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Comprehension & Critical
p. 297
1(a) What geographic feature covers
most of the Arabian peninsula?
1(a) What geographic feature covers
most of the Arabian peninsula?
Desert covers most of the Arabian peninsula.
The Arabian peninsula is covered by desert.
1(b) How did geography affect trade
and settlement there?
1(b) How did geography affect trade
and settlement there?
1(b) How did geography affect trade
and settlement there? (the Arabian
1(b) How did geography affect trade
and settlement there? (the Arabian
Most of the population was settled along the
coast. One group of nomads, called the
Bedouins, lived in the desert areas, herding
animals and leading trade caravans. Desert
oases also developed into trade centers.
1(c) Why do you think the Bedouins
became nomads?
1(c) Why do you think the Bedouins
became nomads?
Since they lived in the desert, there were limited
resources. They had to move around to find food
for themselves and their herds of animals.
2(a) What were the main events of
Muhammad's life?
2(a) What were the main events of
Muhammad's life?
He was born in about 570 in Mecca.
At age 40 he believed he heard God speak to
him and began to preach God's message.
In 622, Muhammad and his followers moved to
In 630, he went back to Mecca, where he died in
2(b) What are the main beliefs of
2(b) What are the main beliefs of
There is one God and Muhammad is his
prophet. Muslims pray five times a day, give
money to the needy, fast during daylight in the
month of Ramadan, and make a pilgrimage to
Mecca if they are able.
2(c) What beliefs do Sunnis and Shiites
share? Which beliefs separate them?
2(c) What beliefs do Sunnis and Shiites
share? Which beliefs separate them?
Both groups follow the five pillars, believe there
is one God, and that Muhammad was his
2(c) What beliefs do Sunnis and Shiites
share? Which beliefs separate them?
Both groups follow the five pillars, believe there
is one God, and that Muhammad was his
2(c) What beliefs do Sunnis and Shiites
share? Which beliefs separate them?
Both groups follow the five pillars, believe there
is one God, and that Muhammad was his
However, the Shiites believe that only a direct
descendant of Muhammad should lead Islam,
while Sunnis believe that any truly religious man
can lead Islam.