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Chapter 3 Transmission Lines Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Features of Transmission Lines Low Frequency Characters of Microstrip Line High Frequency Characters of Microstrip Line Discontinuities of Microstrip Line Features of Transmission Lines Microwave Integrated Circuit (MIC) The current trend of circuit design is toward miniaturization and integration. An MIC consists of an assembly that combines different circuit functions that are connected by transmission lines. The advantages of MIC compare to traditional circuit using printed circuit Higher reliability Planar configuration Reproducibility Easy fabrication Better performance Lower cost Higher Integrated Lighter weight Smaller size Two classes of MIC HMIC MMIC Hybrid Microwave Integrated Circuit (HMIC) Photograph of one of the 25,344 hybrid integrated T/R modules used in Raytheon’s Ground Based Radar system. This X-band module contains phase shifters, amplifiers, switches, couplers, a ferrite circulator, and associated control and bias circuitry. Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) Photograph of a monolithic integrated X-band power amplifier. This circuit uses eight heterojunction bipolar transistors with power dividers/combiners at the input and output to produce 5 watts. Material selection is an important consideration for any type of MIC; characteristics such as electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, loss tangent, thermal transfer, mechanical strength, and manufacturing compatability must be evaluated. Features of HMICs: 1. Alumina, quartz, and Teflon fiber are commonly used for substrates. 2. During HMICs testing, tuning or trimming for each circuit is allowed to adjust components values. Features of MMICs: 1. The substrate of an MMIC must be a semiconductor material to accommodate the fabrication of active devices. Hence GaAs is the most common substrate. Besides, Si, sapphire, and InP are also used. 2. All passive and active components are grown or implanted in the substrate. A single wafer can contain a large number of circuits. 3. Circuit trimming after fabrication will be difficult, even impossible. Conventional coaxial lines and waveguides are remain useful in : 1. High power transmission (e.g. KW~MW transmitters) 2. High Q component needed (e.g. low loss filter) 3. Some millimetric–wavelength systems (e.g. MW automotive radar) 4. Very low loss transmission systems 5. Precision instrumentation equipment Planar technology are already tending to overcome problems in areas (2) and (3), but not (1) or (4). Transmission Line and Waveguide Structures Transmission Line and Waveguide Comparisons Planar Transmission Line Structures Modifications of Planar Transmission Line Structures Image Line Behavior likes a dielectric slab waveguide (thick strip) for use at operation frequency into hundreds GHz. Several thousand unloaded Q-factor. But fop Q . Poor compatibility with active devices, mutual coupling, and radiation from discontinuities and bends. Microstrip The most popular MIC TL with a very simple geometric planar structure. Advantage: Zero cutoff frequency , light weight, small size, low cost, easy fabrication and integration, low dispersion , and broadband operation (frequency range from a few GHZ, or even lower, up to at least many tens of GHz). At millimetre-wave range, problems such as loss, higher-order modes, and fabrication tolerances become exceedingly difficult to meet using HMICs. Finline (E-plane circuit) Advantage: 1) Low loss (typically a factor about three better than microstrip. 2) Simpler fabrication in comparison with inverted and trapped-inverted microstrip. 3) Operation frequency up to 100GHz. Disadvantage in biasing problem. Application in compatibility with solid-state device is fairly good, especially in the case of beam-lead devices, 10% bandwidth of band pass filters, quadrature hybrids, waveguide transitions, and balanced mixer circuits. Inverted Microstrip (IM) Advantages in comparison with microstrip : 1) Wider line width for the same Z0, and this both reduces conductor dissipation and relaxes fabrication tolerances. 