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Geometry: Geometry is thinking and logic. Geometry is great brain exercise. It is very different than algebra. Although good algebra skills are required. Placement in the right class is very important. We do formal proof. There are postulates, theorems and definitions to learn and apply. There is a lot to learn. Where to next year? 1. Be seated, prepared and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. 2. Always show respect for yourself and others. 3. Always try to do your best. 4. Remain seated until you are dismissed. 5. No food or drink in class. Water bottles are permitted. 6. Hall pass use is limited and must be recorded. 7. Academic Integrity Guidelines will be followed. Academic Misconduct = 0 8. All Student Handbook rules apply *NO CELL PHONES & BE ON TIME!!! SUCCESS IN GEOMETRY CLASS 1.Take good notes and follow along mentally. 2.Make note cards for definitions, postulates and theorems 3.Try to do each assignment with little help. 4.Frequently study notes and go over old work. 5.Do not waste time in class. 6.Ask questions 7.Attend regularly and do make-up work if absent. 8.When difficulty occurs, come in for extra help. 9.Maintain a positive work ethic. 10.FOCUS (on geometry!) Bring pencils, calculator and notebook everyday. Put name, date and class period on all work. Colored pencils are highly recommended! Later on in the year a compass will be needed in honors. Recommended calculator TI-83 Plus. (HONORS – WE DON’T REALLY USE IT! No calculator on tests, midterm or final. • Website • Students keep quizzes and tests • Email [email protected] • If absent get notes from fellow classmate, do homework and ask questions. • Just absent on test day – take test next day. • Geometry is different than algebra for some students it is easier and for others more difficult. • Homework almost everyday & review old honors ½ hour + accelerated 20 min Geometry 5-10 min notes and problems