Download The Black Death - Sire`s Modern History

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Mr. Marston
Dominion Christian High School
Marietta, GA
The Culprits: Rats
and Fleas
Yersinia Pestis
• Bacteria found in rats, prairie dogs, fleas and
other animals that cause plague.
• can grow with or without oxygen. During an
outbreak, the bacteria can survive for months in
cool, moist conditions, such as a rodent hole.
• Approximately 10 to 20 people in the United
States develop an infection each year from flea or
rodent bites.
• Bites from infected rodent fleas
• Direct contact with infected tissue or bodily fluids
• Inhaling infected droplets.
The Famine of 1315-1317
 By 1300 Europeans were farming almost all
the land they could cultivate.
 A population crisis developed.
 Climate changes in Europe produced three
years of crop failures between 1315-17
because of excessive rain.
 As many as 15% of the peasants in some
English villages died.
 One consequence of
starvation & poverty
was susceptibility to
1347: Plague Reaches
The Symptoms
Septicemic Form:
bites of an infected
flea or rodent
almost 100%
mortality rate.
From the Toggenburg Bible, 1411, a German language bible
from the Toggenburg region in Switzerland
Lancing a Buboe
The Disease Cycle
Flea drinks rat blood
that carries the
multiply in
flea’s gut.
Human is infected!
Flea bites human and
regurgitates blood
into human wound.
Flea’s gut clogged
with bacteria.
Medieval Art & the Plague
Medieval Art & the Plague
Bring out your dead!
“Bring out Your Dead” by Monty
• Stop at 1:50
Medieval Art & the Plague
An obsession
with death.
Boccaccio in The Decameron
The victims ate lunch with
their friends and dinner with
their ancestors.
Boccacio: The Decameron
Italian author and poet
friend of humanist Petrarch
Story of 7 women, 3 men
Flee from plague in Florence to villa outside Naples
1 Story for every one night spent at the villa
(love stories ranging from the erotic to the tragic)
The Roman Catholic Church is satirized
Many scholars suggest the women represent 4 cardinal
virtues and 3 theological virtues of (Prudence, Justice,
Temperance, and Fortitude and Faith, Hope and Love)
The men represent the Greek 3 part division of the soul
(reason, anger, and lust)
The Decameron
The Danse Macabre
Attempts to Stop the Plague
A Doctor’s
Attempts to Stop the Plague
Self-inflicted “penance” for our sins!
Attempts to Stop the Plague
Pograms against the Jews
“Jew” hat
“Golden Circle”
obligatory badge
Death Triumphant !:
A Major Artistic Theme
A Little Macabre Ditty
“A sickly season,” the merchant said,
“The town I left was filled with dead,
and everywhere these queer red flies
crawled upon the corpses’ eyes,
eating them away.”
“Fair make you sick,” the merchant said,
“They crawled upon the wine and bread.
Pale priests with oil and books,
bulging eyes and crazy looks,
dropping like the flies.”
A Little Macabre Ditty (2)
“I had to laugh,” the merchant said,
“The doctors purged, and dosed, and bled;
“And proved through solemn disputation
“The cause lay in some constellation.
“Then they began to die.”
“First they sneezed,” the merchant said,
“And then they turned the brightest red,
Begged for water, then fell back.
With bulging eyes and face turned black,
they waited for the flies.”
A Little Macabre Ditty (3)
“I came away,” the merchant said,
“You can’t do business with the dead.
“So I’ve come here to ply my trade.
“You’ll find this to be a fine brocade…”
And then he sneezed……….!
“Ring around the Rosy”
• Ring around the rosy (red rash in the shape of
A pocketful of posies (carried to ward off disease)
"Ashes, Ashes"
We all fall down!
• Ring-a-Ring o'Rosies
A Pocket full of Posies
"A-tishoo! A-tishoo!"
We all fall Down
• Some scholars dispute the connection to the
The Mortality Rate
35% - 70%
25,000,000 dead !!!