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Forbidden Book
February 27, 2009
Joel Lampe
Let’s Start With One of Our Own
 “I’m
for taking weapons out of the
hand’s of the people…
Let’s Start With One of Our Own
 Let’s
Start With The Typewriter.”
Frank Lloyd Wright
The Foundation of This Symposium
"Unless I am convinced by the testimonies of the Holy
Scriptures or evident reason - for I believe neither in the
Pope nor councils alone, since it has been established
that they have often erred and contradicted themselves I am bound by the Scriptures adduced by me, and my
conscience has been taken captive by the Word of God,
and I am neither able nor willing to recant, since it is
neither safe nor right to act against conscience. HERE I
STAND! God help me. Amen!"
April 17, 1521, Diet of Worms
Martin Luther
Let’s Go Back In Time
God’s Providential Hand Does Not
Exist Only In The Events of the Bible
All of History & All of the Universe is…
The 586 Effect
The Destruction of the First Temple Had a
Worldwide Ripple Effect
What Do I Mean?
Let’s Examine
Little Geography 101
Absence of God / Pursuit by Man
The Destruction of Jerusalem / The Mega
City of Religion Did Not Stop The Pursuit of
To Understand This -- We Have To Know
Our His Story
3 Men 3 Different Places All Alive At The
Exact Same Time
Let’s Say ‘Howdy Hey
How Are You?’
To the “Fab 5” & The Famous 3
5 That Will Change The World
The “Fab 5”
Buddha (1)
Confucius (2)
Socrates (3)
Man vs God
Buddha, Confucius, & Socrates All Shared
The Same Ideology
noun, plural -phies. 1.the rational
investigation of the truths and principles of
being, knowledge, or conduct.
Understood as Morality
Socrates, Buddha, Confucius
Shared A Couple Themes
Impossible To Have Laws & Expect Humans To
Follow Them
Impossible To Have Free Will & Be Moral
Free Will Disrupted Happiness
Happiness Exposes Ignorance
Ignorance is Unhappiness
Ignorance is Immorality
Buddha / India
Born 500 BC
Died 420 to 410 BC
Never Wrote
Teachings Passed Down
The Buddhist Bible
Anyone Know the Name
Tripitaka – The Buddhist Bible Written 400
Years After His Death
2 Doctrines of Teaching
The Middle Way
The Middle Way
The Path Away From Self Indulgence
Buddha Didn’t Eat or Drink Except for 1 Leaf or 1
Nut a Day
Almost Drowned From Being Famished
After This Time He’s Abandoned By His 4
Closest Companions and Considered UnDisciplined
Meditates For 49 Days & Discovers
What is Enlightenment?
What is the Nature & Cause of Human Suffering?
Enlightenment - Being Rescued From “Ignorance”
Thru the Noble Eight Fold Path
right understanding
right thought
right speech
right action
right livelihood
right effort
right mindfulness, &
right concentration
Only Way To PariNirvana
The Reward For Achieving Enlightenment
250 BC
3rd Buddhist Council Establishes Alexandria
as the Base of Operation in the Near East
The Silk Highways Are The Roads
The System / Religion? Of the Far East
530 BC to 460
Taught The System of
5 Values
 Human Nature & Its Role in the Cosmos
Not A Religion
Before One Can Govern Others One Must Govern
Various Levels of Honesty
With Oneself
With Others
With the Cosmos
7 Themes
7 Themes
Strive to Be a Saint, Scholar & Man
Failure To Deal With Reality ***
To Family, Friends, Spouse over Rulers
The Gentleman
Respect of Parents
Social Harmony
Filial Piety
Politeness (Silver Rule)
Without Punishment – People Are Afraid to Move Hand or Foot
Deal With Others As You Want Dealt With
Socrates 470 – 399 BC
Arrived On The Heels Of Defeat By The
Spartans in the Peloponnesian War
Great Warrior / Army Officer
Disciplined Soldier / Known For Valor
Never Left His Post & Revered As a Warrior
Opposed “Might Makes Right”
Taught Lived By 4 Paradoxes
The 4 Paradoxes ***
No One Desires Evil
No One Does Wrong Knowingly
All Virtue is Knowledge
Virtue is Morality
This Is The Socratic Movement
If / Then Statements That Argue Till A Point Can
No Longer Be Argued
Supporter of the Mystery Religion
According to Plato
Socrates Supported the Mystery Religion
Religious Laws That Govern Men to Make the
God or gods? Moral.
