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JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 95, NO. B8, PAGES 12,487-12,498, AUGUST 10, 1990 Seismotectonics of Thin- and Thick-Skinned Deformation in the Andean Foreland FromLocalNetworkData' Evidencefor a Seismogenic LowerCrust ROBERT SMALLEY, JR., 1ANDBRYAN L. ISACKS Institutefor the Studyof the Continents and Departmentof GeologicalSciences, CornellUniversity Ithaca, New York Localnetworkdatafrom San Juan,Argentina,providesnew informationaboutcrustalseismicityin the Andeanforelandabovea horizontalsegmentof the subductedNazca plate. We find two areasof foreland seismicity,one associatedwith the Sierras Pampeanasbasementuplifts, and the other beneath,but not within, the Precordilleraforelandfold-thrustbelt. The Precordilleraseismicityprovidesdirectevidencefor basementdeformation beneaththe sediments of the thrustbelt and supports the idea that its easternpart is significantlymodified by underlyingbasementdeformation. In both areas,eventsare concentratedbetween 15 and 35 km depthandhavevolumetric,ratherthanplanar,fault-likedistributions.The depthdistribution is unusuallydeep for intraplateearthquakesand suggestsa brittle-ductiletransitionnear 30-35 km. It also suggests the upperplate may have a geothermsimilarto stablecratonicregions,ratherthan a steeperone that may be expecteddue to a lithosphericthinningimpliedby the locationof the subducted plate. This can be understood as a transienteffect of a Neogeneflatteningof the dip of the subducted plate, where a rapid thinningof the upperplate was followedwith underplating by the cool subducted plate, leavingthe upper plate geothermunchangedwhile producinga thinned,mechanicallyweaker lithosphere. Finally, a spatial correlationof upper plate seismicityand structureswith subductedplate seismicityraises the possibilitythat a major lithosphericstructurecuttingacrossthe strikeof the forelandnear 31øSmay be relatedto subductionof the JuanFernandezridge. INTRODLEtIION Previous studies have shown that major features of both the South America and Nazca plates are segmentedalongstrike, and that the geographyand tectonic developmentof the various segmentsare correlated [e.g., Barazangi and lsacks, 1976; Jordan et al., 1983]. Figure 1 shows how along-strike variations in upper plate magmatism and tectonicscorrelate with along-strikechangesin the dip of the subductedplate. Above a steeply dipping segment between 15ø and 24øS the upper plate includes an active volcanic arc, the Altiplano-Puna plateau, and the Eastern Cordillera and Subandean Zone fold-thrust belts. Above a horizontal segmentbetween 28ø and 33øS the upper plate has an extinct volcanic arc, the narrow, plate, and shallowintraplateeventsin the overridingplate. The shallow activity also varies along-strike and is correlated with the along-strike tectonic variations of the upper plate. In the region of steep subduction, crustal seismicity occurs in a narrow band along the eastern margin of the Andes, with little seismicity in the Altiplano-Puna. In contrast, in the region of flat subduction,a broad region of the foreland, with both thinand thick-skinned tectonic provinces, is highly active seismically(Figures 2 and 3). In this paper, local seismic network data from the flat slab region is used to study a small region of the foreland that straddles the boundary between the basement block uplifts of the Sierras Pampeanasand the thin-skinnedPiecordillera. thin-skinned Piecordillera, and the wide zone of Sierras Pampeanas basement uplifts. The development of flat subduction, onset of both Pampeanand Precordillerandeformation,and the shutdownof the volcanic arc are thoughtto coincide at 10 Ma [Jordan et al., 1983; Kay et al., 1987]. The tectonic relationship of the Pampeanasand Piecordillera provincesis thought to be similar to that of the Mesozoic age Sevier and Laramideprovincesof North America, which also developedover flat subduction[Fielding and Jordan, 1988; Dickensonand Snyder, 1978]. Associatedwith the subductionand mountain building is a high level of seismicitythat consistsof interplate slip events near the trench, intraplate events in the subducted GEOL(X•C BAOtGROUND Precordillera. The Piecordillera,composedof Paleozoic clastics [Baldis et al., 1982], is divided into three subprovinces,Western, Central, and Eastern (Figure4) [Ortiz and Zambrano, 1981]. The Western Piecordillera will not be discussedas it has little seismicity (Figures 2, 3, and 5). The Central Piecordillerais an east verging, thinskinned, fold-thrust belt [Ortiz and Zambrano, 1981; Baldis et al., 1982] where uplift began by 13.5 Ma and may continuetoday [Reynoldset al. 1987; Fielding and Jordan, 1988]. The EasternPiecordillerahas west verging thrusts south of, and folds north of, 31øS [Baldis and Chebli, 1969; Fielding and Jordan, 1988]. Shorteningbegan less than 2.3 Ma and continues today [Johnssonet al., 1984; Whitney and Bastias, 1984; Whitney et al., 1984; Bastias i NowatCenter forEarthquake Research andInformation, Memphis et State University, Memphis, Tennessee. Copyright 1990 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 89IB03780. 