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Chapter 1
Microbial Life: Origin and
What Is a Microbe?
Microbes are microscopic organisms
 Through
most of its lifespan
 Can only be seen through a microscope
mm (10-3 m) to 0.2 μm (2x10-7 m)
 Usually
 Self-contained genome
Capacity to reproduce
What Is a Microbe?
Exceptions exist
1. Super-sized microbial cells
 Thiomargarita
“sulfur pearl of Namibia”
 Caulerpa taxifolia
“killer algae” with acres of single cell
2. Microbial communities
multicellular assemblages: biofilm, mushrooms
microscopic worms and arthropods NOT microbes
3. Living?
 viruses
 viroids
 prions
What Is a Microbe?
6 major groups studied by microbiologists
 Prokaryotes
 Eukaryotes
 Viruses
What Is a Microbe?
Microbial genomes are easily sequenced
 Genome
= organism’s total genetic content
Complete gene sequence known for many species
Over 1000 bacteria, archaea
 Tens of thousands of viruses
 First sequenced genomes
 Bacteriophage ΦX174 (1977)
 Haemophilus influenzae (1995)
 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1996)
Microbes have greatest diversity of genomes
Important for understanding evolution
 Comparative genomics shows core genes
Why study microorganisms?
Microbes Shape Human History
Microbes affect food availability
 Destroy
crops, preserve food
bread, wine, cheese
 Chocolate!
Microbial diseases change history
 Black
plague in Europe
 Smallpox in Americas
 HIV/AIDS worldwide
Discovery of Microbes
Light microscope invented in 1600s
 Quality
mid-1600s: Robert Hooke observes small
eukaryotes (mold)
 Saw
improved continuously
“cells” in cork
1676: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovers bacteria
 First
to see single-celled microbes
Microbes Are Living Organisms
Microbes arise only from other microbes
 No
spontaneous generation
 1688: Francesco Redi shows that maggots do
not spontaneously generate
 1861: Louis Pasteur shows that microbes do
not grow in liquid until introduced from outside
 Contradiction
by John Tyndall:
Boiled broth still spoil
 Contaminated with endospores
Germ Theory of Disease
 Germs
can infect and grow on food.
 Can
germs infect and grow on people?
 i.e. Do germs cause disease?
Hypothesis is testable:
 Are
germs can be found in infected tissue?
 Can transmission of germs cause disease?
Germ Theory of Disease
Pasteur’s Theory:
 Transmission
of germs causes disease
All Scientific Theories:
 Explain
e.g. Transmission of rabies
 Provide
framework for understanding
Where do diseases come from?
 Can
many known observations
be tested further
Do germs cause anthrax?
 A scientific
theory is NOT a “guess”
Koch’s Postulates
Provides means of testing hypothesis:
 “Does
this germ cause that disease?”
Organism must meet 4 criteria:
 1.
 2.
 3.
 4.
Microbe always present in diseased
Absent in healthy
Microbe is grown in pure culture
No other microbes present.
Introduce pure microbe into healthy individual
Individual becomes sick
Same microbe re-isolated from now-sick
Corollary to Germ Theory
Stop germ transmission, stop disease spread
 Kill
germ, prevent disease
1865: Antiseptic surgery
 Joseph Lister
1929-1941: Penicillin
 Alexander Fleming
 Many newer antibiotics
 Bacteria become resistant
Corollary to Germ Theory
Stop germ transmission, stop disease spread
 Stop
spread of germs
Epidemiology, public health measures
 Resistant
individuals prevent spread of germs
1798: Vaccination with cowpox prevents smallpox
Turkish physicians, Lady Montagu, Edward Jenner
Microbial Ecology
Most microbes don’t grow on typical medium
 Many
Bottom of ocean
Hot or cold temperatures
bottom of swamp, in our gut
High pressure
live in varied conditions
Below 0°C to 113°C
No organic carbon
Use light for energy, CO2 for carbon
 Microbes
existed before animals, plants
Early earth contained mainly reduced compounds,
such as ferrous iron, methane, ammonia
Microbial Ecology
Culture some microbes in
natural mud environment
 Winogradsky
Layers grow different species
Reflects different conditions
 Can
see variations in nature
Yellowstone geyser runoff
Colors reflect different species
 Different growth temperatures
Microbial Ecology
Microbes cycle most elements on earth
 Nitrogen
Bacteria fix N2 to NH4+
 Nitrify NH4+ to NO3
 Carbon
Photosynthetic microbes
fix most carbon
 Many other conversions
 Sulfur
 Phosphorus cycle
The Microbial Family Tree
Microbial species are difficult to classify
 Difficult
to distinguish by shape
 Often reproduce asexually
 Pass DNA to each other without reproduction
Use biochemical properties to classify
 Gram
 Ability to metabolize different substrates
Use DNA sequence to classify
 Bacterial
genomes relatively small
The Microbial Family Tree
Archaea are not bacteria
 Similar
size, shape
 Very different biochemistry
Different membranes
 Archaeal ribosomes similar to
eukaryotic ribosomes
 Many archaea live in harsh
 16s
rRNA gene sequence
Found in all creatures
 Archaea is a separate domain
Endosymbiont Theory
How did eukaryotes arise?
 DNA similar
Mitochondrial, chloroplast DNA
 Similar
to archaea’s
to bacterial DNA
Endosymbiont theory:
 Mitochondria
WERE bacteria
 Chloroplasts WERE cyanobacteria
 Infected or eaten by other species
 Ended up living together inside
Cell Biology Techniques
Electron microscopy
 Observation
of cell components
Eukaryotic organelles
 Membranes
 Separation
of cell components
Study of biochemistry of organelles
Fluorescence microscopy
 Identification
of cell components
Subcellular location of individual proteins
Genetics and DNA Revolution
Molecular genetics depends on bacteria
 Concept
of “gene” proposed for bacteria
 DNA structure
 Genetic code
 Transcription, translation
 Restriction enzymes
 Recombinant DNA
 Cloning
 PCR reaction
 E. coli has best understood genome