relation to the rest
of a sentence.
Grab Bag! $200 Answer
What is an interjection (?)(!)
Grammar (Chapter 18) $400
What is a subordinate clause?
Grammar (Chapter 18)
$400 Answer
While a clause is a group of words
with a subject and a verb, an
independent clause expresses a
complete thought and can therefore
stand on its own as a sentence. A
dependent clause, on the other hand,
does not express a complete thought –
and therefore cannot stand on its
“The Scarlet Ibis” $400
Why doesn’t the narrator enjoy
spending time with Doodle?
“The Scarlet Ibis”
$400 Answer
He feels that Doodle is a burden,
and that he comes with a long list
of things you can’t do with him;
all the narrator wants is someone
who can do everything he can do.
“The Lady, or
the Tiger?” $400
What aspect of the “marriage
reward” offered by the king’s
court can be considered unfair?
“The Lady, or the Tiger?”
$400 Answer
The court doesn’t care about the
accused’s marital status – which means
he’ll be forced to marry the girl
behind the door he opens regardless
of whether he’s already married (even
if he has children!).
“The Gift of the Magi” $400
What does Della whisper before
Jim enters the flat?
“The Gift of the Magi”
$400 Answer
“Please God, make him think I am
still pretty.”
“The Cask of
Amontillado” $400
What is the Montresor logo and
“The Cask of Amontillado”
$400 Answer
It’s a picture of a snake savagely biting
the foot that’s stepping on it, along
with a latin motto that reads “Nemo
me impune lacessit” (“Nobody attacks
me without punishment”).
Grab Bag! $400
Please provide a complete list of
our coordinating conjunctions.
Grab Bag! $400 Answer
For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so…FANBOYS!
Grammar (Chapter 18) $600
A __________________________ is two
or more sentences run together as
Grammar (Chapter 18)
$600 Answer
What is a run-on sentence (?)(!)
“The Scarlet Ibis” $600
What does the narrator force
Doodle to see?
“The Scarlet Ibis”
$600 Answer
What is his coffin (?)(!)
“The Lady, or
the Tiger?” $600
How does the crowd react when
the young man enters the arena?
“The Lady, or the Tiger?”
$600 Answer
They’re astonished by how noble
and handsome he looks, and feel
that his presence there is
“terrible!” (And yet they continue
“The Gift of the Magi” $600
What are Jim and Della’s reactions
to one another when he first
arrives home?
“The Gift of the Magi”
$600 Answer
Jim is so startled by Della’s short
hair – and by the sudden
realization that his gift is
“worthless” – that he barely
speaks. Della, on the other hand, is
so afraid that Jim won’t think
she’s pretty that she laughs and
talks a mile a minute.
“The Cask of
Amontillado” $600
Why are the characters’ clothes
“The Cask of Amontillado”
$600 Answer
Montresor, clad in black, looks
like an avenging angel of death.
Fortunato, dressed like a fool,
behaves quite foolishly – and dies
with his jingling bells falling
silent in the dark. In both cases,
the characters’ clothes
foreshadow the actions they
Grab Bag! $600
Which elements of “The Most
Dangerous Game” serve to
foreshadow the events of the
Grab Bag! $600 Answer
Whitney’s discussion of Ship-Trap Island;
Whitney’s discussion about the ethics of
hunting; the physical details we receive
during Zaroff’s description (black /
white, etc.), and the hints / warnings
Zaroff gives Rainsford before the hunt
Grammar (Chapter 18) $800
Fix the following sentence: “Let’s
go skating instead, everyone has
already seen that movie.”
Grammar (Chapter 18)
$800 Answer
Let’s go skating instead. Everyone
has already seen that movie!
“The Scarlet Ibis” $800
How does the narrator describe
his pride over Doodle’s
accomplishments, and why?
“The Scarlet Ibis”
$800 Answer
He says pride is both wonderful and
poisonous, for while his pride drives
him to spend time with Doodle (which
is all Doodle really wants), it also
drives him to push Doodle beyond his
“The Lady, or
the Tiger?” $800
Why does the king believe his
system of justice is fair?
“The Lady, or the Tiger?”
$800 Answer
The king believes that God will
protect the innocent; moreover, the
accused always has his own fate in his
hands. (After all, No one forces a
prisoner to choose the “tiger door” –
and everyone believes that God must
have chosen not to protect that
prisoner because he wasn’t innocent.)
“The Gift of the Magi” $800
How is situational irony present
in “The Gift of the Magi”?
“The Gift of the Magi”
$800 Answer
There’s a contrast between what’s
expected to happen and what
actually happens: both lovers
believed they had sacrificed their
prized possessions in order to buy
the perfect gift for the other,
but each discovered they had sold
the very thing that made each
gift so appropriate!
“The Cask of
Amontillado” $800
How long has it been since
Montresor trapped Fortunato?
“The Cask of Amontillado”
$800 Answer
What is half a century (fifty years)
Grab Bag! $800
How can you usually distinguish a
proper noun from a common noun?
Grab Bag! $800 Answer
Proper nouns name particular people,
places, things, or ideas and are
capitalized, whereas common nouns
name any one of a group of people,
places, things, or ideas and are
generally not capitalized.
Grammar (Chapter 18)
Please fix the following: “Of all the
great apes, the gorilla may be the
most mysterious and misunderstood,
many people think gorillas are
aggressive and ferocious, but
researchers have found that gorillas
are actually quite shy. Unless they are
threatened or disturbed.”
Grammar (Chapter 18)
$1000 Answer
Of all the great apes, the gorilla may
be the most mysterious and
misunderstood. many people think
gorillas are aggressive and ferocious,
but researchers have found that
gorillas are actually quite shy unless
they are threatened or disturbed.
“The Scarlet Ibis” $1000
How does the story end?
“The Scarlet Ibis”
$1000 Answer
The narrator abandons Doodle in the
middle of a storm. When he goes back
for him, he discovers that Doodle has
already bled to death, dying alone in
the rain. The Narrator screams his
brother’s name, protecting him from
the rain…but it’s already too late, and
the rain keeps falling.
“The Lady, or
the Tiger?” $1000
In “The Lady, or the Tiger?”, why
wouldn’t the king’s daughter
direct her accused lover to the
door with the lady?
“The Lady, or the Tiger?”
$1000 Answer
Because she has to watch him marry a
woman she hates, thus losing him for
now and in the afterlife, if she saves
him today.
“The Gift of the Magi” $1000
Why does the narrator say that
Della and Jim are both wise and
“The Gift of the Magi”
$1000 Answer
Because they sacrificed the things
they loved most unnecessarily – but
also because they discovered they
loved one another more than they
loved the things they sold.
“The Cask of
Amontillado” $1000
Why does Montresor keep
mentioning “Luchesi”?
“The Cask of Amontillado”
$1000 Answer
He’s Fortunato’s rival – and therefore
represents the easiest way for
Montresor to turn Fortunato’s ego to
his advantage.
Grab Bag! $1000
An ______________ is a noun, pronoun,
or word group that often appears
in sentences containing direct
objects; it tells to whom or to
what (or for whom/for what) the
action of a transitive verb is done.
Grab Bag! $1000 Answer
What is an indirect object (?)(!)