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Memory development
Psych. 414
Prof. Jessica Sommerville
Learning objectives
• Identify developmental changes in memory
• Discuss factors that contribute to changes in
memory development
• Recognize implications for real world issues
• Major source of development
• General trends in development
– Mediational deficiency: no usage
– Production deficiency: don’t spontaneously use strategy
but can be trained to use it
– Utilization deficiency: spontaneously use strategy but
accrue little benefit
• Age-related changes in use of specific strategies:
attentional strategies, rehearsal, organization,
Attentional strategies
• Intentionally focusing on most relevant
• Miller and colleagues
– Children shown objects from two categories
(e.g., animals and furniture)
– Told only need to remember one category
– 7- and 8-year-olds only pay attention to one
category; 3- and 4-year-olds attend to both
• Repeating presented information
• Spontaneous rehearsal becomes more common
throughout grade school years
• Changes in rehearsal style as a function of age:
• Ornstein et al (1975):
– Presented with list of words; told to rehearse (e.g., yard,
man, cat, desk)
– 3rd-graders: passive rehearsal style (cat, cat, cat…)
– 8th-graders: active rehearsal style (cat, man, yard, cat)
• Discovering or imposing structure on items to
guide subsequent performance (e.g., organize list
into categories)
• Salatas & Flavell (1976):
– 1st graders presented with 16 pictures from 4 different
– Exp. named pictures and categories then randomly
distributed pictures on table
– Told to put pictures in a way that would help them
– Only 27% organized pictures according to categories
• Performance improves with salient task directions
• Knowledge about memory and own memory
• Kindergarten age children are not aware that/when
memory is imperfect and are unaware of the
conditions under which memory
• Younger children require feedback in order to
transfer a memory strategy; older children do not
Remembering events
• Infantile amnesia: inability to recall early
– Total block = before 3
– Few memories = 3-6
• Autobiographical memory: memory for
specific events that happened to you
– Emerges at ~4
Autobiographical memory
• What accounts for the onset of
autobiographical memory?
Changes in event encoding
Changes in sense of self
Changes in discussions about past events
Changes in the brain
Changes in event encoding (Simcock &
• Events that were encoded before child has
language to describe those events may not
be accessible to verbal memory
• Autobiographical memory emerges once
children have the ability to encode an event
Changes in event encoding (Simcock &
• Evidence:
– 27-, 33- and 39-month-old children took part in a
unique event
– Tested 6 months to 1 year later; verbal abilities
measured during both time points
– Although children demonstrated successful nonverbal
memory performance they could not verbally recall the
event, despite having the language skills to do so
• Problems:
– At 3 children talk quite well but they don’t form
memories that endure into adulthood
Changes in sense of self (Howe)
• Advent of “cognitive self” (18-24 months)
accounts for offset of autobiographical memory
– Pass mirror self-recognition task at this age
• The self functions to bind memories (referent
around which events can be organized) and for
events to have personal significance
Changes in sense of self (Howe)
• Evidence:
– Kids with successful MSR performance have better
event memory (controlling for language and retention
– No child successful on event memory task before
achieving MSR
• Problems:
– Advent of autobiographical memory is later than
successful MSR performance
Narrative construction of
autobiographical memory
• Transition to activity of remembering:
learning to structure events in a narrative
• Talk may contribute to memory processes:
– Structure and reinstatement
• Autobiographical memory enables us to
predict and interpret future events to share
experiences with others
Narrative construction of
autobiographical memory
• Evidence:
– Children of elaborative mothers remember more than
children with pragmatic/repetitive mothers
– Culture differences in emergence of autobiographical
memory; linked to prevalence of elaborative mothers
– Children don’t remember things that aren’t talked about
with their mothers
• Problems:
– Parents discuss events with 2- and 3-year-olds and yet
these events aren’t always remembered