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Processor with Integrated
DRAM Main Memory
Cpre585 Survey Project
Instructor: Dr. Zhao Zhang
Students: Heng Xu
Ziyu Zhang
Problem Description – CPU-DRAM Gap
Representative Papers
Missing the Memory Wall: The Case for
Processor Memory Integration, ISCA 96
A Case for Intelligent RAM: IRAM, Micro 97
Brief Literature Review.
Conclusions and Future Research
Problem Description
Processor-Memory Performance Gap
Off-chip Memory Bandwidth Limitation
Problem Description
Processor-Memory Performance Gap
The development of processor and memory devices
has proceeded independently. Advances in process
technology, circuit design, and processor architecture
have led to a near-exponential increase in processor
speed and memory capacity. However, memory
latencies have not improved as dramatically.
Technological trends have produced a large and
growing gap between CPU and DRAM.
Von-Neumann Model
Semiconductor industry divides into
microprocessor and memory camps
Separate chips, separate packages
Memory size is bigger but low power cost
CPU speed is faster and high power cost
Desktop: 1~2 CPU, 4~32 DRAMs
Server: 2~16 CPU, 32~256 DRAMs
Advantages of Von-Neumann
Fabrication lines can be tailored to a
Packages are tailored to the pinout
and power of a device
The number of memory chips in a
computer is independent of the
number of processors
Disadvantages of Von-Neumann
Performance gap: CPU (60% each year) vs.
DRAM (7% each year)
Memory Gap Penalty: larger caches (60%
on-chip area, 90% transistors)
Caches are purely performance
enhancement mechanisms…. Correctness
does not depend on them
No. of DRAM chips shrinking for PC config
In future it maybe a single DRAM chip
The required min. memory size, means
application and OS memory use, grows only
50~75% of rate of DRAM capacity.
The Memory Latency Problem
Technological Trend: Memory latency is getting
longer relative to microprocessor speed (40% per
Problem: Memory Latency - Conventional Memory
Hierarchy Insufficient:
 Many applications have large data sets that are
accessed non-contiguously.
 Some SPEC benchmarks spend more than half
of their time stalling [Lebeck and Wood 1994].
Domain: benchmarks with large data sets: signal
processing and scientific programs
Problem Description
Off-chip Memory Bandwidth Limitation
Pin bandwidth will be a critical consideration for future
microprocessors. Many of the techniques used to tolerate
growing memory latencies do so at the expense of
increased bandwidth requirements.
Reduction of memory latency overhead aggravates
bandwidth requirement for two reasons:
First, many of the techniques that reduce latency-related stalls
increase the total traffic between main memory and the processor.
Second, the reduction of memory latency overhead increases the
processor bandwidth – the rate at which the processor consumes
and produces operands – by reducing total execution time.
Problem Description
Off-chip Memory Bandwidth Limitation (Cont.)
To understand where the time is spent in a complex
processor, we divide execution time into three categories:
Processor time: is the time in which the processor is
either fully utilized, or is only partially utilized or stalled
due to lack of ILP.
Latency time: is the number of lost cycles due to
untolerated, intrinsic memory latencies.
Bandwidth time: is the number of lost CPU cycles due
both to contention in the memory system and to
insufficient bandwidth between levels of the hierarchy.
Problem Description
Off-chip Memory Bandwidth Limitation (Cont.)
Processor time: T p
Latency time: TL
Bandwidth time: TB
Program’s execution time: T
Let f P , f L , f B be these times
normalized to T
f P  TP / T
f L  TL / T
f B  TB / T
Limitation of Present Solutions
Huge cache:
Slow and works well only if the working set fits cache and
there is some kind of locality
Hardware prefetching
Cannot be tailored for each application
Behavior based on past and present execution-time
Software prefetching
Ensure overheads of prefetching do not outweigh the
Hard to insert prefetches for irregular access patterns
Enhance the utilization and throughput at thread level
Time for a Paradigm Shift….
Missing the Memory Wall: The Case for
Processor Memory Integration, ISCA 96
A Case for Intelligent RAM: IRAM, Micro
Brief Literature Review
Ground-breaking Design
Combined CPU with DRAM: merges
processor and memory into a single chip.
Compare to the conventional on-chip cache:
Cache uses SRAM
Uses DRAM – since the DRAM is in practice
approximately 20 times denser than SRAM
An Example of Combined Design
4096b buf
4096b buf
4096b buf
4096b buf
4096b buf
4096b buf
512 B
Figure: the design of combination of CPU and DRAM
Combined design features
16 independent bank controllers are assumed in a 256Mbit device.
Each bank is capable of transferring 4K bits from the sense
amplifier array to and from 3 column buffers.
Memory access time is assumed to be 30ns or 6 cycles of the
200MHz clock.
The performance of the 16KByte data cache is enhanced with a
fully-associative victim cache of 16 32-Byte lines with an LRU
replacement policy.
Large DRAM requires ECC protection to guard against transient bit
failure. Two independent 64 (+8 for ECC) bit datapaths connect the
column buffers with the processor core, one each for data and
instruction access.
All off-chip communication is handled via a scalable serial link
inter-connect system.
Simulation Methodology for
Uniprocessor performance:
 The current industry-accepted-standard metric for
uniprocessor performance is the SPEC95 benchmark
suite. This suite of programs is supposed to represent a
balanced range of uniprocessor applications, the total
execution time of which is used to measure the integer
and floating point performance of a processor.