Argued Against Multi-gods
“How Am I Expected To Be Moral When
The More Ignorant Than I Rule Over Me?”
Thinking It Out
If Then Statements
His Statements
If I Cannot Govern Myself Then Others
Cannot Govern Themselves
If One Cannot Govern Himself Then One
Cannot Govern Me
Preferred Moral Smart
Thinkers To Rule
Believed the Corruption of the Populous
Was Caused By the Desire To Be Wealthy
Instead of Moral
If You’re a Good Politician You’re A Good
Grew Tired of Corruption And Being
Governed by Fools
Where He Gained Enemies
Refused to Practice Homosexuality
Did Not Believe in the Olympic gods.
Believed in Only One Supreme God
Argued That Freedom of the Will Is Immorality
Where He Faced His Death
Strong Dislike For Democracy
Accepting of the Thirty Tyrants 404 BC
30 Wealthy Smart Men
Not Capable of Corruption
Didn’t Have To Be Governed By Fools
Spoke About God in Singular and Rejected the
Parthenon Exposing Their Weaknesses and
Exposed the goddesses Immorality / Ignorance
The 3 Concluded
Through a series of If / Then statements all
If Wisdom Then There is Nothing
God / Jesus / Holy Spirit & Their
Accepted “Names”
God is Knowledge
 Jesus is Wisdom
 Holy Spirit is Understanding
Back To Socrates
Asked You To Hold This Thought
If I Cannot Govern Myself Then Others
Cannot Govern Themselves
If One Cannot Govern Himself Then One
Cannot Govern Me
All Men Are Corrupt
In Paul’s Day. They Knew & Believed Man Was
Acts 17:11 & 12
11 - These were more noble than those in
Thessalonica, in that they received the
Word with all readiness of mind, and
searched the scriptures daily, whether
those things (which Paul was teaching
were so.)
12 - Therefore many of them believed; also
of honorable women which were Greeks,
and of men, not a few.
God’s Providential Hand on
God – Preparing the Table For the Saving
and Healing Message of Jesus Christ Alone
Preparing the Way For
The Resurrected Jesus
Paul to Asia Minor & Greece
Thomas To India
Mark To Alexandria
As In Paul’s Day As Was In Luther’s
Day As In Our Day
Man Is Corrupt
So Much Man-Made Doctrine & Not
Scripture Doctrine. Either Luther is Right or
He’s Not
The Foundation of This Symposium in
Today’s Context
"Unless I am convinced by the testimonies
of the Holy Scriptures or evident reason for I believe neither in the Pastors,
Obama, The Trillion Dollar Bailout, nor
councils alone, since it has been
established that they have often erred and
contradicted themselves -
The Foundation of This Symposium in
Today’s Context
I am bound by the Scriptures adduced by
me, and my conscience has been taken
captive by the Word of God, and I am
neither able nor willing to recant, since it is
neither safe nor right to act against
conscience. HERE I STAND! God help
me. Amen"
He Chose You
He Chose You For Himself
He Did Not Choose You For Somebody Else
He Chose You To Trust Him, He Chose You To
Seek The Faith of Jesus
He Chose You To Shout Out! Scripture is My
Authority, My Conscience is My Guide – Here I
AMEN – It Is Finished.
Dr. Craig Lampe’s & My
Prayer Today For You & Us
God sent His Son - they called Him Jesus,
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.
Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives.
Thank You