2) Structure utilizing air between the strip and ground plane gives higher Q, wavelength, operation frequency, and avoids interference. Slotline Guide mode of architecture makes it particularly suitable for applications where substrate is ferrite (components such as circulators and isolators). Disadvantages : 1) Z0 below 60 are difficult to realize. 2) Q factor is significantly lower than other structures considered here. 3) Circuit structures often involve difficult registration problems ( especially with metallization on the opposite side to the slot). Trapped Inverted Microstrip (TIM) Advantages is similar to that of IM; moreover, a ‘slot’ or ‘channel’-shaped ground plane provides inherent suppression of some higher-order modes Manufacturing difficulties are particularly significant with HMICs. Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) Advantages in comparison with microstrip : 1) Easier grounding of surface-mounted ( or BGA mounted) component. 2) Lower fabrication costs. 3) Reduced dispersion and radiation losses. 4) Photolithographically defined structures with relatively low dependence on substrate thickness. The major problem is non-unique Z0 because infinite range of ratio between centre strip width and gap width (In micrpstrip, Z0 is unique decided by strip width, substrate height, and substrate permittivity). Coplanar Strip (CPS) and Differential Line CPS : one of the conductors is ground; Differential line : neither of the conductors is grounded. Advantage of differential line: 1) It is suitable for RFICs and high-speed digital ICs (but not for HMIC due to radiation losses and most passive components are single-ended). 2) This line is popular for use in long bus lines and clock distribution nets on chip as the signal return path. The differential line has a virtual ground itself, which means that a real metallic ground is not necessary. Stripline Completely filled microstrip, i.e. a symmetrical structure results in TEM transmission Advantages : 1) lower loss. 2) Fairly high Q-factor. 3) Waveguide modes can easily to exited at higher frequencies. Disadvantages: 1) Insufficient space for the incorporation of semiconductor devices. 2) Mode suppression gives rise to design problem. 3) Not compatible with shunt-mounted devices. Summary of TL Properties Z0 and Q-factor are criterion for circuit applications. Substrate Choice for HMIC Many factors, mechanical, thermal, electronics, and economic, leading to the correct choice of substrate deeply influence MIC design. The kinds of questions include: 1) Cost 2) Thin-film or thick-film technology 3) Frequency range 4) Surface roughness (this will influence conductor losses and metal-film adhesion) 5) Mechanical strength, flexibility, and thermal conductivity 6) Sufficient surface area Commonly used substrate materials Organic PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) FR4 1) Low cost, rigid structure, and multi-layer capability. 2) Applications for operation frequency below a few GHz. fop Loss RT/Duroid 1) Low loss and good for RF applications. 2) Board has a wide selected range for permittivity. e.g. RT/Duroid 5870 with r =2.33, RT/Duroid 5880 with r =2.2, and RT/Duroid 6010 with r =10.2. 3) Board is soft leading to less precise dimensional control. Softboard 1) Plastic substrate with good flexibility. 2) This board is suitable for experimental circuits operating below a few GHz and array antennas operating up to and beyond 20 GHz. Ceramic Substrate (Alumina) 1) Good for operation frequency up to 40 GHz. 2) Metallic patterns can be implemented on ceramic substrate using thinfilm or thick-film technology. 3) Passive components of extremely small volume can be implemented because the ceramic substrate can be stacked in many tens of layers or more, e.g. low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC). 4) Good thermal conductivity. 5) Alumina purity below 85% should result in high conductor and dielectric losses and poor reproducibility. Quartz 1) Production circuits for millimetric wave applications from tens of GHz up to perhaps 300 GHz, and suitable for use in finline and image line MIC structures. 2) Lower permittivity of property allows larger distributed circuit elements to be incorporated. Sapphire The most expensive substrate with following advantages: 1) Transparent feature is useful for accurately registering chip devices. 2) Fairly high permittivity (r =10.1~10.3), reproducible ( all pieces are essentially identical in dielectric properties), and thermal conductivity (about 30% higher than the best alumina). 