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What are Non-Stink Nano Socks?
Non-Stink Nano Socks are socks that
contain tiny nano-particles of silver. Silver is
well known to stop bacterial growth, and
nanotechnology allows silver an easy way to
get into socks without bothering your feet.
What do Non-Stink Nano Socks do?
Non-stink Nano Socks cover your feet and
keep them smelling fresh.
How will Non-Stink Nano Socks Help
Non-Stink Nano Socks will help society by
eliminating the stink released by feet.
Athletes can wear them to lower the chances
of getting athlete’s foot.
How can Non-Stink Nano socks hurt
One major drawback is that some brands
of Nano Socks release the nano silver into the
wash, which can make its way into drinking
water, killing good bacteria in water. Small
amounts of silver gets into drinking water
anyway, so some scientists disregard this fact.
Are Non-Stink Nano Socks Available to
Yes, you can find them at some retail