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Cypress 11i Procurement
~ iProcurement in action ~
May 07, 2002
Project Overview
Purchasing/Inventory Overview
iProcurement Overview
©2001 Cypress Semiconductor
Project Overview
Started 8/01 (elapsed time 7 months)
 Cypress: 15 (Partially dedicated employees (50%-80%))
 Consulting: 6
 10.7SC upgraded to 11.5.4
 Configuration
- Chart of Accounts Redesign
 Modules
- GL, FA, AP, AR, PO, Inventory, Project Accounting, iProcurement,
iExpense, Cash Management
 Interfaces
- Payroll & Revenue
 Process
- Interdivisional allocation automation & Intercompany automation
©2001 Cypress Semiconductor
Purchasing/Inventory Overview
Family Pack F
CSJ - 15,698 PO lines / 8098 PO’s
CMI - 7,510 PO lines / 2761 PO’s
CTI - 5,617 PO lines / 2048 PO’s
Direct & Indirect Materials
Close to 50% of the reqs in San Jose
“After the Fact”
Minimal BPA’s
Many Amount Based PO’s
Printed PO forms & Fax
Many Ad Hoc requests
Mostly Stores replenishment at CMI
Over half of trans. for San Jose are
one time purchases
10 Buyers in CSJ
6 Buyers in CMI
2.5 Buyer in CTI
CMI & CTI only use about 20%
of entire supplier master
San Jose uses about 80% of
supplier master
Need to support acquisitions
©2001 Cypress Semiconductor
Purchasing/Inventory Observations
Custom Folder Views
 General (format)
 Cost Savings
Material Transfer Requests
(MTR’s) with Project
Re-Order Report
Customize AutoCreate Fields
 Supplier Info
View Action History
 Tracking PO Forwarding
 Tracking Req. Forwarding
Export functionality
Buyer visibility to “in process”
 Configurability
©2001 Cypress Semiconductor
iProcurement Overview
Family Pack F
Patch Set J
Using iProcurement as a replacement for Paper Requisitions
 Both expense and capital
Transitioned from Paper/Ariba 6.5 to iProcurement
iProcurement is being used at all domestic locations
San Jose
Texas (implemented, but not in use)
Field Offices / Design Centers (approx. 30)
Daily there are approx. 75 unique users on iProcurement
As of 5/02/02 there have been 208 trained on the application
Only two catalog currently set up
 Computers
 Expense envelopes
©2001 Cypress Semiconductor
iProcurement Observations
Increased Visibility
 No PO Summary View
 No Invoice Matching View
 Buyer Assignment
Workflow improvements
 Easier way to “move” requisitions
Role approvers needed
Default approval workflow is based on “Preparer” not
Key points:
 Training needed for both users and approvers
©2001 Cypress Semiconductor