3) Low power loss. Disadvantages: 1) Relatively high cost. 2) Substrate area is limited (usually little more than 25 mm square). 3) Dielectric anisotropy poses some additional circuit design problems. Properties of Some Typical Substrate Materials MIC Manufacturing Technology Thin-Film Module Circuit is accomplished by a plate-through technique or an etch-back technique. Thick-Film Module 1) Thick-film patterns are printed and fired on the ceramic substrate. 2) Printed circuit technique is used to etch the desired pattern in a plastic substrate. Medium-Film Module Above technologies are suitable for HMIC productions. Monolithic Technology This technology is suitable for MMIC productions. Properties of Various Manufacturing Technology Multi-Chip Modules (MCM) MCM provides small, high precision interconnects among multiple ICs to form a cost-effectively single module or package. Four dominant types of MCM technologies: 1) MCM-L having a laminated PCB-like structure. 2) MCM-C based on co-fired ceramic structures similar to thick-film modules. 3) MCM-D using deposited metals and dielectrics in a process very similar to that used in semiconductor processing. 4) MCM-C/D having deposited layers on the MCM-C base Advantages of an MCM over a PCB are : 1) Higher interconnect density. 2) Finer geometries enables direct chip connect. 3) Finer interconnect geometries enables chips placed closer together and it results in shorter interconnect lengths. Comparison of MCM Technologies Low Frequency Characters of Microstrip Line Microstrip Line Microstrip line is the most popular type of planar transmission lines, primarily because it can be fabricated by photolithographic processes and is easily integrated with other passive and active RF devices. When line length is an appreciable fraction of a wavelength (say 1/20th or more), the electric requirements is often to realize a structure that provides maximum signal, or power, transfer. Example of a transistor amplifier input network Microstrip components Transmission line Discontinuities •Step •Mitered bend •Bondwire •Via ground The most important dimensional parameters are the microstrip width w, height h (equal to the thickness of substrate), and the relative permittivity of substrate r. Useful feature of microstrip : DC as well as AC signals may be transmitted. Active devices and diodes may readily be incorporated. In-circuit characterization of devices is straightforward to implement. Line wavelength is reduced considerably (typically 1/3) from its free space value, because of the substrate fields. Hence, distributed component dimensions are relatively small. The structure is quite rugged and can withstand moderately high voltages and power levels. Although microstrip has not a uniform dielectric filling, energe transmission is quite closely resembles TEM; it’s usually referred to as ‘quasi-TEM’. Electromagnetic Analysis Using Quasi-Static Approach (Quasi-TEM Mode) The statically derived results are quite accurate where frequency is below a few GHz. The static results can still be used in conjunction with frequency-dependent functions in closed formula when frequency at higher frequency. Characteristic Impedance Z0 For air-filled microstrip lines, L Z0 C For low-loss microstrip lines, L 1 1 Z01 cL L 2 C1 cC1 c C1 We can derive 1 Z c Z0 01 ; eff C1 c CC1 eff Procedure for calculating the distributed capacitance: Lapace' s equation : t 2Vt0 ( x, y ) 0 0 V ( x, y ) t 0 0 0 BCs for Vt , Et , Dt at y 0 and y h 0 Gauss' s Law Et tVt0 Q w 0 0 Q D 0 ds C c f ( , r ) c t V0 h Dt Et c w C1 f ( , r 1) h Effective Dielectric Constant eff c 2 C w ( ) g( ,r ) vp C1 h For very wide lines, w / h >> 1 eff r For very narrow lines, w / h << 1 eff r 1 2 r w q 1 h w r q 1 / 2 h We can express eff as eff 1 eff 1 q ( r 1) q r 1 1 eff r where filling factor q represents the ratio of the EM fields inside the substrate region, and its value is between ½ and 1. Another approximate formula for q is q r ( eff 1) eff ( r 1) (provided by K.C. Gupta, et. al.) r 1 Planar Waveguide Model (Parallel-Plate Model) Z0 h0 weff eff r () where 0 0 0 120 eff Conductor Loss ac In most microstrip designs with high r, conductor losses in the strip and ground plane dominate over dielectric and radiation losses. It’s a factors