0148- 0227/90/89 IB 03780505.00 al., 1984; Johnson et al., 1986]. Between the Central and EasternPiecordillerasis the fault-boundedMatagusanos Valley (Figure4), where an apparent2.5-kin downsection cut in the depth of the drcollement in the direction of transportoccurs[Baldis and Bordonaro,1984]. Sierras Pampeanas. The Sierras Pampeanasare N-S trending basement block uplifts of Precambrian metamorphics [Cingolaniand Varela, 1975;Caminoset al., 12,487 12,488 SMA.! Jy•r ANDISACKS:SEISM(YIECIDNICS OFDEFORMATION, ANDEANFO• 20 20 S S 25 25 30 30 70 W 65 Fig. 1. Map of westernSouth America showingupper plate tectonic featuresand volcanic arc. Contoursof the Wadati-Benioffzone (WBZ) indicate the shapeof the subductedplane. Note the smoothtransition from steep to shallow between 24ø and 28øS and the sharp but continuouschange back to steep subductionnear 32øS [Cahill and lsacks,1985;lsacks,1988;$malleyand lsacks,1987]. The tectonic 70 W 65 Fig. 2. Map of shallow intraplate seismicity of the Andean back are (solid circles) and damaging historic earthquakes (open circles) [Zamarbide and Castano, 1978]. The epicentersare selectedfrom the PDE for. 1963 and 1983-1985, and the ISC for 1964-1982. The selected eventswere locatedusing 15 or more P arrivals, have reporteddepths less than 50 km and are located east of the 100 km WBZ contour. The provinces of the upper plate [after Jordan et al., 1983] show the last requirementensuresthey are containedwithin the South American correspondingalong-strikesegmentationof the upper plate, Neogene lithosphere and are not interplate or WBZ events. Available focal volcanos(open circles) [lsacks, 1988] showthe magmaticarc over the mechanisms from $tauder [1973, 1975], Chinn and lsacks [1983], steeply dipping segmentand the absenceof active volcanism over the Kadinsky-Cade [1985], and Dziewonski et al. [1987] are also shown. flat segment.The drainagedivide,whichdefinesthe Puna/Altiplanoand The region of this study is containedin the solid box. The level of then follows the crestof the Andesbetweenthe Principaland Frontal seismicityin the dashedbox within the study area is very intense, so Cordilleras, is also shown. only earthquakeslarge enoughto have focal mechanismsand accurate source depths from synthetic seismogrammodelling are shown. The tectonicprovincesof the South American plate are as in Figure 1. 1982] with a distinctive morphology that consists of a steep fault-boundedfront side and a gently dipping back side. The fault is generally a moderatelydipping thrust or reverse fault with evidence for large amountsof structural relief [Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986]. The back side is an erosional basement surface [Rassmuss, 1916; Caminos, 1979] produced in the late Paleozoic [Dalla SaMa and melange that may be related to a proposed Paleozoic suturing of the two terranes [Ramos et al., 1986] is exposedon the east side of the EasternPrecordillera[Ortiz and Zambrano, 1981]. The boundary between Pampean basement and the unknown, and probably allocthonous, Varela, 1984; Toselli et al., 1985]. Wide, shallow basins of unmetamorphosed, relatively undeformed,Carboniferous and younger sediments separate the blocks [Salfity and Gorustovich, 1983]. Boundary region. The Bermejo and Tulum valleys separate the Pampean ranges from the Precordillera basement beneath the Precordillera therefore occurs west of (Figure4). The natureof the basementas one crossesfrom the Sierras Pampeanas to the Precordillera is a major unansweredquestion [e.g., Fielding and Jordan, 1988]. Several outcrops of Pampean basementtoo small to map (stationRTCV is on one) occur in the Tulum Valley within 10 km of the Eastern Precordillera, but there are no known Shallow earthquakesin the south central Andean foreland (Figure 2), for which focal mechanisms are available, typically indicate E-W shorteningon moderatelydipping faults and have source depths of 8 to 40 km [Chinn and Isacks, 1983; Sudrez et al., 1983; Kadinsky-Cade et al., 1985]. The depths and typical Andean foreland focal outcropsof basementfarther west [Zambrano, 1969]. A mechanisms these outcrops. FORELAND SEISMICITY: TELESEISMIC DATA of most events in the Subandean Zone indicate SMAIJ.RYAND ISACKS: SEISM•NICS ._• OF DEFORMATION,ANDEANFO• 12,489 .;•. •.-,, ,,,.,,,,. ..... ,...,.'•..• 0" 197 'a'-"-•'•'•i•.*• ß -- A' I • 69 I W 68 67 Fig. 3. Map of the San Juan region showing historical seismicity (dated open squares),selectedISC and PDE events (open circles), and aftershocksof the 1977 Caucete earthquakereported by the ISC (solid circles). The selectioncriteria for the ISC and PDE eventsare the same as in Figure 2. The aftershock period is November 23, 1977, to December 31., 1978. Focal mechanisms and depths for the 1977 foreshock (F), mainshock (M), two aftershocks(A1 and A2), and two additional events are also shown [Chinn and Isacks, 1983; KadinskyCade, 1985; Dziewonskiet al., 1987]. The mountainrangesare shaded, light for the Precordilleraand dark for the SierrasPampeanas,while the intermountainvalleys are in white. 