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Herbal Medicine Cabinet
Herbal First Aid
Presented by
Laurence Smith
Why Would You Need a First Aid Kit?
• There are many health concerns
that could and should be handled
at home. The sooner there is
intervention, the sooner the healing
begins. It is important to have
natural products on hand that can
immediately be used when a
person feels "out of sorts".
Developing a Natural Medicine
Cabinet and First Aid Kit
• Provides peace of mind knowing
that you have basic remedies on
• Gives you the opportunity to
practice using herbs in a nonemergency situation, and build your
confidence in both yourself and
these natural products – and caring
for common complaints at home
Primary Products
Secondary Products
Specialty Products
Primary Products
• Silver Shield
• Silver Shield Gel
• Elderberry
• VS-C
• Golden Seal
• Echinecea/Golden
• Mullein
• Oregon Grape
• Distress Remedy
Secondary Products
• Echinacea
• Cascara
• Capsicum
• Black Ointment
Tei Fu Oil
Tei Fu Lotion
Golden Salve
Specialty Products
• ALJ capsules &
• Aloe Vera Gel
• Catnip/Fennel
• Cranberry-Buchu
• HistaBlock
Papaya Mint
Peppermint Oil
• Tea Tree Oil
• Zinc Lozenges
Primary Products
Your Second Line of Defense
The Silver Solution
We Are More Vulnerable To
Infection Than We Think
Silver Shield
• Anti-microbial "Second
Immune System"
• The very minute ionized particles
of silver, suspended in pure
water inhibit the function and
metabolism of bacteria, fungi,
protozoa and viruses. It works
quickly on contact.
Silver – How does it work?
• Silver reacts with bacterial cell wall
inhibiting oxygen & energy transfer
into the cell, which results in
suffocation. Thus, unlike synthetic
antibiotics that are disease-specific,
Silver Shield is cell-structure
specific—any single cell organism is
subject to silver.
What Can Silver Shield Do?
Kill Bacteria
Inhibit Viruses
Kill Fungus & Mold
Improve Wound
• Disinfect
A New Supercharged Silver
• Common ionic silver particles = - 1
This gives the silver particle the ability
to bind itself with and eliminate one
electron of a targeted pathogen
• Silver Aquasol Technology = - 2
This gives the silver particle the ability
to bind itself with and destroy electrons of
targeted pathogens multiple times
Excellent for Ear Infections
• Put several
drops in the ear
and let the
solution sit for 15
Excellent for Strep Throat
• To kill the surface
bacteria associated
with Streptococcus A
& B, the silver
solution must remain
in contact with the
bacteria for an
extended period of
time – 8 to 12
Elderberry D3fense
• Virus Fighter for the Cold and Flu
• Stops viruses from entering the
• Stop the virus from replicating.
• Vital Shield for the immune
• Virus-fighting immune system
Stimulant – Chinese (was HRP-C)
• HeRPes
• Effective with l-lysine.
Golden Seal
• Great natural antibiotic.
• Works on mucus membranes
throughout the body.
• Echinacea/Golden seal (liquid)
• Supports healthy ears and lungs.
• Expels excess phlegm.
• Lower Bowel Stimulant formula
• Lower Bowel Support
• Strengthens the colon and
increases peristalsis
• Improves digestion,
• reduces gas and cramping, and
• helps the growth of friendly
Oregon Grape
• Fights staph and strep
• Direct action on skin, helping
Distress Remedy
• Flower essence version of
Bach’s Rescue Remedy.
• For a variety of emergency
and stressful situations.
Secondary Products
Ultimate Echinacea
• Potent immune system
stimulant and lymphatic
– Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea
pallida, and Echinacea angustifolia.
• Directly stimulate the immune
system to fight bacteria, viruses,
fungi, and tumor growth.
Cascara Sagrada
• A stimulant laxative for a moving
• "Sacred Bark" root is a popular
treatment for chronic constipation
because it is not habit-forming. It is used
to increase the secretion of digestive
fluids, create large soft bowel
movements, and stimulate the peristaltic
action of the colon.