 As well as using this suite of applications to benchmark
the proposed design, the Synopsys application was
added as an example benchmark application with the
large work-load of a real chip design.
Simulation Results for
Figure: simulation results of data cache miss rates
Simulation Methodology for
Multiprocessor performance:
 The simulation benchmarks are taken from the SPLASH
 Compared with results obtained from a reference CCNUMA design with 16KByte direct-mapped First-Level
Caches (FLCs) and infinitely sized Second-Level
Caches (SLCs).
 The use of infinite SLCs removes the SLC capacity
misses, providing an idea upper-bound of the system
performance when only the cold and the coherence
misses are considered.
Simulation Results for
Figure: simulation results of multiprocessor performance
The trend towards larger DRAM devices
exacerbates the processor / memory bottleneck,
requiring costly cache hierarchies to effectively
support high performance microprocessors.
A viable alternative is to move the processor
closer to the memory, by integrating it onto the
DRAM chip.
Processor / memory integration is advantageous,
even if it requires the use of a simpler processor.
Time for a Paradigm Shift….
Missing the Memory Wall: The Case for
Processor Memory Integration, ISCA 96
A Case for Intelligent RAM: IRAM, Micro
Brief Literature Review
Intelligent RAM
Unifying processing and memory into a
single chip
Using DRAM rather than SRAM
DRAM is 25~50 times denser (3D structure)
Thus on chip memory much larger
Reason of IRAM:
Memory speed limits application
Processor uses 1/3 of the die, rest place big
enough for Gbit DRAM to hold whole programs
More metal layers and faster transistors in
DRAM in today’s technology, make DRAM as
fast and dense as conventional logic process
IRAM: A Chip that remembers and
$ CPU $
L2 $
Von-Neumann Model
IRAM Model
IRAM potential advantage (1)
Higher bandwidth
Lower latency (<30ns ~ L2)
Gbit DRAM, 3~4 metal layers
Won’t limit performance by bandwidth
Wire length the shorter the better
Fewer bits per block the better
More design choices frees designer
Two type of application will be benefit
Predictable memory accesses: (matrix)
50-100-fold increase in IRAM bandwidth
Unpredictable memory accesses, large footprints:
5-10 fold decrease in IRAM latency
IRAM potential advantage (2)
Better energy efficiency
Flexible memory size and width
Fewer external memory accesses
Save from off-chip buses
DRAM consumes less that SRAM
Give designer more choice, flexible than
power of 2
Save board space
Give possible to use on small handhelds
Potential disadvantages
Area and power impact of increasing bandwidth to the DRAM core
Retention time of DRAM core operating at high temperatures
Scaling a system beyond a single IRAM
A $37 billion industry need a reform? Testing DRAM cost higher
Expandable memory
DRAM industry?
Need to add more I/O lines
More cost per bit
Speed, area, power, yield in DRAM process?
Good performance and reasonable power?
BW/Latency oriented DRAM tradeoffs?
Testing Time of IRAM vs DRAM vs µP?
Architecture and Compiler
How to turn high memory bandwidth into performance for real
Evaluate IRAM
From current to IRAM oriented
Alpha 21164
An IRAM vector processor
Evaluate based on performance factors and
estimates. (table 2 and table 4)
Evaluate IRAM: Alpha 21164
Logic slow down 1.3~2.0,
SRAM to DRAM: 1.3 times slower
IRAM the time to main memory is 5~10 times
With complex cache hierarchy, better
performance in database and matrix.
IRAM’s Energy efficiency
Expressed either Joules per instructions or
MIPS per Watt better measures the energy
IRAM has advantage roughly a factor of 2 ~4.
IRAM: Merging a microprocessor and DRAM on
the same chip
Energy efficiency
Save at 2~4
reduce latency by 5~10
Increase bandwidth by 50~100
Remove off-chip memory and reduce board area
IRAM is limited by amount of memory on Chip
Potential of network computer
Change the nature of semiconductor industry
Time for a Paradigm Shift….
Missing the Memory Wall: The Case for
Processor Memory Integration, ISCA 96
A Case for Intelligent RAM: IRAM, Micro
Brief Literature Review
Brief Literature Review
System-level & Arch-level vs. Tech Level
J. Carter, et. al. Impulse: Building a Smarter Memory Controller. HPCA,
Cached DRAM based
D. Burger. System-level Implications of Processor-Memory Integration,
ISCA, 97.
V. Cuppu & B. Jacob. Concurrency, Latency or System Overhead: Which
has the Largest Impact on Uniprocessor DRAM-System Performance?
ISCA 01.
B. Jacob. A Case for Studying DRAM Issues at the System Level. Micro,
Memory-Controller based
O. Kimura, et. al. Panel Session: DRAM + Logic Integration: Which
Architecture and Fabrication Process. ISSCC, 97.
Z. Zhang, et. al. Cached DRAM for ILP Processor Memory Access
Latency Reduction. Micro, 01.
New Architectural Designs
D. Burger Datascalar Architecture, ISCA, 97.
S. Swanson et al. Wavescalar. Micro, 03.
Conclusions and Future
Bridging the gap between CPU &
DRAM is critical
More efforts should be put forth in the
direction of System-level and Archlevel research
Thank you!
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