67 Fig. 5. Map of seismicityrecordedby the local networksin 1980 and 1984-1985. Solid circlesare classA events,large opencirclesare class B events, and small open circles are the remaining events. Major Quaternary fault systemsassociatedwith the Precordillera and Pie de Palo are also shown[Basrissand Weirmann,19831. Open triangles mark the stations of the INPRES network, and the focal mechanisms are as in Figure 2. A-A', B-B', and C-C' indicate cross sectionsshown in Figure 6. that they are associatedwith the deformation of Brazilian shield basement underthrust beneath the Subandean Zone [Chinn and lsacks, 1983; Sudrez et al., 1983], although a few events with atypical focal mechanismsand depths may have occurred on the inferred subhorizontal d6collement of the thin-skinned Subandean Zone [Chinn and lsacks, 1983; Jordan et al., 1983]. 31 S Sierras Pampeanas. Earthquakesin the SierrasPampeanas are generally correlated with the basement uplifts (Figures2 and 3) and have the typical Andean foreland focal mechanism. One such event is a 35-km-deep, Ms=6.5, event near the north end of Southern de Valle F6rtil. Its east dipping nodal plane projects to the surface near the range-boundingfault along the west side of the range, indicating that it probably occurred on the reverse fault responsible for uplifting the range [Stauder, 1973; Chinn and lsacks, 1983; Jordan et al., 1983; Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986]. Reprocessingof a YPF seismic line across 32 the south end of Southern de Valle F6rtil also suggeststhe range is uplifted on an east dipping reverse fault on its west side [Snyder et al., 1986; Snyder, 1988], supportinga thick-skinnedmodel for the Sierras Pampeanas where uplift occurson major crustal-scalefaults similar to that imagedin the Wind River COCORP line [Brewer et al., 1980]. Fig. 4. Map of the San Juan region. The EasternPrecordillerais the chain of mountainsalong the easternmargin of the Precordillera(Sierras Chica de Zonda, Villicum, and Morado). The Matagusanos Valley separatesthe east verging Central Precordillerafrom the west verging Eastern Precordi!lera. The unlabeled valley to the west of the Precordillerais the CalingastaValley. Stationsand identificationcodes of the I]•PRES network (solid upright triangles), the UNSJ network (solid inverted triangles), and a 1-monthIN'PRES experimentin June 1980 (open triangles) are also shown. The open boxes show the locations of the cities of San Juan and Caucete, which were heavily damagedby earthquakes in 1944 and 1977, respectively. Another typical Pampean event is a 1977, Ms= 7.4 earthquake beneath Pie de Palo. Instituto Nacœonal de Prevenci6n Sœsmica (INPRES)[1977] and Volponi [1979] proposedit was a double shockand Kadinsky-Cade [1985] showed that it was an Ms=6.8 foreshock and Ms=7.3 mainshock, both at 17 km depth (F and M, Figure 3). Unfortunately, the nodal planes of the foreshock, mainshock,and two aftershocks(A1 and A2, Figure 3) do not project into the surface geology [Chinn and lsacks, 1983; Giardini et al., 1985; Kadinsky-Cade, 1985], and no 12,490 SM•I IJEYANDISACKS:SEISM•NICS OFDEFORMATION, ANDEANFO• TABLE 1. Crustal Velocity Models surface rupture has been discovered to constrain the earthquakegeneratingfault [INPRES, 1977]. Coseismic surfacedeformation[Kadinsky-Cadeet al., 1985; Reilinger and Kadinsky-Cade, 1985] and geologic observations [Zambrano, 1969; Bastias and Weldmann,1983; Fielding and Jordan, 1988], however, suggest that Pie de Palo is upliftedon a west dippingreversefault alongits eastside. The lack of correlation between the focal mechanisms Depth (km) Three-layerOver Half-SpaceModel and surface geology and the non-uniquenessof leveling inversionsthereforeprecludean unambiguous determination of the fault plane of the event. Precordillera. In contrastto the Pampeanas,no focal mechanismsor accurate depths are known for shallow eventsin the Precordillera. Several large events are known to have occurred there, however, most notably a 1944 (Ms--7.4-7.8)earthquakethat destroyedthe city of San Juan (Figure3). In spite of a large numberof young-looking fault scarps,nonecan be unequivocallyrelatedto the faults responsible for the historicalearthquakes.The 1944 event produced30 cm of coseismicthrust displacementon a small fault in valley fill and alluvium,but the small size of the trace and displacement suggestit is not the main fault, which was probablyin the basement [Castellanos, 1944]. A 20-km-deep event with the typical foreland focal Velocity (km/s) 0.0 5.88 10.0 6.20 32.0 7.30 45.0 8.10 Single-LayerOver Half-SpaceModel 0.0 45.0 6.4 8.10 southwestern Bermejo Valley. The depth implies that it is in the basement,and Fielding and Jordan [1988] use it to The three-layer modelwasdeveloped by Bollingerand Langer [1988] and is basedon the the UNSJ velocity model [Volponi, 1968] for the bottomtwo