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Η οικογένεια μου
(My Family)
Uranus = Gaea
Cronos = Rhea
Leto = Zeus
Hestia Hades Poseidon Zeus = Hera Demeter=Zeus
Athena Ares Hebe Hephaestus
(often said to
be only Hera’s
= had a child together
Promethus Atlas Epimetheus
Zeus =Maia Zeus=Dione
(usually said
to be born out
of sea foam
Some facts about me
I am the oldest of my family
I have 2 other sisters and 3 brothers
My Roman name is Vesta
My name means “the essence”
I do not tweet… but my brother Poseidon did make me make a
facebook (add me if you want my name is Hestia Olympian)
• I am a maiden and will always be!
• I do not “party” like Dionysus
• I am perfectly content being “Aunt Hestia”
If you want to know anything else… inbox me!
Things Associated With Me
• My sacred animal is a donkey
• My Themes are: Love, Home, Hearth, Fertility,
and Peace
• My Other Symbols: Fire, Veils, Oven, Bread,
Baked Goods
• Traditional offerings to me: homemade bread
and salt cakes
• My Gem: Black Diamond
• My Plants: Indian Hemp, Orchis Root, and
• My Perfumes/Scents: Musk, Civet
Festivals under my Roman name Vesta:
• My Chief Festival is the Vestalia:
The Vestalia was a festival held in honor of my Roman
counterpart Vesta on the June 9th, and was celebrated by
women. They walked barefooted in procession to my temple.
The priestesses of Vesta, called Vestales, played a conspicuous
part in these festivals. There was six, and were chosen—between
the ages of six and ten—from the noblest families in Rome.
Their term was thirty years. During the first ten years, they
were initiated in their religious duties, during the second ten
they performed them, and during the third they instructed
novices. Their chief duty was to watch and feed the everburning flame on the altar of Vesta, the extinction of which was
regarded as a national calamity of ominous import.
I don’t really have a “myth” or "story" . . . there are few adventures to record about me.
There really isn’t a story about how I came into being, I just “am”.
I am the kind, loving, tender, and forgiving goddess of home and hearth. I’m
the oldest sister of Zeus, and the first-born daughter of the Titans Kronos and Rhea. I
took an oath to remain a maiden forever, which Zeus granted. I was one of the Twelve
Olympians, (before I gave up my spot for Dionysus), but I did not live on Mount
Olympus, instead I preferred life on Earth with the mortals. Homer, a great Greek poet,
once said I was “among the mortals and all the goddesses the most revered.” I was also
special in the way I’m one of the three gods who’s immune to the spells of Aphrodite.
The other two are my nieces Athena and Artemis. Although I was said to be special, I did
not play a huge part in Greek mythology.
Despite the fact that I am a maiden I do have some stories involving me and men.
Both Poseidon and Apollo asked for my hand in marriage. Unfortunately for them, I did
reject the offer and was even slightly offended. So I went to my brother Zeus who
understood me, I had sworn an oath to remain a maiden for life. Also, I knew this
situation was soon to cause a problem between some of the gods. Zeus was grateful
that I had him about the rivalry between the two gods. In fact he was so grateful he made
me responsible for the peace in Greece.
My father Kronos had gotten a prophesy that someday one of his children would over
throw him. At that time he had no children, but as time went on my mother, Rhea, had
became pregnant with me. My father tried to figure out what to do because he, like any
other king in Ancient Greece, was always scared and paranoid about being overthrown,
so he figured that after I was born he would swallow me, ( I wasn’t too fond of that
solution either), and that he did. He followed that “routine” with my other sisters and
brothers to follow, (i.e. Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon), except for Zeus. My
mother, pregnant again, was totally ditraught in the fact that her kids were somewhere in
her husband’s stomach. She expressed her concern to her mother Gaea (my
grandmother). My grandmother, (in Greek γιαγιά), told her when her last child was to be
born, to hide him in a cave on Mt.Dicte, my mom did just that. When Kronos wanted the
baby so he could swallow it, Rhea gave him a rock wrapped in a blanket instead, and he
swallowed it.
Zeus had grown up in that cave on Mt.Dicte and when he became of age he was given
a drug to make our father regurgitate us other kids. Because gods are immortal we grew
inside our fathers stomach into full adults. When Zeus saw our father, Kronos did not
recognize him at all. Zeus was able to slip the drug into his drink. The next part I’d rather
not describe because I still have nightmares about it, but we were freed thanks to Zeus!
When we were out Zeus explained to us what had happened and we fought a war against
the Titans… guess who won? Since Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon we the “main”-so to
speak- fighters they split up the world: Zeus, King of the gods and god of the sky;
Poseidon, god and ruler, of seas and oceans; and Hades was banished to rule in the
Underworld. Us girls were also given something: Demeter, agriculture and farming; Hera
married Zeus and became queen of the gods, also goddess of marriage, and I got the
Hearth. You see, we’re all one big dysfunctional family! :D
´Ολυμπιαδεσσιν (Olympians)
The Twelve Olympians were a group of Twelve people
(once I was one of them). Most of them lived on Mount
Olympus, but whether they did or did not live there, the
Olympians were based from there. The Olympians were
the chief gods. Of all the gods, I was the least known
and the least active in mythology. I did not want to get
involved with all the bickering and fighting in the family.
Whether the fight was because who was siding with
who in a war, or who stole Hera’s I-Phone (which was
Hermes…. Just saying)! I always tried to stay above all
of that, but I couldn’t stand hearing it all the time, so I
gave up my spot for my nephew Dionysus.
Homeric Hymns
The thirty-three anonymous Homeric Hymns celebrating individual gods
are a collection of ancient Greek hymns, "Homeric" in the sense that
they employ the same epic meter— dactylic hexameter— as the Iliad
and Odyssey, (written by Homer), use many similar formulas and are
couched in the same dialect. They were uncritically attributed to Homer
himself in Antiquity—from the earliest written reference to them,—and
the label has stuck.
XXIV To Hestia (5 lines)
(II. 1-5) “Hestia, you who tend the holy house of the lord Apollo, the Farshooter at godly Pytho, with soft oil dripping ever from your locks, come
now into this house, come, having one mind with Zeus the all wise–
draw near and bestow grace upon my song.”
^This is my favorite!^
If you want to know more about me, check
out these links:
• My Impact On Greek Art And Culture
• Psychological Over View Of Me
• Facts On Me
• More On The Twelve Olympians
• More On Vesta