Download Wednesday Sept 8th

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Wednesday Sept 8th
 Warm-up
 Describe
the movement at convergent,
divergent and transform boundaries.
Lab notebook
 Label
 Draw
table of contents (title of blue page)
in table just like the one on the blue
page on next blank sheet
 Beetles:
2 sponges
2 camo mats
 Lets
start the demos!
 Sponges
 Mat and sponge second!
 2 mats third!
Convergent Boundaries
 Label
table of contents: Convergent
Boundary Notes
 Cut out and glue in white sheet
 Lets take notes!
Convergent Boundary
 What
kind of movement occurs?
 What is a fault?
Break in the rock of the crust where rock
surfaces slip past each other.
 What
type of fault occurs?
Here are your choices:
• Normal
• Reverse
• Strike Slip
 Reverse
Due to compression, hanging wall (hw) moves
up and the foot wall (fw) moves down.
 What
Faults occur
are the two types of plates?
Think back to the video……
Hint: One is land and one is water….
Oceanic and Continental
 Using
those two types of plates, what
combinations of two can we make?
Convergent Plate Combinations
 You
are RIGHT! 3 combinations!
 O-O (ocean – ocean)
 O-C (ocean – continental)
 C-C (continental – continental)
What are the resulting land formations
caused by these combinations?
Start with O-O
 Land
Island Volcanoes
 Subduction
DOES occur!!
 EX: Marianas Trench
 Land
 Subduction
DOES occur
 Land
formations formed:
Mountain Ranges
 Subduction
DOES NOT occur
 EX: Himalayas
 How
do I know which plate is on top when
two plates collide?
We learned that this = LOVE
Any guesses??
YES!! The density of the plates determines
which will be on top after a collision.
More dense sinks
Less dense goes on top
 What
is it called when one plate sinks
beneath another and goes back down into
the mantle?
Occurs at only O-O or O-C NOT at C-C
 Why
do you think it only occurs at O-O or
Think back to the slide before….
Ocean crust is more DENSE than continental
Thus it sinks beneath oceanic crust and
continental crust.