layers. The velocityfor the single-layer modelis the averagecrustal supportthe proposalthat basementdeformationbeneath velocity of the three-layermodel. mechanism also occurred near the Precordillera in the the Eastern Precordillera affects its structure, as suggested by Baldis and Chebli [1969]. ANALYSISOFTHE LOCAL NmWORK DATA In this paper we study the local seismicity for two periods:(1) the year 1980 usingINPRES and Universidad Nacionale de San Juan (UNSJ) data, and (2) the period from January1984 to September1985 using INPRES data (see Figure 4 for network map). For approximatelyhalf the data, the maximum number of stations reporting is four (typicallyCFA, RTLL, RTCV, andoneof RTCB or RTMQ). We thereforerequired at least four P and two S arrivals amongthesefive stationsto select an event for location, producinga set of 2300 events. The eventswere located usingHYPOINVERSE [Klein,1978]anda measured Vp/Vs ratio of 1.75. Hypocenters in this area have a strong bimodal requirement that the ratio of epicentral distance to hypocentral depth be less than 2 selects 190 events as class A events, while the remaining 90 events form class B. Histograms of the depth distribution as a function of classare shownin Figure 7. Note that the depthhistogram for eventsbeneathPie de Palo obtainedwith the three-layer model has a distinct peak near 10 km for class B events that is absent for class A events (Figure7a). The singlelayer velocity model producessimilar setsof classA and B events, but the depth histogramsdo not have peaks near 10 km (Figure 7b). The apparentpeak in seismicitynear 10 km for the three-layer classB eventsbelow Pie de Palo is thus probably an artifact of the location processdue to events "sticking" on the 10-km boundary of the velocity model. With respect to the depth distribution,we must consider the relative geometries of the seismicity and network, as subductedplate, and the rest are at crustaldepthsin the most of the events are outside the network where depth overridingplate [Sinalleyand lsacks,1987]. A pronounced resolution degrades. This degradation, however, is a aseismicregion from 40 to 95 km depth separatesthe two function of the depth of the event. An event whose depth zones. To select well-located shallow events, we applied is greater than its epicentral distance typically has the severalcriteria,describedbelow, producinga subsetof 575 depth determinedas well as an event inside the network. In events. These events were located with two crustal velocity cross section (Figures 6a and 6b), we see that events models,one with a single layer and one with three layers beneathPie de Palo with a distancedepth ratio less than 1 (Table 1). The three-layermodelproducesbetterlocations are concentratedbetween20 and 35 km depth, but there are in terms of residuals, estimated hypocentral errors, and relatively few of them. In addition,there is no systematic stability, but we find that the depthsof the less well- changein the maximum depth with distance. We therefore constrainedhypocenterstend to "stick on" boundariesin loosenedour criteria to a distancedepth ratio of 2, greatly increasing the number of events available for determining the velocity model. The shallow activity is shown in map and crosssection the depth distribution while maintaining reasonabledepth in Figures5 and6. Two selectionswere made basedon control. These criteria, however, also affect the shape of the location quality. The best locations, classA, have the histogram. Applying them to a uniform volumetric well-constrained hypocenters, while good locations, distribution, for example, produces a histogram with a classB, have events with well-constrained epicenters but quadratic increase with depth. The shapes of the depth less reliable depths. The initial criteria, RMS residual histogramsindicate this effect is minor for depths greater between0.05 and 0.5, estimatedepicenterand depth errors than about 15 km (Figure 7). Preliminary results from a of less than 5 and 10 km, respectively, and condition 40-station, digital network experimentthat surroundedthe number less than 150, select 280 events. An additional crustal seismicityof both Pie de Palo and the Precordillera distribution, 75% are at intermediate depth within the Slvlp, lI • ANDBACKS:SEISM•NICS OFDEFO•TION, ANDEANFO• 12,491 0km 50 km 0 km 200 km Okm 200 km B 0krn 50 kin -- . C' 0km o o ß •e•/e ß •• ß ß ß ß Beee ß • ß ß • ß 50 kin 0 km 200 km Fig.6. Crosssections of shallow seismicity fromFigure 5. (a) North-northeast viewof events beneath bothPie de Paloandthe Precordillera (A-A'), West-northwest viewsof events(b) beneath Pie dePalo(B-B')and(c) beneath the Precordillera (C-C'). OnlyclassA andB events areshown in thesesections, usingthesamesymbols asin Figure5. Projections of station locations areshownby opentriangles.A 100-km-wide "swathaverage" of the topography, computed fromdigitaltopography [lsacks,1988],is alsoprojected at scales of 1:1and10:1. Projections of events with knownfocalmechanisms anddepthsfromteløseismic studies