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Era of 100 years life expectancy
Microorganism health method
Microorganisms in the intestine provides the
most accurate measurement of our life expectancy
Analysis of intestinal bacteria
By analyzing the ratio of beneficial bacterial to harmful bacteria,
we can estimate the individual life expectancy.
Intestinal microbes and immunity
90% of immune cells are made in the intestines!
Ratio of harmful bacteria starts to increase starting in the 40s!
Beneficial bacteria treats inflammations
harmful Beneficial
bacteria causes inflammations.
There are about 1000 trillion
microorganisms living in our body (10
times the number of our cells)
If there are more beneficial bacteria,
Increased number
of immune cells
Longer life
War of intestinal microorganisms
Intestinal flora is at a constant state of war.
Beneficial bacteria <----> Harmful bacteria
Beneficial bacteria collaborates with yeast,
lactobacillus, bacillus etc. to remove harmful
I’m going
to join the
Middle bacteria
Weapons of microorganisms
Bacteriocin (Bioactive substance)
Beneficial bacteriocin strengthens the immune system
Harmful bacteriocin weakens the immune system
Beneficial bacteria produces immunity substance called
bacteriocine and destroys harmful bacteria in our body by
coating the immunity substance throughout the body and
secreting it to lymph vessels and capillary system.
World-class patent technology!!
Super bacterial complex that is able to withstand
the acidity of stomach acid
110 types of beneficial microorganisms have teamed up!
Strong acidity
of stomach
acid pH 2
Unique and only patent technology
of its kind in the world
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
1. Increases the body temperature.
2. Removes free radicals.
3. Removes waste and harmful materials.
4. Removes carcinogens- Prevents cancer
5. Produces endorphin and didorphin.
6. Lowers the level of stress hormones.
7. Lowers fever due to infection.
8. Treats obesity and prevents relapse.
9. Produces enzymes, vitamin B and K.
10. Keeps the brain healthy.
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
1. Increases the core temperature by 2 degrees.
If core temperature of the body is lowered by 1 degree, the
immunity decreases by 30% and if the core temperature is
increased by 1 degree, immunity increases by 5 times!
Julius Wagner
Nobel Prize winner for biology
and medicine in 1927
Invented the treatment of
syphilitic meningoencephalitis
and progressive paralysis by
inducing malaria – Fever therapy
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
2. Removes free radicals.
Free radicals are extremely unstable oxygen molecules
and are 90% of the cause for aging and diseases.
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
3. Removes wastes and harmful materials.
Beneficial bacteria removes wastes and
harmful materials from the environment
and food from our body
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
4. Removes carcinogens and
suppresses formation of cancer cells.
About 3000~4000 cancer cells are formed per day.
But they are being removed by beneficial bacteria and immune cells!
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
5. Produces endorphin and didorphin.
Happiness hormone endorphin: Treats cancer and alleviates pain
Emotive hormone didorphin: 4000 times more effective than endorphin
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
6. Lowers the level of stress hormone.
Stress hormones(ephinephrine, norephinephrine, cortisol) cause
muscle tension, increased heart beat, increased blood pressure
and decreased cognitive capacity.
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
7. Lowers the fever caused by infection.
Fever caused by bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite automatically
dissipates once the cause is removed from our body.
(Fever reducing medicine puts a strain on the liver and kidneys)
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
8. Treats obesity and prevents relapse.
Being slim or obese depends on the ratio of intestinal
microorganisms (firmicutes/bacteriodetes)!
Why don’t we gain weight from eating food fighter?
Obesity bacteria Methanobrevibacter smithii (Methane bacteria)
(Image captured from MBC News)
Studys show that body type that gain weight easily is caused by
obesity bacteria in the intestine.
Obesity bacteria enterobacter (image: EM
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
9. Produces enzymes and vitamins B and K.
Enzymes must be made within the body,
not brought into our system from an outside source!
Enzymes are catalysts required
for metabolic activity (decomposition/synthesis)
Function of beneficial intestinal microorganisms
10. Keeps the brain healthy.
Intestinal microorganisms produce cerebral
secretions and aid in development and healing of the
Dr. Sven Pettersson’s research team
at Karolinska Institute of Sweden
Saeng-saeng Jangonhwan
One of the top microorganism product in the world
developed by EM Institute of Biological Studies and Dr.
Eun-kyeong Seo of Saeng-saeng Oriental Medicine
Saeng-saeng Jangonhwan is a high-quality
product containing 110 types of beneficial
microorganisms and special formula by Dr. Seo for
100 years of healthy life!
Microorganism health partner
in the era of 100 years life expectancy
Thank you for your cooperation!