related to the metallic material composing the ground plane and walls, among which are conductivity, skin effect, and surface roughness. Relationships: h ac , roughness of the substrate surface. w ac opposite to conductivi ty ( In idealized line, ) The strip thickness should be greater th an 3 ~ 5 times the skin depth to minimize ac . Dielectric Loss ad To minimize dielectric losses, high-quality low-loss dielectric substrate like alumina, quartz, and sapphire are typically used in HMICs. In MMICs, Si or GaAs substrates result in much larger dielectric losses (approximately 0.04 dB/mm). Radiation Loss ar Radiation loss is major problem for open microstrip lines with low . Lower (5) is used when cost reduction is a priority, but it lead to radiation loss increased. The use of top cover and side walls can reduce radiation losses. Higher substrate can also reduce the radiation losses, and has a benefit in that the package size decreases by approximately the square root of . This benefit is an advantage at low frequency, but may be a problem at higher frequencies due to tolerances. Formulations of Attenuation Constant R 2R 1 R ac s s (Np/m ) 2Z0 w 2 Z 0 wZ0 a GZ0 1 L 1 tan c 1 ad (C ) ( ) LC LC tan c 2 2 C 2 2 1 1 1 tan c 0 0 eff tan c k0 eff tan c (Np/m ) 2 2 2 where k0 0 0 / c (free - space wavenumbe r) However, the dielectric loss should occur in the substrate region only, not the whole region. Therefore, ad should be modified as r ( eff 1) 1 1 a d q k0 eff tan c k0 eff tan c 2 eff ( r 1) 2 k0 r ( eff 1) tan c (m -1 ) 2 eff ( r 1) How to evaluate attenuation constant a Method 1 : in Chapter 2.14 ; a is calculated from RLCG values of material. Method 2: Perturbation method a Pl ( z 0) where Pl is power loss per unit length of line, 2 P0 P0is the power on line at z=0 plane. Method 3:a is calculated from material parameters. a ac ad a r where ac is attenuation due to conductor loss ad is attenuation due to dielectric loss Rs dZ 0 ac ar is attenuation due to radiation loss 2 Z dl 0 k 2 tan ad ; unit : Np/m (for TE or TM waves) 2 k tan ad ; unit : Np/m (for TEM waves) 2 Combined Loss Effect : linearly combined quality factors (Q) 1 1 1 1 Q Qc Qd Qr Recommendations 1) Use a specific dimension ratio to achieve the desired characteristic impedance. Following that, the strip width should be minimized to decrease the overall dimension, as well as to suppress higher-order modes. However, a smaller strip width leads to higher losses. 2) Power-handling capability in microstrip line is relatively low. To increase peak power, the thickness of the substrate should be maximized, and the edges of strip should be rounded ( EM fields concentrate at the sharp edges of the strip). 3) The positive effects of decreasing substrate thickness are : a) Compact circuit b) Ease of integration c) Less tendency to launch higher-order modes or radiation d) The via holes drilled through dielectric substrate contributing smaller parasitic inductances However, thin substrate while maintaining a constant Z0 must narrow the conductor width w, and it consequently lead to higher conductor losses, lower Q-factor and the problem of fabrication tolerances. 4) Using higher substrate can decrease microstrip circuit dimensions, but increase losses due to higher loss tangent. Besides, narrowing conductor line have higher ohmic losses. Therefore, it is a conflict between the requirements of small dimensions and low loss. For many applications, lower dielectric constant is preferred since losses are reduced, conductor geometries are larger ( more producible), and the cutoff frequency of the circuit increases. 5) For microwave device applications, microstrip generally offers the smallest sizes and the easiest fabrication, but not offer the highest electrical performance. Design a microstrip line by the method of “Approximate Graphically-Based Synthesis” Example1: Design a 50 microstrip line on a FR4 substrate( r =4.5). Solution Assume eff = r =4.5 From Zo1 curve w/h=1.5 From q-curve q=0.66 eff = 1+q (r +1)=1+0.66(4.5-1)=3.31 2nd iteration Z 01 Z 0 eff 50 3.31 91 From Zo1 curve w/h=1.7 From q-curve q=0.68 eff = 1+q (r +1)=1+0.68(4.5-1)=3.38 3rd iteration Stable result w/h=1.88; eff =3.39 Formulas for Quasi-TEM Design Calculations Analysis procedure: Give w / h to find eff and Z0. (provided by I.J. Bahl, et. al.) r 1 r 1 eff 2 2 1 