shownin Figures3 and5 are shownby the open boxesin Figures6a and6b. confirm both the map and depth distributionsfound in this the difficulty of associatingthe seismicitywith specific study[Regnieret al., 1988;Sinalleyet al., 1988]. faults or fault planes in this area. FOXLAND Sms•crrY: • Nffrw• DATA Seismicityof the Precordillera. The local networkdata provide several new observationswith respect to the seismicity of the Ptøcordillera. First, the majority of events are located on its east side south of about 31.1øS, beneath the fault-boundedM atagusanosValley, a pattern not at all evident from the sparseactivity reported in the Seismicity of Sierra Pie de Palo. The patternsof seismicity associatedwith Pie de Palo from local and Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (PDE) and International Seismological Centre (ISC) (Figures2 teløseismic data are similar, although their "centers of mass"differ by about20 km (Figures3 and 5). This is and3). Second, the Western and Central Ptøcordillera are nearly aseismic. Third, the activity has a likely due to a real differencein the locationsof the events subprovinces ratherthansystematic differences in locationobtainedfrom volumetric distribution (Figures 6a and 6c). Fourth, the the two data sets[Kadinsky-Cade,1985]. In general,the hypocentraldepthsrangefrom 10 to almost40 km and are seismicityis concentratedin a small region beneaththe concentrated between 15 and 30km (Figure 7c). This easternhalf of Pie de Palo and the valley to its east and depth range is similar to that reported throughoutthe Andean foreland from teløseismic data, and beneath Pie de does not define simple planar faults, and the majority of the activity doesnot correlatewith surfacefaults. Cross Palo from aftershockstudies[Kadinslcy-Cade,1985] and our sectionsof the network data (Figures6a and 6b) illustrate local network data. 12,492 SMAIJ.gYAND ISACKS:SEISM•NICS 80 OFDEFORMATION, ANDEANFORELAND 60 I I I I 70 50- 60 40- •o 50 30" ß 30 20' 20 10 00 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 depthkm depthkm (a) (b) 40 50 Fig. 7. Depth histogramsfor local network data. Class A data are shownby the gray bars and combinedclassA and B data by the solid lines. (a) Data from Pie de Palo region obtained using three-layer crustal velocity model. Hypocentralactivity beneathPie de Palo is concentratedbetween20 and 30 km, with the maximum depth between35 and 40 km. Note that the large peak between 5 and 10 km in the class B histogramis absentin the class A histogram. (b) Data from Pie de Palo region using a single-layercrustalvelocity model. Note that a peak near 10 km is not present. (c) Data from Precordilleraobtainedusing three-layercrustal velocity model. Hypocentral activity beneath the Precordillerais concentratedbetween 15 and 30 km with the maximum depth between 35 and 40 km. The depth distribution provides important clues to understanding the anomalous structures of the Eastern Precordillera: the reversal of thrust vergence and the apparent downsection cut of the d6collement. In the allocthonoussedimentary package of a thin-skinned thrust belt, the major thrustsverge and young in the direction of transport [Dahlstrom, 1970]. The Western and Central Precordillera follow this pattern, but the vergence reverses in the EasternPrecordillera. Such a change,while unusual, is observedalong the leading edge of several thin-skinned The depth of the basal d6collement in the Central Precordillera is estimated to be 3-4 km in the east and 5- 8 km in the west [Baldis and Chebli, 1969], much less than the shallowest well-located earthquakes, and about 8 km in the EasternPrecordilleraand Matagusanos Valley [Fielding and Jordan, 1988], closeto the depthwhere the seismicity starts. The seismicity recorded by the local network is therefore constrained to the basement, beneath the d6collement,and providesdirect evidencethat basement deformationis occurringthere. The geologicobservations fold-thrust belts, such as the Canadian Rockies of Alberta inconsistent with [e.g., Price, 1981]. Another characteristicof thin-skinned thrusting is that the stratigraphiclevel of the d6collement cuts upsectionin the transportdirection. Coincident with the changein vergence,however, the d•collementappears to cut more than 2.5 km downsectionin the transport direction [Baldis and Bordonaro, 1984]. This presentsa serious problem for an interpretation of the Eastern Precordilleraas part of a standardthin-skinnedthrust belt. Several models, including a triangle zone, an "out of the therefore be interpreted as a result of this basement deformation. The seismicity could represent (1) deformationin Pampeanbasementunderthrustbeneath the traditional thin-skinned deformation can Eastern and Central Precordillera, similar to the basement underthrustingoccurringbeneath the SubandeanBelt, (2) deformation in the unknown basement beneath the model [Baldis and Chebli, 1969; Fielding and Jordan, Precordillera, or (3) reactivation of a suture between the basement beneath the Precordillera