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Imaniyat (Belief/Faith)
Meaning of Imani:
To belive,to have faith in something
that is to accept Islam with conviction.
The antonym of “Iman” is “Kufr”
meaning of “Kufr” to conceal or to
hide it also means disobedience or
Significance of Iman
Five Pillars Of Islam
Belief in Allah.
Belief in all the Prophets (nabi) and
messengers (Rasul) sent by Allah.
Belief in Angles (Malaika).
Belief in the books (Kutab) sent by Allah.
Belief in the day of judgment (Qayamat). and
in the resurration (life after death).
Belief in Allah (Tawhid).
Concept of Allah In Various Beliefs
Polytheism : Polytheism is the belief that there
is more than one deity.
Dualism: Dualism is the belief of the
coexistance or conflict between the benevolent
and the malignate.
Hinduism: Brhma(The creater),
Vishnu(Preservier), Shiva(Destroyer).
Christianity: Trinity father, son,the holy sprit.
Concept Of Allah In Islam
Tawhid-al-Asmawa as-safat.
Existance of allah.
Reasoning on Tawhid.
Root of piety.
Meaning: Sharing ,associating , partner with allah.
 Forms Of Shirk:
• Shirk ad-dua.
• Shirk al niyah wal irada.
• Shirk al-taa.
• Shirk al-muhabbah.
• Shirk al-Khafi (Hidden shirk)
Shirk is great sin, shirk unforgivable sin, mushraks are
Impact Of Belief In Oneness Of
Love of Allah.
Respect of Allah.
Contentmen of Allah.
Self respect.
Humbleness and Madesty.
Determination and Patience.
End of Despondency.
Success and Salvation.
Foundation of Brotherhood and Equality.
Belief In Prophethood (Risalat)
Meaning Of Risalat:
 To bring a message of great importance and great utility.
 To impart knowledge of something.
 To be an apostle or enoy.
Meaning Of Nabi:
 To give important news, information, announcement.
 To inform, tell or acquaint someone.
 To have the gift of Prophecy.
 Necessity of Risalat (Prophethood).
 Chain of Prophets.
Attributes Of Prophets Of Allah
Prophets are humanbeings.
 Prophehood is bounty of Allah not right.
 Innocency of prophets.
 Revelation.
 Odedience.
Attributes Of Prophet Muhammad
 Finality of Prophethood.
 Comprehensiveness.
 Perfection of Religion.
 Abrogation of previous Religions.
 Sirat-un-Nabi Complete code of life.
Obligation Of Belief In Prophethood
 Obediencey.
 Obeying the Prophet is obedient of Allah.
 Success in obeying the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).
Finality Of Prophethood
Respect to the Holy Prophet (Namoos-e-Risaalat)
Meaning Of “Namoos” The meaning of Namoos is:
1. Respect.
2. Sanctity and Reverence.
The meaning of Namoos-e-Risaalt is to respect to
messengerhood, respect and reverence.
Meaning Of Risaalat
The meaning of Risaalat is derived from the
Arabic root “r-s-l” which developed the
following meanings:
1. To bring a message of great importance or
great utility.
2. To impart Knowledge of something.
Namoos-e-Risaalat According To
Holy Qur’an
Respect him.
Follow commands of Allah and of his
Whatever he gives you, take it.
The reward of believing in prophethood.
Respect to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) by
Reactions upon Blasphemous Acts.
Belief In The Divine Book
Torah (Tawrat).
Holy Quraan.
Suhuf Ibrahim.
Salient Characteristics Of Holy Quran:
o Last Divine Revelation.
o Protection of the Quraan.
o Quraan a universal book.
o The Quraan matchless style.
o Living language.
o Complete code of life.
o Memorizing Quraan.
Belief In The Angels
Gibrael (AS).
Michael (AS).
Israfil (AS).
Azarael(Izra`il) (AS).
Cherubim (al khrroubiyyan)
Angels of seven Heavens.
The Guardian Angels.
Attendent Angels.
Munkar And Nakir.
Belief In The Day Of Judgment
Akhirah is an Islamic term referring to the life
Meaning Of Akhirah:
End of the world will come on Dooms Day.
On that day this world will come to an end.
Allah will unravel all veils.
Concept Of Akhirah
“Day of the Resurrection” is Allah’s final
assessment of mankind in Islam. The sequence of
events are according to the Muslim Belief are
annihilation of all creatures, resurrection of bodies
and the judgment of all the creatures including
Quranic Names Of Akhirha
The Hour.
Day of the Account.
Day of the Gathering.
Day of Reckoning.
Day of Distress.
Great Announcement.
Rational Behind Belief In
In the interest of justice and to fulfill Allah’s divine
plan. A day will come when the present world will
be destroyed and the entire human race will be
resurrected and assembled before Allah for
individual judgment.
Influences Of Belief In Life After
Inclination toward virtues.
Prevention from sins.
Cautious life (Responsible life).
Patience and forbearing.
Bravery and Courage.
Spending in the path of Allah.
Life and objectives.