12 (h / w) 8h w 60 ln( ), w 4h eff Z0 120 , eff ( w h) 1.393 0.667 ln (1.444 w / h) Synthesis procedure: Give Z0 to find w / h. A 8e w 1 h w 1 h w 2 2A w e 2 h h 2 r 1 0.61 w ln ( B 1) 0.39 2 B 1 ln (2 B 1) , 2 r r h Z0 r 1 r 1 0.11 377 where A (0.23 ), B 60 2 r 1 r 2Z0 r Example2: Calculate the width and length of a microstrip line for a 50 Characteristic impedance and a 90° phase shift at 2.5 GHz. The substrate thickness is h=0.127 cm, with eff =2.20. Solution Guess w/h>2 377 B 7.985 2Z0 r w 2 r 1 0.61 B 1 ln ( 2 B 1) ln ( B 1) 0.39 3.081 h 2 r r Then w=3.081h=0.391 (cm) eff r 1 2 r 1 2 1 12 (h / w) 1.87 The line length, l, for a 90° phase shift is found as 90 l k l k 2f eff 0 90 ( / 180 ) l 2.19 (cm) eff k0 0 c 52.35 (m -1 ) Matched with guess Microstrip on an Dielectrically Anisotropic Substrate x 0 0 0 y 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 9.4 Sapphire 0 || 0 0 11.6 0 9.4 0 0 0 0 C yC y ; where req i f C f Cy 0 C f Ci i 0 ( w / h ) denotes fringing capacitnce Cy y 0 ( w / h ) denotes parallel - plate capacitnce Empirical formula 1.21 ; 2 1 0.39[log( 10w / h)] 0.5% accuracy throughout the range eff 12 0.1 w / h 10 and 10 Z 0 100 Curve : i =10.6 ; Curve : used req formula Effects of Finite Strip Thickness At larger value of t/w the significance of the thickness increase. 4πw w w 1.25t (1 ln ); we h h t h 2 h w 1.25t (1 ln 2h ); w h t h 2 h 8h we w 60 ln( ), 1 we 4h h eff Z0 120 ln( we 1.393 0.667 we 1.444), w 1 h h h eff ( r 1) t h ; (t ) (t ) eff (t ) eff eff eff w 4.6 h we w ,where we is effective width of strip t we ; Z0 ; eff Increasing thickness t E-fields Effects of Metallic Enclosure (Housing) The purpose of metallic enclosure provide hermetic sealing, mechanical strength, EM shielding, connector mounting, and module handling. The conducting top and side walls lower both eff and Z0, which is due to increase proportion of electric flux in air. r 1 r 1 h ' 0.415 eff ( R ) tanh[ 0.18 0.237 ' ] 2 2 2 h (h ) h h 0.5 w 2 w [ 1 12 ( )] 0 . 04 ( 1 ) , 1 w h h R h w [1 12( )]0.5 , 1 w h w Z ( unshielded ) Z , 1.3 0 s1 0 h Z 0 (shielded ) w Z 0 ( unshielded ) Z 0 s 2 , 1.3 h Z 0 s1 270[1 tanh( 0.28 1.2 h ' h )] Z0s 2 0.48[( we h ) 1]0.5 Z 0 s1 (1 tanh{ 1 }) ' 2 [1 (h h )] Effects of Propagation Delay One of the most significant properties of microstrip for applications in high speed digital or time-domain applications ( e.g. computer logic, digit communication, sampler for oscilloscope, counter) to carry signal pulses is propagation delay. Crosstalk between adjacent circuits is a serious problem in pulse systems. d eff c ; s/m d 1 ; vp vp 1 LC For example, a 50 microstrip line on high-purity alumina: eff =6.7 d 6.7 8.6 ns/m 8.6 ps/mm 8 3 10 High-speed gates typically have around 50 ps delay per gate, it means that 5-10 mm of microstrip is needed to realize such a gate. For instance, such length of line is not feasible to implement in chips. L or C d length of line Recommendations to The Static-TEM Approaches The Static-TEM formulas will exhibit significant errors once operation frequency beyond a few GHz. Always start with a slightly lower impedance than the actually desired, i.e. larger w/h, if trimming (etch or laser-trim) is contemplated. The physical lengths of line should slightly longer than required for adjusting operation frequency. In general, 1% reduction in length can be expected approximately a 1% increase in frequency. The length of a top-cover shield might be adjusted to trim the performance of MICs. High Frequency Characters of Microstrip Line Dispersion in Microstrip (Frequency Dependence) r Microstrip Line eff 0 High loss Low dispersion air 0 0 eff Planar Waveguide Model Microstrip Line Medium loss High dispersion substrate Low loss Low dispersion Good for Applications As frequency goes higher, EM fields tend to distribute in the substrate region in a higher ratio. Frequency-Dependent Effective Dielectric Constant (f ) for Microstrip Line eff The reason of dispersion generated : 1) Higher TE and TM modes (hybrid mode) generated 2) Surface wave couples with dominate mode eff ( f , h, r ) Getsinger Formula : 2 eff ( f ) ( ) 0 0 r eff ( f 0) r 2 1 eff ( f ) always increase with frequency eff ( f 0) eff ; eff ( f ) r ; 1 G ( f / fp) where f p Z 0 /( 2 0h ), G is empirical formula and sensitive to Z 0 For alumina ( eff 9.9) with h 0.635mm G 0.6 0.009 Z 0 ; For sapphire ( eff 10.7 ~ 11.6) with h 0.5mm G [( Z 0 5) / 60]2 0.004 Z 0 ; wel l with range 10 Z 0 100, 2 f 18GHz For alumina ( eff 10.15) with h 0.65mm Z0 3 2 G( ) 0.001Z 0 ; well with range 30 Z 0 70, 2 f 18GH 60 Example3: Design a 50- microstrip line on a 0.635 mm thick ceramic substrate (r=9.9). Calculate the wavelength of the line at 1 and 10 GHz. Assume that G = 0.6 + 0.009 Z0 in Getsinger’s expression. Solution 50 9.9 1 9.9 1 0.11 A (0.23 ) 2.142 60 2 9.9 1 9.9 w 8e2.142 0.966 2 2 . 142 h e 2 w 0.966 0.635 0.613 (mm) 9.9 1 9.9 1 eff ( f 1GHz) 6.664 2 2 1 12(0.635 / 0.613) 3 108 at 1 GHz 10 fp 9 0.1162 (m) 116.2 (mm) 6.664 50 2 4 10 7 0.635 10 3 31.33 109 (Hz) 31.33 (GHz) G 0.6 0.009 50 1.05 eff ( f 10GHz) 9.9 at 10 GHz 9.9 6.664 1 1.05 (10 / 31.33) 3 108 10 10 6.977 2 6.977 0.01136 (m) 11.36 (mm) Other accurate formulas of eff (f ) Edwards and Owens’ expression : applicable for alumina and sapphire substrate under the range 10 r 12 (alumina type) and f18 GHz. eff r r eff 1 (h Z0 ) 1.33 (0.43 f 0.009 f ) 2 3 ; where h is in mm and f is in GHz Yamashita expression : suitable for millimetre-wave design (up to 100GHz) but not accuracy for frequency below 18 GHZ. eff ( f ) ( r eff eff )2 , 1 4 F 1.5 4hf r 1 w 2 F [0.5 {1 2 log( 1 )} ] c h Advantage of these formulas are calculated-based design and inexpensively integrated into CAD tools. However, these approximate approaches based on some limited applications are their drawback. Frequency-Dependent of Microstrip Characteristic Impedance (Z0) The problem of characteristic impedance as a function of frequency is difficult to settle. Because there are several definitions of Z0 used different assumptions to derive results. Planar waveguide model Z0 ( f ) h weff ( f ) eff ( f ) weff ( f ) w fp weff w 1 ( f f p )2 c V I P * II VV * P Z 0 ,a Z 0,b Z 0 ,c 2 weff eff weff h Z 0 eff ; 0 0 f weff ; Z0 ( f ) For a 50 line the increase is about 10% over 0-16GHz range Dispersion of lossy gold microstrip on a 635m thick alumina substrate (r =9.8, w= 635m, Z0 =50) Dispersion of lossy copper microstrip on a 650m thick high resistivity silicon substrate (r =11.9, w= 70m, Z0 =83) Variation of effective permittivity and characteristic impedance for a lossy gold microstrip on a 635m thick alumina substrate (r =9.8) Operation frequency Limitation Two possible spurious effects restrict the desirable operating frequency: 1) The lowest-mode TM mode: the most significant modal limitation in microstrip are associated with strong coupling between the dominant quasi-TEM mode and the lowest-order TM mode. 2) The lowest-order transverse microstrip resonance. TM mode: it is identified when the associated two phase velocities are close. Effective 1 c tan ( r ) air mode f TEM 1 2( r 1)h The maximum restriction on usable substrate thickness: hM 0.3450 fTEM1 substrate TM0 Quasi-TEM r 1 hM fTEM1 fTEM1 can be regarded as the upper limitation of operating frequency. fTEM1 as a function of substrate thickness h and relative permittivity r . Lowest-Order Transverse Microstrip Resonance Transverse microstrip resonance: For a sufficiently wide microstrip the resonant mode can also couple strongly to quasi TEM mode. To suppress transverse resonance, slot can introduce into metal strip but sometimes it might excite resonance. A practice method is a change in circuit configuration to avoid wide microstip lines close adjacent. At the cutoff frequency of transverse resonant mode, line has a length equivalent to w+2d, where d accounts for the microstrip side-fringing capacitance: d=2h. The cutoff frequency: fCT c r (2w 0.8h) Parameters governing the choice of substrate for any microstrip application. Power Losses and Parasitic Coupling Four separate mechanisms can be identified for power losses and parasitic coupling: 1) conductor losses 2) dissipation in the dielectric of substrate 3) radiation loss 4) surface-wave propagation Dissipative effects Parasitic phenomena The dissipative losses may be interpreted in terms of Q factor or can be lumped together as the attenuation coefficent a. Conductor Loss f a c 0.072 g (dB/microstrip wavelength) wZ 0 g 0 eff f -1/2 , h-1 ; where f is in GHz and Z 0 is in . In practice the loss is approximately 60 % increased when surface roughness is taken into account. Dielectric Loss r ( eff 1) tan a d 27.3 eff ( r 1) (dB/microstrip wavelength) Independent f , h In general conductor loss greatly exceed dielectric loss for most microstrip lines on alumina or sapphire substrates, but opposite condition to have larger dielectric loss for Si or GaAs substrates. a ac ad Q Qg ; 2a ag (Np/m) 2 g f a Q However Q factor will be limited by parasitic effects at high frequencies. Radiation f 2, h 2 Microstrip is an asymmetric TL structure and is often used in unshielded or poorly shielded circuits where any radiations is either free to propagate away or to induce currents in the shielding. Further power loss is the net result. Discontinuities of microstrip form essential features of a MIC and are the major sources of radiations unavoidably. Various techniques may be adopted to reduce radiation: 1) Metallic shielding or ‘screening’. 2)A lossy (absorbent) material near any radiation discontinuity. 3) Possibly shape the discontinuity in some way to reduce the radiation efficiency. Surface-Wave Propagation f 3~4 , h3~4 Surface wave trapped just beneath the surface of substrate dielectric, will be propagated away from microstrip discontinuities in the form of a range of TE or TM modes. This effect can be reduced by above methods 1 and 2 , or by cutting slots into the substrate surface just in front of an open-circuit. Power losses versus frequency for open-end discontinuity (r =10.2, w= 24 mil, h =25 mil) Parasitic Coupling If shielding cannot be adopted due to space limitation as to use the absorbent material, the method will reduces the Q-factor . High degree of isolation can suppress the parasitic coupling. Various methods for increasing isolation: 1) Use relatively high permittivity substrate. 2) Use fairly thin substrate. 3) Employ high impedance stubs, wherever this is feasible. Conclusion : Attenuation is mainly due to conductor and dielectric losses. Radiation and surface-wave losses are negligible. This face can be observed from the relative degree that these losses dependent to frequency. Recommendations for Higher frequency Considerations Select the substrate such that the TM mode effect is avoided. fTEM1 , hM Check that the first-order transverse resonance cannot be exited at the highest frequency. If a resonance is occur, above mentioned solutions can be adopted to suppress. fCT Calculate the total losses and Q-factor to check if they satisfy the design requirement. A reappraisal of design philosophy may be necessary when Q-factor is too low. Evaluate the frequency-dependent effective microstrip parameters to account for high-frequency effects. e.g. eff (f ), Z0(f ) Discontinuities of Microstrip Line The Main Discontinuities All practical distributed circuits must inherently contain discontinuities. Such discontinuities give rise to small capacitances and inductances ( often < 0.1pF and < 0.1nH) and these reactances become significant at high frequencies. Several form of discontinuities : 1. Open-end circuit (Stub) 2. Series coupling gaps 3. Short-circuit through to the ground plane (Via) 4. Right-angled corner (Bend) 5. Step width change 6. Transverse slit 7. T-junction 8. Cross-junction A HMIC microwave amplifier using a GaAs MESFET, showing several discontinuities in the microstrip lines. Open-End Three phenomena associated with the open-end : 1. Fringing fields. Cf 2. Surface waves. 3. Radiation. Terms 2 and 3 equivalent to a shunt conductance (G), but minimization can be carried out to suppress the effects. Curve-fitting formula (by Silvester and Benedek): Cf 5 i 1 h exp[ 2.2036 k (log Coefficients for k )i 1 ] ; pF/m Equivalent End-Effect Length The microstrip line is longer than it actually is to account for the endeffect. cZ 0C f leo ; eff accuracy over the range 2 f 20 GHz and alumuna substrate less than 1 mm thick. More general formula : (by Hammerstad and Bekkadal) w 0.262 eff 0.3 leo 0.412h( )( h ) eff 0.258 w 0.813 h Over a wide range of materials and w/h, the expression gives error of 5%. Where such error is accepted. Upper limit to end-effect length (by Cohn): ( leo 2 ) max ln 2 h Cf : equivalent and fringing capacitance Leo : equivalent extra TL of length Normalized end-effect length (Leo /h ) as a function of shape ratio w /h. The Series Gap The gap end-effect line extension may be written : leo cZ 0C1 C2 eff ; C1 : field fringing capacitor C2 : gap coupling capacitor More general formula by Garg