and the Pampean basement. In each model, the melangealong the east side of the Eastern Precordillera could representthe surface exposureof the suture, althoughthe melange is probably displacedfrom the boundaryat depth. Transverselithosphericstructure. The seismicityof Pie 1988]. de Paloterminates in a sharplydefined,E-W strikinglinear basin" thrusted anticline, and buried thick-skinned deformation have been proposed to explain observations inconsistent with a thin-skinned the deformation SM31.1.RY ANDISACKS:SEISM•NICS 2O I I I OFDEFO•TION, ANDEANFO• 12,493 in the structure of the Eastern Precordillera, from thrust sheets in the south to folds in the north, and the I bifurcation of the south end of Southern de Morado (Figure4) occur where these faults enter the Eastern Precordillera. Westward projection of the cross-strike structure may also include several unusual closed basins within the Central Precordilleraand a major structuralhigh in the CalingastaValley west of the Precordillera. To the east, the strike of Southern de Valle F•rtil exhibits a change where it intersects the cross-strike feature. The seismicity may therefore indicate a structure with dimensionsof lithospheric, rather than upper crustal only, scale. øo lO 40 50 depth (c) Fig. 7. (continued) Almost directly beneath the shallow upper plate, seismicity is an active nest of intermediate-depth seismicity (Figures 8 and 9) in a 12-km-thick zone centered at 106 km depth [Sinalley and lsacks, 1987]. This nest lies in an E-W trending concentrationof WadaftBenioff zone seismicity coinciding with an along-strike continuation of the Juan Fernandez ridge of the oceanic Nazca plate [Sinalley and lsacks, 1987] and may represent the continuationof the ridge in the subductedplate. The nest may be due to a concentration of seismicity in a structure such as a seamount, where a change in the strength of the subducted plate may occur or friction between the upper and lower plates may be greater. Although resolution is poor and identification of specific features speculative, it is reasonable to expect the seismicity of a subductedplate to be affected or possibly controlled by major structures,such as aseismicridges or seamountchains,in the subductingplate. In map view, the northern boundary of the intermediate depth nest also defines a remarkably sharp east-weststriking line at about 31.1øS coincident with and parallel to the northern boundary of the shallow seismicity and the transverse feature of the upper plate basementdescribedabove. This coincidence raises the possibility that the upper plate boundarynear its northend at about31.1øS(Figures3 and seismicityand basementstructuremay be related to the 5), coincident with a major offset in the depth to basementalong the southernmargin of the BermejoValley. Geologic and geophysical data indicate that basement reaches depths of up to 13 km in the southern Bermejo Valley [Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986], while it reaches interactionof structuresin the lower plate with the upper plate. EAgmQUAKE DEFmsANDCRUSTAL RHE• 3 km elevation on Pie de Palo, for a total structural relief of more than 16 km both acrossand along the strike of the N-S structuresof the SierrasPampeanas.In the valleys The depthdistributionof the crustalactivity in San Juan is unusual in terms of continental seismicity. Local on either side of Pie de Palo, the basement is shallow, network studies in California [Marks and Lindh, 1978; typically 1-2 km [Gray de Cerdan, 1969; Snyder, 1988]. Simple models of Laramide-style block faulting are Wong et al., 1977; Wong and Savage, 1983], the Colorado plateau [Wong et al., 1983], Switzerland [Deichmann, typicallytwo-dimensional, with the deformation creatinga 1987],andthe ShillongPlateauin India [Kharshiinget al., series of long, linear mountain blocks oriented perpendicularto the shorteningdirection with no alongstrike structuredeveloped. This approximationis valid on the large scalebut is an over simplificationwhen applied to individual blocks. The sharpnessof the cross-strike discontinuitiesin the basement topography and seismic activity here suggeststhat the basementblocks of the Pampeanasmay be broken along-strike by major fault 1986; Kayal, 1987] have found sparseseismicityto depths of 30-40 km, although the activity is concentrated at depthsshallowerthan 20-25 km. Chen and Molnar [1983] found that the majority of shallow seismicity not associatedwith recent subductionis shallowerthan 20 km, although they found isolated, anomalousevents at depths of 30-100 km. Another area where lower crustal earthquakesare found is the East African rift system. The seismicity there is concentrated between 5 and 20 km depth, but events are found as deep as 30 km, implying that thermal weakeningof the crust is localized to the immediateregion of the rift [Shudofsky,1985; Shudofsky et al., 1987]. In the Zagros thin-skinnedfold and thrust belt, seismicity is observedin the basementbelow the basal d6collement of a thin-skinned thrust belt, but