• The hot pepper that cools pain
• Capsicum can be applied directly to a
wound or swallowed to stop unnatural
bleeding or a heart attack in progress.
• It is one of the most versatile stimulant
herbs known. It is a digestive aid,
relieves pain (including shingles, cluster
headaches), and itching palms and feet
of diabetics.
Charcoal (activated)
• Used to support the body's
cleansing and detoxification
• Ability to "attract" and absorb.
–Removes poisons from the body. It is
approved by the FDA in place of
ipecac for internal poisoning.
–Absorbs intestinal gas
–used externally for insect bites/stings
and surface infections.
Tei Fu
• Tei Fu Essential Oils
• Tei Fu Massage Lotion
• Stimulating aromatic oils are
antiseptic, mood enhancing
Golden Salve
• Antiseptic, healing salve
• Helps tissues heal rapidly.
• Use on any external tissue damage
including burns, sores, scratches,
cuticles, diaper rash, etc.
• Useful for hemorrhoids and as
lubricant for the insertion tip for an
Black Ointment
• Drawing salve
Specialty Products
• 1. Aspirin,
• 2. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
• Possible Side Effects
• 1. Nausea, vomiting, ulcers,
• Kidney & liver damage, nausea,
APS II (w/White Willow Bark)
• Aspirin Pain Substitute Pain
and anti-inflammatory
substitute for aspirin
Relief Formula
• Pain relief formula
–severe arthritis,
–non-migraine headache and
–nerve pain (such as neuritis or
–as well as bites and stings.
• 1. Steroids; Hydrocortisone,
• 2. Non-Steroidal; Diflunisal,
Fenoprogen, Ibuprofen (Advil,
Motrin, Nuprin, Rufen
Indomethacin, Ketaprofen
Mediofenamate, Mefenamic acid
Naproxen, Phenylbutazone,
Piroxicam, Sulindac, Tolmetin)
Possible Side Effects
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
• 1. Indigestion, weight gain, acne fluid
retention, weakness, mood changes,
diabetes, fragile bones, thin skin.
• 2. Diarrhea, constipation nausea,
vomiting, heartburn dizziness,
headache, rash, impaired blood
clotting, increased risk of
• peptic ulcers.
Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Triple Relief,
Individual Products
ALJ capsules or Liquid
• Allergy and Lungs
Powerful, popular ALergy
• Relieves upper respiratory
congestion, cough, fever, allergies
and sinus problems.
• ALJ breaks-up and clears respiratory
congestion in the sinuses and lungs.
Aloe Vera Gel
• Aloe Vera Gel is hard to beat for
sunburns and other minor skin
damage and irritations. It spreads
on and penetrates quickly. Use
generously and keep the skin
Catnip and Fennel
• Relaxing digestive system tonic for
colic "Nature's Alka-Seltzer™
• Although the flavor is mild enough for
an infant, you can also rub the liquid
on baby's back and abdomen to
relieve colic.
• Also try some on the back of the
tongue to expel painful gas or control
Cranberry & Buchu
• Intended for urinary tract
• 1) cranberry juice does have
substances that alter the bacteria
population in urine, and
• 2) a special factor in the juice seems
to make harmful bacteria less likely to
cling to the surface of cells in the
urinary tract.
• Supports the respiratory system
in its battle against allergens,
pollutants, and toxins, especially
during the changing seasons.
• Stabilizes immune cells and
soothes inflamed mucous
membranes .
• Muscle-relaxing respiratory
and lymphatic stimulant
• Relaxing, antispasmodic, expectorant
qualities make it ideal for clearing the
lungs and lymph system.
• Larger doses can bring on nausea
– This is cleansing; not a reaction to
Papaya Mint Chewable Tablets
• Tasty digestive stimulant
• Papaya fruit contains proteolytic
enzymes that function in the
digestion of protein, while
peppermint leaves contain
aromatic compounds capable of
triggering the production of
digestive fluids.
Pau d'Arco
• Anti-Fungal
Peppermint Oil
• Stimulating digestive aid
• reduce nausea resulting from an
upset stomach
• mild antispasmodic which makes it
useful for relieving menstrual cramps
and nausea.
