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Geometry Ms. G. Baker 5th Grade Math Teacher Canton School of Arts and Sciences Project Geometry Monster Figures Objectives • Student will analyze and describe the characteristics of symmetry relative to classes of polygons (parallelograms, triangles, etc) • Student will classify geometric polygons Essential Questions How does math affect my life? Unit Questions • Why do we need geometry in our city? • How does geometry inspire contractors today? Content Questions • How do you find the area of a rectangular? • What is the difference in the number of sides a decagon has and the number of sides that a pentagon has? • How many triangles do you see on the doghouse? Vocabulary • Quadrilateral- a polygon with 4 sides and 4 angles • Trapezoid-quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides • Parallelogram- a quadrilateral with two pair of parallel sides • Rectangle- a parallelogram with 4 right angles • Square- a parallelogram with 4 equal sides and 4 ninety-degree angles (type of rectangle) • Rhombus- a parallelogram with 4 equal sides (A square is a type of rhombus) Class Project • Find and cut out at least 10 geometric shapes to create your monster. • Use half of a regular posterboard to build your monster. (“14 x22”) • Color your shapes • Give the monster a name, such as “Fire Breathing Parallelo-Beast” • Describe their various body parts a index card • Be creative Assessment Rubric • Use at least 10 different shapes to create your geometric figure (50 points) • Give explanation of the geometric concept (30 points) • Be neat and easy to understand (10 points) • Demonstrate originality and creativity (10 points)