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Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are
created by the movement of Earth’s plates?
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
Plate tectonics
The lithosphere (crust) is divided into
tectonic plates
The movement of these plates is
what creates Earth’s crustal features
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
Types of boundaries
A boundary is where 2 tectonic plates
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
Divergent Boundary
When tectonic plates move away from
each other
Crustal features: mid ocean ridges, rifts
Great Rift Valley
Mid-Ocean Ridge
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
Convergent Boundary
When 2 continental plates collide
Crustal features: mountains
The Himalayas
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
Convergent Boundary
When an ocean plate collides with a
continental plate, the ocean plate sinks
under the continental plate (subduction)
Crustal features: trenches and volcanic
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
Transform Boundary
When 2 tectonic plates slide past each
Crustal Features: faults and earthquakes
San Andreas Fault
What to highlight
• You should not highlight everything, to
start, you will highlight/underline what is
in red
• What we are highlighting will help us
answer the essential question:
• What evidence supports the theory of
continental drift?
Creating questions
• Look at what you’ve highlighted
• What you have highlighted should be the
answer to your question
• We will do this together
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
What creates
Plate tectonics
The lithosphere (crust) is divided into
tectonic plates
The movement of these plates is
what creates Earth’s crustal
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
What is a
Types of boundaries
A boundary is where 2 tectonic plates
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
What crustal
features are
found at a
Divergent Boundary
When tectonic plates move away from
each other
Crustal features: mid ocean ridges, rifts
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
What crustal
features are
found at a
Convergent Boundary
When 2 continental plates collide
Crustal features: mountains
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
What is
Convergent Boundary
When an ocean plate collides with a
continental plate, the ocean plate sinks
under the continental plate (subduction)
Crustal features: trenches and volcanic
Topic: Earth’s Features
Essential Question: What crustal features are created by
the movement of Earth’s plates?
What crustal
features are
found at a
Transform Boundary
When 2 tectonic plates slide past each
Crustal Features: faults and earthquakes
Now let’s write a summary
Look at each question you wrote on your own, and
answer each question in a complete sentence.
-What creates Earth’s features?
-What is a plate boundary?
-What crustal features are found at a divergent boundary?
-What crustal features are found at a convergent
-What is subduction?
-What crustal features are found at a transform boundary?