• mild vasodilator
• antimicrobial and antiviral
Stomach Comfort
• Antacid Help for Heartburn and
• Natural choice in battling excess
stomach acid, acid reflux and
burning associated with improper
Tea Tree Oil
• Antiseptic fungicide for tissue healing
• "the wonder from Down Under."
• Regeneration of injuries and fight
bacterial and fungal infection.
• It is proven effective against bacteria
that cause strep, staph, typhoid,
diphtheria, pneumonia, meningitis and
Zinc Lozenges
• Help Take the Bite out of Winter
• Lozenges dissolve slowly in the
mouth, releasing beneficial
nutrients to the body. Zinc-Ease
supports the respiratory, immune
and glandular systems.
• Artemesia Combination
• Black Walnut concentrate
• Herbal Pumpkin
• Fossil Shell Flour
• GastroHealth
–Kills the bacteria
–Heals the stomach
Acting Quickly in an Emergency
• Food Poisoning, Bleeding, Shock
–Activated Charcoal – chemical
• Always call Poison Control Center first
• If they recommend inducing vomiting, use Lobelia
–Lobelia – emetic, convulsions, hysteria,
–Distress Remedy – shock
–Capsicum – shock, hemorrhaging, heart
attack (under the tongue), bleeding
General Sickness
• Earache, Eye Infections, Sore Throat,
Allergies, Colds, Coughs, Fever,
Toothache, Cold Sores:
• Silver Shield
–Tei Fu Oil – congestion, canker sores, cold
sores, toothache, flu, colds, coughs
–ALJ – congestion, colds, allergies, sinus
General Sickness
• Catnip and Fennel – fevers
• Elderberry – colds, flu, reduces swelling in
mucous membranes, antiviral properties
• Lobelia – asthma, congestion, hoarseness
• Peppermint Oil – congestion, sinus
Skin Issues
• Boils, sores, cuts, wounds, abrasions,
burns, bruises, bites, insect stings, itching,
diaper rash, poison ivy or oak, splinters
–Black Ointment – drawing salve for
slivers, boils, cuts, puncture wounds, bites,
–Aloe Vera Gel – sunburn, scratches,
abrasions, moistens skin, burns and scalds,
bruises, itching
–Silver Shield gel
Skin Issues
–Tei Fu Oil – (contains menthol, camphor
and wintergreen) used for bruises, bites,
–Lavender oil - burns
–Tea Tree oil – disinfectant and antiseptic
for cuts, scrapes, bruises, burns, bites and
Skin Issues
–Capsicum (powder) – stops bleeding
–Activated Charcoal – spider bites
(moisten with water and apply as a paste)
–Silver Shield Gel – all of the above!
Muscle Pain
• Relief Formula
– Minor muscular aches and pains following
• APS II Aspirin Substitute
• Tei-Fu Massage Lotion
– May promote muscle relaxation
–Tei Fu Massage Lotion – aching
muscles, tension headaches, bruises,
joint pain, stiff neck, rheumatism,
sprains, tendonitis
–Peppermint Oil – Headaches,
muscle pain
–Lavender Oil – pain relief, menstrual
Digestive Issues
• Indigestion, colic, heartburn, gas
–Catnip and Fennel – colic, gas, mild acid
indigestion, bloating
–Activated Charcoal – bloating, absorbs
–Peppermint Oil – gas, acid indigestion,
stomach ache, gripe, nausea, vomiting, colic,
morning sickness, motion sickness
–Tei Fu Oil – vomiting, motion sickness
–Lavender Oil - colic
Intestinal Issues
• Occasional constipation, diarrhea
–Activated Charcoal – Occasional
–LBS II or Cascara Segrada
–Peppermint Oil – Promotes digestion
Nervous System Concerns
• Insomnia, Nervousness, Anxiety, Panic
–Distress Remedy – trauma, shock, panic,
terror, fear, hysteria
–Lobelia – calms nerves, convulsions,
hysteria, muscle tension
–Lavender Oil – insomnia, anxiety
–Peppermint Oil – insomnia, muscle tension
–Tei Fu Oil/Lotion – muscle tension due to