and Bahl: Co ( r ) 9.6C0 ( Ce ( r ) 9.6Ce ( r 9.6 r 9.6 )0.8 )0.9 Co C1 2C2 Ce 2C1 Relations hold over the range 2.5 r 15 and an accuracy of 7% is quoted. Via-Ground The via hole provides a fairly good short-circuit to ground at lower frequency range, but the parasitic effects increase at high frequencies. Optimum via-hole dimension for minimum reactance ( by Owens): weff weff 2 ln( )( ) ; d e d e d e 0.03 0.44d (d : actual hole diameter) weff h0 Z 0 eff (effective microstrip width) For a 50 line on alumina substrate (r =10.1, h=0.635mm), the hole diameter needs 0.26mm for a good broadband short-circuit. To accurately and repeatably locate these holes or ‘shunt posts’, Computer-controlled laser drilling can provide Precision realization. Lvia C fringing Grad surf Right-Angle Bend or Corner The bend usually pass through an angle of 90° and the line does not change width. The capacitance arises through additional charge accumulation at the corners particularly around the outer part of bend where electric fields concentrate. The inductance arise because of current flow interruption. Reactance formula ( by Gupta): C (14 r 12.5) w h (1.83 r 2.25) pF/m; For w 1 h w wh C w (9.5 r 1.25) 5.2 r 7 pF/m; For w 1 h w h L w 100[4 4.21] nH/m h h Accuracy is within 5% over the range : 2.5 r 15 and 0.1 w 5.0 h Example4: Calculate the parasitic effects for a bend on an w=0.75mm and h=0.5mm alumina substrate (r=9.9). Solution For w 1.5 1 h C 0.135pF and L 0.031nH At 10 GHz L 2 ; 1/C 120 The 2/120 reactances in series/parallel connection with 50 line will have a pronounced influence on circuit response. 0.031nH 0.031nH 0.135pF Mitred or Matched Bend A mitred bend can greatly reduce the effects of reactance and hence improving circuit performance. An equivalent line-length lc occurs and increase with enhanced mitred. The champing function should be restricted to around: 1 b 0.6 2w b 0.57w A bend acts like a reflector. Magnitude of the current densities on (a) a right-angled bend, and (b) an optimally mitred bend. The Symmetrical Step Like the bend, the shunt capacitance is the dominant factor. Curve-fitting formulas: Lm 2 Lm1 ; L L1 L2 ; L2 L L1 L Lm1 Lm 2 Lm1 Lm 2 Lm1 Z o1 eff 1 c ; Lm 2 For r 10 ; 1.5 w2 Z o 2 eff 2 w1 c All inductance s are in nH/m 3.5 : w2 C 12.6 log r 3.17 pF/m (10.1 log r 2.33) w1 w1w2 For r 10 ; 3.5 w2 w1 3.5 : w C 130 log( 2 ) 44 pF/m w1 w1w2 The Asymmetrical Step The values of reactances are about half of the values obtained for the symmetrical step. The Narrow Transverse Slit A narrow slit yields a series inductance effect, and it may be used to compensate for excess capacitance at discontinuities or to fine-tune lengths of microstrip such as stubs. ΔL 0 a ' 2 ( ) h 2 A Z 0, w a' where 1 ' A Z 0, w a A narrow slit width causes parasitic capacitance to parallel connection with L. While wide slit forms the asymmetrical steps. Therefore b < h. T-Junction The junction necessarily occurs in a wide variety of microstrip circuits such as matching elements, stub filters, branch-line couplers, and antenna element feeds. Garg et. al. and Hammerstad et. al. have provided formulas for extracting the elements of equivalent circuit. However, some limitations to the accuracy of formulas should be noticed. Parameter trends for the T-junction. Compensated T-Junction Dydyk have modified the microstrip in the vicinity of junction in order to compensate for reference plane shifts, at least over a specified range of frequencies. The treatment of the junction can exclude radiation loss with little error in circuit performance results, at least up to a frequency of 17 GHz. Cross-Junction A cross-junction may be symmetrical or asymmetrical, where the lines forming the cross do not all have the same widths. Theoretical and experimental agreement is not good, especially for some inductance parameter. The coupling effects that occur with cross-junctions illustrates the origin of cross-talk in complicated interconnection networks. One kind of applications is that used two stubs placed on each side of microstrip to instead of single one. The method can prevent wider stub from sustaining transverse resonance modes at higher operating frequency. Frequency-Dependence of Discontinuity Effects Open-Circuit Edward Figure 7.27 Edward Figure 7.25 7.26 Open-Circuit Open-Circuit Series Gap Cross-Junction Bend