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Welcome to My Class
Teaching Aims
• Review the words
learned in the last
two periods
Learn and master
direct and indirect
Teaching Important and Difficult
 How to guess the missing words according to
the given sentences
 Master the interchange of the direct and indirect
speech in declarative and interrogative
 Master the changes of the
My friend is_.He never tells lies.
I like pop music,and she likes _music,but we
are good friends.
I think a good friend should not only share
happiness,but also_.
Although father and I often_with each
other,we are good friends.
Many people keep dogs as pets,because
dogs are regarded as _friends to people.
If you were alone on a deserted island,you
would have to learn to collect water and
The young man is very _ _ history.He reads
book about it every day.
She is a_ girl.She is never afraid of anything.
There will be many people at the theatre,so
we will go there early _ _ _ get seats.
If someone is quick in minds and action,we
say he is _.
Hunt for
Fond of /interested in
In order to /so as to
• Defination of
direct speech:it
refers to the
quotation of
one’s speech
• Defination of
indirect speech:
it refers to the
report of one’s
• Eg: “I like
• John said that
he liked reading
Difference of them
Quotation mark in the direct speech ,but no
one in the indirect speech.
An object clause in the indirect speech,but
no one in the direct speech.
Changes in the two forms(一二)
 Changes in the personal pronouns. (一)
eg:He said,”I like it
very much.”----He said that he liked it very much.
 Changes in tense.(二)
 The simple present tense ---the simple past tense
eg:he said,”I am afraid that I can not finish the work.”---he said that he was
afraid he could not finish the work.
 The present progressive---the past progressive
eg:he said,”I am
using the knife.”---he said that he was using the knife.
 The present perfect---the past perfect
eg:she said,”I have
not heard from him since May.”---she said that she had not heard from him
since May.
 The simple past---the past perfect
said,”I came to help you.”---he said that he had come to help me.
 The past perfect---the past perfect eg:he said,”I had finished my homework
before supper.”---he said that he had finished his homework before supper.
 The simple future---the past future eg: she said,”I will do it after class.”--she said that she would do it after class.
Changes in the two forms(三)
The changes of demonstrative pronouns,time,advs,place advs and some
This---that eg:she said,”I will finish the work this morning.”---she said that
she would finish the work that morning
These---those eg:he said,”these books are mine.”---he said that those
books were his.
Now---then eg:he said,”it is nine o’clock now.”---he said that it was nine
o’clock then.
Today---yesterday eg:he said,”I have not seen her today.”---he said that he
had not seen her yesterday.
Yesterday---the day before eg:she said,”I was not there yesterday.”---she
said that she was not there the day before.
Tomorrow---the next day/follwing day eg:she said,”I’ll go there tomorrow.”--she said that she would go there the day before.
Ago---before eg:she said,”he left 30 minutes ago.”---she said that he left 30
minutes before.
Here---there eg:he said,”my sister was here a week ago.”---he said that his
sister was there a week before.
Come---go eg:she said,”I’ll come here this evening.”---she said that she
would go there that evening.
Changes in special cases( 四)
 If the content is objective true,it is not necessary to change tense in
indirect speech. Eg:he said,”light travels much faster than sound.”--he said that light travels much faster than sound.
 It is not necessary for us to change “here,come,yesterday,etc.”into
“there,go,the day before,etc.”in a given time and place
 If it is a general question in direct speech,we should
use”if,whether”to introduce object clause in the indirect speech,and
the verb “said”should change to “asked” eg:he said,”are you
interested in english?”---he asked if I was interested in english.
 If it is a special question in direct speech,we should use the original
interrogative in indirect speech. Eg:”how could you do that?”Mary
asked Ann---Mary asked Ann how could Ann do that
Summary and Homework
 Review the content
and remember the
rules of changes in
the interchanges of
 Do exercises on