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Chapter 3
Hernia- a bulging forth or protrusion of an
organ or the muscular wall of an organ through
the cavity that normally contains it
Ex: Hiatal hernia: stomach protrudes
upward into the mediastinum through the
esophageal opening in the diaphragm
Inguinal hernia: part of the intestines
protrudes downward into the groin
Others: (pg 82) Rectocele, omphalocele, and
Cystocele and rectocele.
Fig. 3-1.
Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved.
Amniocentesis- Fluid taken from the amnion (membrane
sac that contains an embryo) during the 12th to 18th week
of pregnancy
Streptococcus- berry shaped bacterium (responsible for
“strep” throat, tonsillitis, rheumatic fever, and often sinus
Staphylococci- bacteria that grows in clusters and cause
skin lesions
(abscesses, boils, & styes) or internal lesions; very
dangerous (MRSA-Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
Diplococci (organized pairs)- pneumococci which are
bacteria that cause pneumonia in adults and gonococci that
invade the reproductive organs
Blood Cells• 1. Erythrocytes:
– Red Blood Cells- (erythr/o=red) cells that are made in the
bone marrow and are necessary to carry oxygen from the
lungs through the blood to all body cells
• Hemoglobin- (hem/o=blood; globin=protein) protein in blood
cells that carries the oxygen in the bloodstream
• 2. Leukocytes- white blood cells
– Eosinophils- (eosin=rosy) active and elevated in allergic
conditions such as asthma
– Basophils- (bas/o=basic) not clear on exact function but
plays a role in inflammation
• Neutrophils- (neutr/o=neutral or neither) important disease
fighting cells which are called phagocytes (phag/o=eating or
swallowing) because the ingest bacteria. They are the most
numerous in disease-fighting and are usually called
polymorphonuclear leukocytes (poly=many, morph/o=shape)
Blood Cells
Agranulocytes- produced by lymph nodes and the spleen
Lymphocytes- lymph cells that produce antibodies that
fight foreign cells
Monocytes- (mon/o=one) engulf and destroy cellular
debris and the neutrophils have attacked the foreign cells
3. Thrombocyte (thromb/o=clot) or platelet- clotting cells
Anemia- means no blood; typically referred to as a medical
condition where there is reduction in the number of
erythrocytes or hemoglobin
Ex: Aplastic (a=no, plas/o=formation) anemia: severe type
in which the bone marrow fails to produce not only
erythrocytes but leukocytes and thrombocytes
Types of blood cells.
Fig. 3-4.
Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved.
Terms and procedures
• Ischemia- to hold back blood from a part of the body
(isch/o=hold back, -emia=blood condition)
• Tonsillitis- lymphatic tissue that has become inflamed with a
• Acromegaly- endocrine disorder resulting from too much
growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland after puberty
(a person is normal height but has large hands, feet or face)
• Splenomegaly- (megaly=enlargement)
• Leukocytosis- slight elevation in numbers of normal WBC’s
due to an infection
• Achondroplasia- dwarfism; inherited disorder
• Laparascopy- (peritoneoscopy or minimally invasive surgery)
visual exam of the abdominal cavity using a laparoscope
• Adenoids- (“resembling gland”) lymphatic tissue that are part
of the pharynx near the nose and nasal passage
• Blepharoptosis- (-ptosis=drooping, sagging, prolapse); eyelid
muscles weaken and difficulty lifting eyelids
Adenoids and tonsils.
Fig. 3-9.
Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved.