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CS 105
“Tour of the Black Holes of Computing”
Synchronization Methods
Mutual-exclusion methods
Producer/consumer problem
Readers/writers problem
Mutual Exclusion
Need ways to enforce critical sections
Prevent race conditions that cause errors
Requirements for mutual exclusion
Safety: only one process/thread at a time inside CS
Progress: if nobody has access and somebody wants in,
somebody gets in
No starvation: if you want in, you will eventually get in, e.g.,
FIFO or priority
Desirable properties:
Efficiency: can get into CS in relatively few instructions
Low load: waiting for CS does not waste resources
Fairness: if you want in, nobody else gets in ahead of you
CS 105
Additional Requirements
Synchronization is tricky to get right
Failure to protect critical sections
Incorrect use of primitives
Deadlock - ??
Programmer-friendliness of features is big plus
Fully implemented by OS and Languages
CS 105
Hardware Mutex Support – Lowest
Test and Set
Read word, set it nonzero, and set condition codes
All in one indivisible operation
Compare and Swap
Read word, compare to register, if match then store second
register into word
Again, indivisible
Generalization of Test & Set
CS 105
Example of Test and Set
/* read mem, set cc, store mem
leal lock, %eax ; address of lock to eax
.L1: tsl (%eax)
; Set lock NZ, set CC
jne .L1
; Loop if was already NZ
; We now have exclusive access
xor %eax, %eax ; make it 0
movl %eax, lock ; set lock to 0
CS 105
Evaluating Test and Set
+ Very fast entry to unlocked region
+ Easy to implement – if hardware support
+ Guarantees safety & progress
- Wastes CPU when waiting (spin lock/busy wait)
- Does not make it easy for other threads to run
- Extremely high memory (i.e., bus) traffic
- Prone to errors (e.g., forget to unlock)
- Prone to starvation
For these reasons, test & set is used only to implement
higher-level constructs. OS provides higher level
CS 105
Higher-level construct
Invented by Edsger Dijkstra
P(sem) or wait(sem) decrements and possibly waits
V(sem) or signal(sem) increments and lets somebody else in
Usually implemented by operating system
Allows scheduler to run different thread/process while waiting
OS can guarantee fairness and no starvation
 Or can even enforce priority scheme
More flexibility for user (e.g., can count things)
Still error-prone
P’s and V’s must be matched – user problem
Single extra V blows mutual exclusion entirely (compare Test &
CS 105
High-level mutual-exclusion construct
Invented by C.A.R. “Tony” Hoare
Difficult or impossible to use incorrectly – system enforced
Like Java/C++ class: combines data with functions needed
to manage it
Keys to monitor correctness – enforced by system
Data is available only to functions within monitor
Specific functions (gatekeepers) control access
Only one process/thread allowed inside monitor at a time
Queues keep track of who is waiting for monitor
Turns out to be hard to do certain things with monitors
Programmers wind up standing on heads or implementing
things like semaphores
Real Solution ??
CS 105
Problems in Synchronization
Many standard problems in concurrent programming
Dining philosophers
Drinking philosophers
Standard problems capture common situations
Also give a method to evaluate proposed synchronization
mechanisms, i.e., act as benchmarks
CS 105
The Producer/Consumer
Two processes communicate
Producer generates things (e.g., messages) into a buffer
Consumer takes those things and uses them
Correctness requirements
Producer must wait if buffer is full
Consumer must not extract things from empty buffer
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Can be done with just load/store (but very very tricky)
We have seen simple semaphore-based solution for oneelement buffer
Perfect application for monitors
CS 105
Producer/Consumer with Monitors
/* Board */
monitor producerconsumermonitor;
var buffer[0..slots-1] of message;
slotsinuse: 0..slots;
nexttofill, nexttoempty: 0..slots-1;
bufferhasdata, bufferhasspace: condition;
procedure fillslot(var data: message)
if slotsinuse == slots;
then wait(bufferhasspace);
buffer[nexttofill] := data;
nexttofill := (nexttofill + 1) mod slots;
slotsinuse := slotsinuse + 1;
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CS 105
Producer/Consumer with Monitors
procedure emptyslot(var data: message)
if slotsinuse == 0;
then wait(bufferhasdata);
data := buffer[nexttoempty];
nexttoempty = (nexttoempty + 1) mod slots;
slotsinuse := slotsinuse – 1;
begin //set up code
slotsinuse := 0;
nexttofill := 0;
nexttoempty := 0;
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CS 105
The Readers/Writers Problem
More complex than producer/consumer
Many processes accessing single resource
Some read, some write (some could do both)
OK for many to read at once
 No danger of stepping on each others’ face
Only one writer allowed at a time
 should readers wait for writer, i.e., get the latest value?
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Shared access to file
ATMs displaying or updating bank balance
CS 105
Readers/Writers with Semaphores
(Polling Version)
Semaphore gate = 1; // let someone in
// what is the critical section
int nreaders = 0, nwriters = 0;
void reader()
while (1)
// my turn
while (nwriters != 0)
// there is a writer
V(gate); // give back access
P(gate); // try again
V(gate); // give back access
P(gate); // done reading, access nreaders
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CS 105
Readers/Writers with Semaphores
(Polling continued)
void writer()
while (1) {
while (nreaders + nwriters != 0) {
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CS 105
Readers/Writers with Semaphores
(Polling continued)
What are the drawbacks of this approach?
How can we write a non-polling version?
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CS 105
Readers/Writers with Monitors
monitor readersandwriters;
var readers: integer;
someonewriting: boolean;
readallowed, writeallowed: condition;
procedure beginreading
if someonewriting or queue(writeallowed)
then wait(readallowed);
readers := readers + 1;
procedure donereading
readers := readers – 1;
if readers = 0 then signal(writeallowed);
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CS 105
Readers/Writers with Monitors cont.
procedure beginwriting
if readers ¬= 0 or someonewriting
then wait(writeallowed);
someonewriting := true;
procedure donewriting
someonewriting := false;
if queue(readallowed)
then signal(readallowed);
else signal(writeallowed);
readers := 0;
someonewriting := false;
– end;
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CS 105
Readers/Writers with Monitors
Characteristics of solution
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No starvation
Arriving readers wait if writer is waiting
Group of readers runs after each writer
Arrival order of writer, writer, reader runs in different order
Requires several auxiliary variables
CS 105
Dining Philosophers
Models many important synchronization problems
Most famous concurrency problem
Posed by Dijkstra
Five philosophers alternate thinking and eating
Only food is spaghetti
 Requires two forks
Each philosopher has assigned seat at round table
One fork between each pair of plates
Problem: control access to forks, such that everyone can eat
 Note that “pick up left, then pick up right” doesn’t work
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Solvable with semaphores or monitors
CS 105
Deadlock and Starvation
Three bad things can happen in concurrency
Inconsistency: incorrect results, e.g. from races
Deadlock: Nobody can make progress
Starvation: No deadlock, but somebody doesn’t make
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CS 105
Drinking Philosophers
Extension of dining philosophers
Arbitrary number of philosophers
Each likes own drink, mixed from bottles on table
Can only mix drink when holding all necessary bottles
Each drink uses different subset of bottles
Problem: control access to bottles, such that there is
no deadlock and no starvation
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CS 105