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Sub-group on Prioritisation of
Emerging Contaminants in
1st meeting - Introduction
Dr. Benjamin Lopez (Fr. Geo. Survey)
UBA - Bismarckplatz, Berlin-Charlottenburg – Thursday 21st of April 2015 –
Why to prioritise emerging contaminants (ECs)?
> Huge amount of existing chemicals substances
100,204 chemical substances identified in the EU in 2005 (EINECS*)
ECHA Database contains 13,052 unique substances and contains
information from 50,405 Dossiers (last updated 25 February 2015)
… So it is impossible to assess and monitor all substances
Choices have to be made
to focus on certain substances among all existing chemicals
to come to consensus about key/priority substances regarding
envrionemental and/or health protection objectives
> To conform the regulation (WFD and GWD)
WFD 2013/39/EU “Review the list of substances designated as Priority
Substances and Priority Hazardous Substances”
Recital (4) of the GWD 2014/80/EU states the need “to obtain and
respond to new information on other substances posing a potential risk
[…] to groundwater”.
* European INventory of Existing Commercial Substances
How is it currently done in NORMAN?
> The global aims of the prioritization in NORMAN
Classify candidates substances into action categories
Rank substances in categories with regard to their environmental and
human risks
Identify knowledge gaps and actions to be taken by the research
community and public authorities to fill them.
A NORMAN prioritization
decision tree is mainly
elaborated within the scope
of surface waters
environmental risk
How did the idea of a GW sub-group come to be?
At the French national scale, the NORMAN prioritization decision
tree and the scoring are transposed, used and discussed by the
Prioritization Expert Comity (CEP)
Since 2010, CEP has been mandated by the Ministry of the
Environment to:
Identify emerging substances of interest to be monitored in the
aquatic environment during a 2012 national screening
Select the priority substances of the ecological status
Provide list of emerging substances for the “roadmap of the
ecological transition”
Select the relevant substances to be regular monitored in surface
Create the list of substances to be regular monitored
in groundwater during the new 2015-2021 WFD cycle
(Eq. Cat. 1)
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This exercice revealed that the prioritisation scheme can be
use to prioritise ECs in GW …
… under the condition of being adapted to the GW specific
data, objectives and uses
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Why set up a GW prioritisation specific group?
> There are many different uses of GW resulting in different
objectives of resource protection
This collage only represents a
few uses of groundwater
Water supply
GW Dependent or
Associated Ecosystems
- …
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> For many ECs there may be multiple pathways to
groundwater and associated receptors
Processes that should affect the nature of groundwater pollutants:
Leaching, retention, attenuation, partial degradation, transformation…
Schematic diagram, using the source-pathway-receptor approach,
highlighting potential sources and pathways for groundwater pollution
by EOCs (Lapworth et al., 2012)
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> Different pathways to GW compare to SW result in different
substances expected in GW and SW
Ex. 2012 Screening of ECs in surface water (n=29,280)
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2011 Screening of ECs in groundwater (n=393,191)
B. Lopez et al. STOTEN 518–519 (2015) 562–573
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Ex. French overseas 2012 SW and GW ECs screening campaigns
same labo., same LOQ, same sampling period - 51 common ECs
For groundwater, difficulties in understanding these processes are
compounded by paucity of information compared to surface water
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> Within a same family (same uses), there are not the same
compound occurrences in surface and groundwater
Ex. of poly and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in Overseas
France (Munoz G., et al.; to be published)
Overseas surface waters (n=75)
Overseas groundwater (n=80)
> Long-chain PFOS and PFOA prevailed in surface water Vs.
short-chain PFBS, PFHxS and PFHxA in groundwater
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> In line with its missions, NORMAN (this WG) could work
at the development of such a GW Prioritisation
methodology and provide recommendations / input to the
Watch(ed) List Members States’ initiative
> Do we agree that there is a need for a specific
NORMAN Sub-group on Prioritisation of
Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Groundwater?
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“Groundwater Watch(ed) List” sub-group activities
in the EU WG-C.
> Recital (4) of the GWD 2014/80/EU requirement
In order to identify substances those pose a “potential
risk to bodies of groundwater”, an initiative at the level of
the European Working Group C “Groundwater” has
recently been launched to establish a watch(ed) list for
pollutants of groundwater, including emerging pollutants.
> Last meeting of GW WG-C 14-15 April 2015
> Presentation of these activities by Rüdiger Wolter (UBA)
leader of the GW Watch(ed) list of the EU Commission
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