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Christianity and Islam
People, Texts, Ideologies, and Places
Words to Know!
The Quran
Graphic Organizer (Right Side)
Ethnic group vs
Religious Group
► Ethnic
groups share many common
characteristics such as language, physical
features, customs, and traditions
► Religious groups share a common belief
system but are not necessarily composted
of a single ethnic group.
About Yeshua (Jesus):
Christians follow the teachings of Yeshua of
Nazareth, commonly referred to as Jesus Christ.
He was executed by the Roman occupying
authorities in Palestine
The Trinity consists of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
three separate persons, all eternal, all omnipresent, all
omnipotent, all beneficent, who form a single, unified deity
Church history:
After Jesus' death, his followers
formed the Jewish Christian
movement, centered in Jerusalem.
One of Jesus' followers, Simon
Peter, may have headed the group.
James, who was either Jesus'
brother, cousin, or friend, took over
leadership later. They regarded
themselves as a reform
movement within Judaism; they
continued to sacrifice at the temple,
follow Jewish kosher food laws, etc.
The Protestant Reformation in the 16th century led to a
split within Christianity. The Protestant movement further
fragmented into what is now thousands of individual
denominations and groups of denominations.
Pope-Human leader of the Catholic Church.
Modern Christianity
Roman Catholic
Orthodox Catholic
Eastern Orthodox
And so on…
Christian Holy Places
► Jerusalem
is believed to be the site of some
of Jesus' teaching, the Last Supper, as well as his
entombment; Christians believe He was crucified on a nearby hill,
Golgotha (sometimes called Calvary). It contains the Church of the
Holy Sepulcher and the Church of All Nations.
Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus.
Nazareth is Jesus' hometown
► What
other religions also considers Jerusalem to
be a holy city?
Graphic Organizer (Right Side)
10 Commandments
5 Pillars
1. Which of the following is a true statement:
A. All Arabs are Muslims
B. All Muslims are Arabs
C. Iran is an Arab country
D. None of the above
1. Which of the following is a true statement:
A. All Arabs are Muslims
B. All Muslims are Arabs
C. Iran is an Arab country
D. None of the above
2. During prayer a Muslim should face:
A. Mecca
B. Islamabad
C. Jerusalem
D. Washington, DC
2. During prayer a Muslim should face:
A. Mecca
B. Islamabad
C. Jerusalem
D. Washington, DC
 Muslims are strict monotheists.
They believe in the Judeo-Christian God,
which they call Allah.
Muslims believe that the Torah
and the Bible, like the Qur’an,
is the word of God.
suras (chapters).
in Arabic.
Important People in Islam
The Origins of Islam
in Mecca in 571, descendent of
supposedly spoke to the angel Gabriel
revelations were compiled into the
Qur’an after his death.
leader of Islam
Islam by the death of Mohammed 632
732, 100 Yrs after Mohammed
The 'Five Pillars' of Islam
The framework for Muslim life. Essential practices
1. The declaration of faith:
• "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His
2. Prayer:
• Five obligatory prayers each day.
* dawn * noon * late afternoon * sunset
* before going to bed
•Wash before praying
•Face Mecca and use a
prayer rug.
The 'Five Pillars' of Islam
►Obligatory charitable giving by setting aside a portion
(2.5%) for the needy
 4.Fasting:
►From sunrise to sunset during the holy month of
The 'Five Pillars' of Islam
 5.Pilgrimage:
►A pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca, Arabia.
Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime.
► 2-3 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year.
Graphic Organizer (Right Side)
10 Commandments
Jihad and the Conduct of War
• Islam is not addicted to war, and jihad is not one of its "pillars”
• Jihad in Arabic does not mean "holy war”. It means "struggle” or “strive”.
• It is the difficult effort needed to put God's will into practice at every level
Relation with other Faiths
• Like the Torah, the Quran permits retaliation eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
But, like the Gospels, it says “it is meritorious to forgo revenge in a spirit of charity
(5: 45)
• Acknowledges Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses,
David, Solomon, Zacharia, Jesus, John the paptist, and others as the “the good
prophets of God”
• A special place for Jesus and Mary (e.g., 3:45,46; 4:156-158; 19:1-98)
• Accepts that Mary’s conception is from God’s soul.
• Rejects the divinity of Jesus (no trinity).
• Jesus was not killed (e.g., 4:155-159; 5:17-19)
Sunni and Shia(Shiite) Split
Like many other religions the Islamic faith is divided between two separate groups (the
Sunni and the Shia). Approx 90% of Muslims are Sunnis.
Shias are Muslims who follow Ali, Muhammad’s closet relative. Ali was Muhammad’s
cousin And was married to his daughter. After Muhammad died, Muslims split over
The Sunnis
wanted the Community to choose the best leader
to succeed Muhammad, while the Shia favored Ali,
feeling that leadership should stay within the
prophet’s family.
Who would succeed Muhammad as leader of Islam.
*Most Iranians are Shia Muslims.
Three holiest cities in Islam: Mecca, Medina,
Mount Moriah Rock
where Muhammad ascended into heaven.
Graphic Organizer (Right Side)
10 Commandments
Holy Place=
5 Pillars
So who’s religious site is it?
The Dome of the Rock is one of the holiest sites in Islam. Its significance is
from the religious beliefs regarding the rock at its center. According to Islamic
tradition, the rock is the spot from where Muhammad ascended to Heaven
accompanied by the angel Gabriel.
The stone hillside over which the Muslim shrine was built is also the holiest site
in Judaism. Just as Muslims pray towards the Kaaba in Mecca, the holiest site
in Islam, Jews pray towards the site of the the Foundation Stone, the holiest
site in Judaism.
In Christianity it is called the Church of the Holy Wisdom.
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
The Ka'aba (literally "the cube" in Arabic) is an ancient stone structure that was built
and re-built by prophets as a house of monotheistic worship. It is located inside the
Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Ka'aba is considered the center of the
Muslim world, and is a unifying focal point for Islamic worship.
House of Worship= Mosque
Islamic public place of prayer.
Mosques are the centre of
community worship and the site of Friday prayer services. Essentially an open space,
usually roofed, with a minaret sometimes attached. Statues and pictures are not
permitted as decoration. The minaret, originally any elevated place but now usually a
tower, is used by the muezzin (crier) to proclaim the call to worship five times each day.
During prayer, Muslims orient themselves toward the qiblah wall, which is invariably
oriented toward the Ka'bah in Mecca. The mosque has traditionally been the centre of
social, political, and educational life in Islamic societies.
Graphic Organizer (Right Side)
10 Commandments
Holy Place=
5 Pillars
Islam's Sunni-Shiite split. Dan Murphy | Staff writer of The Christian Science