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Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
The EDSAC Replica
Andrew Herbert, with thanks to Chris Burton, July 2012
The EDSAC Replica Project
The Proposition
Project Organisation
Feasibility Studies
Costs and Timescale
The Proposition
An enquiry in 2010 by Hermann Hauser, wellknown Cambridge technology entrepreneur:
“Would it be feasible to build a replica of
the famous EDSAC?”
Assume the goal is to replicate the machine
as it was in May 1949 when it ran its first
Let it be a tangible tribute to Maurice
Wilkes, though he was somewhat sceptical
about the proposal!
Edsac Firsts
1. The first machine to provide a “computing
• Conservatively designed, highly reliable
• Mathematicians, scientists, engineers at Cambridge
University) took turns to use it as a personal computer
• Contributed to Cambridge scientific advances in
astronomy, X-ray crystallography and many other
2. The biggest single leap in computing power ever
• 1,500x speed of the mechanical calculators it replaced
3. The first machine to read in symbolic programs
(as opposed to patching, hand keying etc)
• Hardware “initial instructions” embodied a relocating
assembler to read in user’s program and library
routines from paper tape.
Overall Organisation
EDSAC Replica Limited
A charitable trust
Sponsors + University of
Cambridge + BCS
Management Board
+ Project Manager
The Replica
Project Manager +
Day to day
Key Facts for Programmers
Two registers: accumulator and multiply
512 words of memory
35 bit memory: two 17 bit half words plus
“sandwich digit”
Fixed point arithmetic
Paper tape input
Teleprinter output
Initial instructions embody simple assembler
Order Code
F (5)
• Un
• Cn
• R 2n-2
a += [n]
a -= [n]
m := [n]
a += m*[n]
a -= m*[n]
n := a;
a := 0
n := a
a += m&[n]
a := a >> n
n (10)
L 2n-2
a := a >> n
jmp if a<0
jmp if a≥0
no op
round a
EDSAC Architecture
Automatic Digital Computers, M.V. Wilkes, 1956
Mercury Delay Line Memory
Maurice Wilkes with
a battery of 16
storage tanks
Each tank holds 16
x 36 bit words as a
train of acoustic
Computer has to
synchronize with
the memory
Serial Computing
Most of EDSAC is serial
Process one bit of a word at the time
Reduces number of components needed
From Edsac Report
Decoding and Coincidence
Have to go parallel
to decode function
number and memory
Automatic Digital Computers, M.V. Wilkes, 1956
Building the Replica
We don’t have a complete blueprint,
so we aim to...
consistent with photographs and
contemporary records
period components and circuits when
camouflaged modern components
to EDSAC architectural principles
(i.e., serial processing) when designing
Feasibility Studies
Documents & knowledge acquisition
Physical design
Logic design & simulation
Electronic design & experiments
Acquisition of parts
Areas of work not started
Skills required
Documents & Knowledge Acquisition
Original technical description &
diagrams from Cambridge Computer
Laboratory archives
Original photographs & published
Recollections of pioneers
All collected in project Dropbox
EDSAC ran for 10 years so need to
understand the evolution of the
machine. (our target 6th May 1949)
Physical Design
Scanning and measuring from photos
12 racks, 120 chassis (“panels”)
An original chassis
exists to measure
The above chassis has
been drawn up and a
sample made
We don’t know how
many types of chassis
there were, or where
they were placed in the
Logic Design & Simulation
Need to know how EDSAC works in detail
Incomplete & inconsistent diagrams
Evidence of much re-design during
Need to extrapolate undocumented areas of
Simulation essential to give confidence
before committing to building anything
Typical Logical Diagram
From Edsac Report
Typical Timing Diagram
From Edsac Report
Logic Simulation
Bill Purvis has written a simulator for whole
logic - can run a program, very slowly.
Several areas such as reader and printer
modelled as ‘black boxes’
Electronic design
Electronic design is incomplete and lots of
redesigning went on during commissioning
AC-coupled circuits - unfamiliar!
AND-gate uses 3 pentodes and 3 diodes
Main components: flip-flop, inverter, short
delay, pulse amplifier
Experiment shows stage delay is very
Requires many lumped-constant delays
Typical Circuit Diagram
From Edsac Report
Mapping Logic to Circuits to
Use photos to try to guess what each
chassis does
Physical location of more than half the
logic is now understood - the easy bits!
Some partial clues from logic diagrams
Mapping Logic to Chassis
Memory Tanks
Maurice Wilkes with
a battery of 16
storage tanks, each
16 x 36 bit words
The 5 ft steel tubes
contain mercury as
the acoustic delay
Replica Memory Tanks
Risky and costly to use mercury, except
perhaps in one example tank
Precision engineering required:
tubes and end plates – aligned
to within 0.001” end-to-end
Will use nickel delay lines as a
reasonable alternative
Use semiconductor shift
registers to get off the ground
Acquisition of Parts
Many, but not all, valves are available and
already to hand
B9G valveholders will be problematic
Authentic ‘period’ resistors and
capacitors may be difficult to find and
too unreliable to use
Lumped-constant delay lines need to be
made, lots of coils to wind
Areas not yet looked at
HT power supply - +250v at say 15 amp
Negative power supplies
Electrical hazard of open circuit wiring
The ‘three oscilloscope unit’
Tape reader
Skills mix needed
Understand logic and map to electronic
Map electronic circuits to individual chassis
Wiring up 120 chassis - 3000 valves –
60,000 solder joints!
Ability to track down lots of components
Delicate manipulative skills for delay lines
Some circuit design capability for replica
Costs and Timescale
Preliminary estimates indicate cost in the
region of £250,000
With adequate availability of volunteers to
do the construction, it could take 3-4 years
Current Status
In addition to design research reported
Charity registered and bank account
Initial donations to fund first year
Detailed planning started
Initial milestones – pulses, counting, storing
Work in Progress
Demonstrate EDSAC Pulses: Clock Pulse
Generator and Digit Pulse Generator
chassis operation
Demonstrate Counting: Clock Pulse
Generator + Half Adder + Short Tank
Demonstrate Store Cycles: Address
Decoding + Store Regeneration + Long Tank
Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
The EDSAC Replica