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Our Solar System
The Sun
The Sun is a big ball of gas that is super duper hot. The
inner core of the sun is hotter. Along time from now,
the sun will become a big red giant and turn into a
black hole. Our sun is not on fire, it is just very hot. Its
just too hot for anyone to touch with there own hands.
The sun is the biggest star in our solar system. The sun
gives a lot energy and life on earth.
Mars is the second planet in our solar system that has
water. Mars is the 4th planet from the sun. Mars is
right next to our Earth. Mars is a very dry and dusty
planet. Mars’s crust is made of rock and dirt. It takes
24 hours and 37 minutes to rotate once. A trip to mars
from earth takes about 6 months to get there.
Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun. Thick orange
and white clouds circle the planet. There is on solid
surface. One Jupiter year equals almost 12 earth years.
Jupiter has about 50 moons.
Earth is where we live. Earth is the third planet from
the sun. It is a rocky planet. Earth has a crust Mantle,
inner core, outer core. Earth’s outer core is melted
iron. The inner core is solid iron and nickel.
Saturn’s rings are a lot of moons going around Saturn.
Saturn is the 6th planet around the sun. People call it
the ringed planet. One Saturn year takes 29.5 earth
years. One Saturn day takes 10 hours and 45 minutes.
Neptune is the 8th planet around the sun. Neptune is
made of gases and clouds. One Neptune year equals to
165 earth year. One day on Neptune takes 16 hours on
Earth. Neptune is mostly made of ice and gas. Neptune
is the biggest planet in the solar system. Neptune has
rings of dust around it.
Pluto is a dwarf planet. It is very far from the sun. It is
very cold. No people would not want to live on Pluto.
The crust of Pluto is made of ice and nitrogen and
methane gases. Pluto is equal to 6 day, 9 hours and 17
minutes on Earth. A year on Pluto is the same as 248
years on Earth.
Venus is the 2th planet from the sun. It is right next to
Earth. Venus looks like a bright star. Venus is very hot
because its thick atmosphere traps heat from the sun.
Venus has a core, mantel, crust. The core is made of
iron and nickel. One year on Venus is 225 days on
Mercury is the smallest planet around the sun. It is
also closer to the sun than the other planets in the
Solar System. It is very hot in the day and very cold at
night. Mercury is mostly made of Rock. A larger inner
core is made of Iron. One Mercury year takes 88 days
on Earth.
Uranus is the 7th planet near around the sun. Uranus is
a gas giant. One Uranus year is 84 days on earth. One
day on Uranus is about earth hours.
That Is our Solar System