it is limited to depthsof 6-13 km [Ni and Barazangi, 1986]. systems. The north end of Pie de Palo is boundedby E-W striking, steeplydipping faults with the north sides downthrown, several of which show evidence of Quaternary activity [Zambrano, 1969; Bastias and Weidrnann,1983; Fielding and Jordan, 1988]. As Pie de Palo is thrusteastward,these faults may accommodatethe movementthroughoblique slip [Fielding and Jordan, 1988]. continuations of these faults Inferred and mapped are found eastward towards Southernde Valle F6rtil and westward into the Eastern Precordillera [Zambrano, 1969]. The along-strikechange While these studies show that mid to lower crustal seismicityis not unique to the San Juan area, we know of no other regionsof intracontinentalseismic activity where 12,494 SMAIJh-7fAND ISACKS: SEISM(YIF_L-WONICS OF DEFORMATION,ANDEAN FORELAND :.:...:.:.:.:..:.:...:.:.:.:..:: .:.:.::.:...:... =========================================================== ======================= - ...... ... ...._..... ........ 31 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: S o o o o o ß o o o o ß 32 Okra :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....-.. .................................................................._......_......... .... ø 50km ............... ':::::'• -. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ......... :::::..! :::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I 69 W 68 67 Fig.8. Mapofapproximately 800intermediate depth events recorded bythelocalnetworks illustrating thevery active nestofintermediate depth seismicity almost directly below thenetwork. Selection criteria andsymbols arethe same as in Figure5. A Trench 0km Na::caPlate • 200 km 0 km 400 km 800 km Fig. 9. East-westtrendingcrosssectionat 31.25øSshowingprojectionsof the classA and B crustal(A, solid circles; B, opencircles)and intermediate-depth events(bothclasses,opencircles),major inferredcrustal-scale faults,inferred locationof Moho, and a 100-km-wideswathaverageof topography at 1:1 and 10:1. The crustalfaultsandthe inferred positionof the Mohoare takenfromworkby Isacks[1988],Kadinsky-Cade[1985],andOrtiz and Zambrano[1981]. The widths of the crosssectionsare 70 km for the local networkdata and 160km for the ISC data (solid circles, intermediate depthonly). Projections of the INPRESnetworkstationsare shownby triangles. earthquake depthsare concentrated at depthsbetween20 and assuming that the Wadati-Benioff zone events are about 30 km beneath a relatively aseismicupper crust. We proposethat the unusuallydeep depthdistributionof 15 km beneaththe top of the subductedslab [Smalley and Isacks, 1987]. While the thicknessof the lithosphere before the developmentof the presentsubductiongeometry is unknown,the peneplain-likebasementsurfacesexposed throughoutthe 400 km width of the SierrasPampeanasand the absenceof significant metamorphismor deformation in the sedimentscoveringthe provincesuggestthat it was a crustalearthquakes in San Juanis a consequence of the late Cenozoic developmentof the subhorizontalsubduction geometry there. The Wadati-Benioff zone, at about 105 km, depth limits the maximum thickness of the SouthAmerican lithosphere to approximately 90km, SMAIl.•Y AND BACKS: SEISM•NICS • • 0øC OF DEFORMATION,ANDEANFO• 12,495 low-lying, stable cratonicregion during a large portion of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. It may therefore have had a lithospheric thicknessand geotherm typical of continental shields. If this were so, a large amountof thinning took place during the development of the flat subduction geometry, produced by processesin the asthenospheric wedge between the upper plate and the inclined subducted plate [lsacks, 1988]. Thinning the lithosphere typically produces high plateaus, such as the Colorado Plateau, due to thermal effects [Thompsonand Zoback, 1979; Keller et al., 1979]. The Sierras Pampeanasare relatively low-lying, however, with an average elevation less than 1 kin. Thinning the lithosphere, promptly followed by emplacement of the cool, horizontally subducting slab, can produce a thin upper plate without changing its geotherm if the process occursrapidly enoughthat significantheat transferinto the upper plate cannot occur. This is schematicallyillustrated in Figure 10. The double lithospheric thickness and the absenceof thermal expansionprevent the uplift normally associated with thin lithosphere [Sinalley and lsacks, 1200øC 0krn b 1987]. • i Examinationof the strengthof variouscrustalrock types using the models of Meissner and Strehlau [1982] and Sibson [1982] for a range of typical heat flows and strain rates constrains the conditions necessary to produce the observedearthquakedepth distribution (Figure 11). These 0km models, basedon a moderate strainrateof 10-16-1 from Fig. 10. Schematic cross sections at 31øS illustrating model of Neogeneevolutionof the South Americancrust and lithosphere,the volcanicarc and the Nazca plate subductiongeometryat approximately (a) 20 Ma. (b) 10 Ma, (c) the present. Geothermsrepresenting model of thermal evolution of the South American crust and lithosphereat each time period are shown on the right. Based on work of Isac• [1988], Kay et al. [1987], Srrmlley and lsac• [1987], and Cahill and lsack_v [1985]. Initial geothermsfor continentalplate 8øC/kin, oceanic plate 12øC/kinand, the asthenosphere 0.3øC/kin. See text for discussion. estimatesof total shorteningacrossthe Sierras Pampeanas [Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986], a heat flow near the average value for continental crust, and a mafic lower crustal theology produce a crust and upper mantle with a maximum strengthnear 35 km. The crust of the Sierras Pampeanasis therefore failing under compressionbecause a substantial fraction of the mantle part of the continentallithosphere,which in stable continental areas mainly supportsthe lithospheric stresses, is here largely missing. The nearly horizontal subducted plate does not provide this strengthbecauseit is decoupled from the upper plate by an intervening zone of low shear number .... i .... i .... ' 0]•11rl i .... I I000'TEMPERATURE ('C) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAX SHEAR STRESS (MPa) I I I I I I go0 I mWtm 2 '70 60 I 90 50 8 70 60 50 40 mWtra 2 Fig. 11. Crustal rheologymodel basedon modelsof Meissner and Strehlau [1982] and Sibson [1982]. Depth histogramfrom Figure7a, set of geotherms for surfaceheatflows of 40-90 roW/M2, and brittle and shearresistance versusdepthfor diabaseat a strainrate of 10-16-1 illustratehow the combination of cool crustalgeothermand relatively mafic crustalcompositioncan producea maximumcrustalstrengthat depthsof 30-35 km. 12,496 SMAI.I.•' ANDISACKS:SEISM•NICS strength. The stressesin the foreland crust are therefore increased relative to those in the South American craton becauseof the thinningof the forelandlithosphereand the consequentconcentrationof the horizontal lithospheric stresses.The stresses wouldbe approximately increased by the ratio of the cratonic lithospheric thickness to the Pampeanaslithospheric thickness. CONCLUSIONS New data from local networksin a seismicallyactive region of the Andean foreland shows mid to lower crustal basement seismic activity associated with the basement upliftsof the SierrasPampeanas and the easternportionof the thin-skinned Precordillera fold-thrust belt. In both regions there is little seismicityshallowerthan 10 km and the maximum depth is near 40 km. The seismicity associated with Pie de Palo, concentrated between 15 and OFDEFO••ON, ANDEANFO• Bollinger, G.A., and C.J. Langer, Development of a velocity model for locating aftershocksin the Sierra Pie de Palo region of westernArgentina,U.S. Geol. $urv. Bull., 1795, 1988. Brewer, J.A., S.B. Smithson, J.E. Oliver, S. Kaufman, and L.D. Brown, The Laramide Orogeny: Evidence from COCORP deepcrustalseismicreflectionprofiles in the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, Tectonophysics,62, 165-189, 1980. Cahill, T., and B.L. Isacks,Shapeof the subducted Nazca plate (abstract),Eos Trans. AGU, 66, 299, 1985. 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Molnar, Focal depth of seismicity is also concentrated between 20 and 30 km intracontinentaland intraplate earthquakesand their depth. While more subsurface information, focal implications for the thermal and mechanical properties of the lithosphere,J. Geophys.Res., 88, mechanisms,and other data are neededto fully constrain 4183-4214, 1983. models for the Precordillera'the seismicityindicatesthat basementdeformationplays an important and possibly Chinn, D.S., and B.L. Isacks,Accuratesourcedepthsand focal mechanismsof shallow earthquakesin western dominantrole in determiningthe structureof the Eastern South America and in the New Hebrides Island Arc, Precordillera. The unusuallydeep concentrationof the crustal seismicity in both areas of the foreland can be understoodas a consequence of transientthermaleffects of the late Cenozoicchangein dip of the subducted plate. Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank J.C. Castano, R. Forradellas, and C. Correa of INPRES for providing the network data and assistance in the field. M. Barazangi, T. Cahill, E. Fielding, R. Allmendinger, T. Jordan, and others of the Cornell Andes Project provided helpfulreviewsanddiscussions. This work wassupported by NSF grantsEAR-83-20064andEAR-85-18402andNASA grantNGT-33010-803. Baldis,B., and O. Bordonaro,Cambricoy Ordoviciode la SierraChicade Zonday CerroPedernal,provinciade San Juan, Genesis del margen continental en la Precordillera,IX Congr. Geol. Argent., 4, 190-207, 1984. Baldis, B.A., and G.A. Chebli, Estructuraprofundadel area central de la area central de la Precordillera Sanjuanina, /V JornadasGeol. Argent. 1, 47-65, 1969. Baldis, B.A., M.S. Beresi, O. Bordonaro,and A. Vaca, Sintesisevolutivade la PrecordilleraArgentina,/nV CongresoLatinoamericano de Geologœa Argentina, Actas, vol. 1, pp. 399-445, BuenosAires, 1982. Barazangi,M., and B. L. 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