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Discovery and
Chapter 7-1
The wacky history of cell
theory - Lauren RoyalWoods –
I. Discovery
Mid 1600’s
A. Robert Hooke (1665)
1. Looked at cork and saw tiny little boxes
2. Reminded him of rooms in a monastery
3. Called the “little rooms” CELLS
B. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1674)
1. First person to use microscope to
identify LIVING things
2. Reminded him of “little animals”
3. Named them animalcules
C. Matthias Schleiden
2. Concluded all plants are made of cells
D. Theodor Schwann (1839)
1. Zoologist
2. Concluded all animals are made of cells
E. Rudolph Virchow (1855)
1. Virologist
2. Concluded that CELLS
F. Cell Theory
(Based on findings from 5 scientists)
1. All living things are composed of
2. Cells are the basic unit of structure
and function in living things
3. New cells are produced from preexisting cells
II. All cells have
A. Cell membranes
B. Genetic Info (DNA/Chromosomes)
III. Two Category of cellsDepending on if they have a nucleus
A. Eukaryotic cells - contain nucleus
B. Prokaryotic Cells- Do NOT contain nucleus
A. Prokaryotic Cells (Bacteria)
1. Smaller and simpler than eukaryotic
2. DNA not inside a nucleus-instead
floats in cytoplasm
3. 2 of 6 KINGDOMS are prokaryotic
Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.
B. Eukaryotic Cells (everything
except bacteria)
1. Larger and more complex
2. DNA inside nucleus
3. 4 of 6 KINGDOMS are eukaryotic
Plant, animal, fungi and protist
• Amoeba Sisters: Prokaryotic vs.
Eukaryotic Cells
• Cell Theory – YouTube
• Endosymbiotic Theory