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Gram + cocci
In clumps
3 major species: S.aureus,
S.epidermidis, and S.saprophyticus)
Infections are primarily associated with
pathogenic strains of S.aureus
Many virulence factors
Comparison of the 3 major species
(Table 64.1 p416)
All three species appear similar by Gram stain.
S. aureus
S. saprophyticus
S. epidermidis
Media Used to Distinguish
Staphylococcal Species
S. aureus ferments manitol causing the media to turn
S. epidermidis and S. saprophyticus do not
Therefore, the media remains red
DNAse Test:
Confirms S.aureus
DNAse (an enzyme that degrades DNA)
On medium containing DNA and methyl
green, a positive result is a clearing around
the bacterial growth
S. aureus
S. saprophyticus
Gram+ cocci in clumps
Manitol fermentation (MSA media)
S. epidermidis
Gram+ cocci in clumps
No Manitol fermentation (MSA media)
Divide a MSA plate into 3 sectors;
inoculate (single line inoculation) the
plate with S.aureus, S.saprophyticus
and S.epidermidis
Divide a DNAse plate into 3 sectors;
inoculate the plate with the 3 organisms
listed above as described above
MSA and DNAse Plates
S. aureus
S. saprophyticus
S. epidermidis
Novobiocin Sensitivity Test
S. aureus and
S. epidermidis
Used to distinguish S.saprophyticus
from S.epidermidis and S. aureus
Identifies the novobiocin-resistant
S. saprophyticus
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S. saprophyticus
S. saprophyticus
S. epidermidis
S. epidermidis
Divide a Mueller-Hinton Agar Plate into two
Inoculate (create a small “lawn” of bacteria in
each sector) with S.epidermidis and
Place a novobiocin disk in the center of each
Invert plate; incubate
Catalase Test
Determines the ability of microbes to
degrade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by
producing the enzyme catalase
H2O2 is produced during aerobic
respiration; must be degraded
2 H2O2
2 H2O + O2
Catalase Test Results
Upon addition of H2O2 , Catalase
positive organisms release oxygen gas
(seen as bubbles)
Present in Staphylococcus
Coagulase Test
Coagulase: an enzyme that converts fibrinogen
to fibrin in plasma to form clots.
S. aureus express coagulase.
S. epidermidis and
S. saprophyticus do not.
S. aureus
S. saprophyticus
S. epidermidis
Gram+ cocci in clumps
Manitol fermentation (MSA media)
Novobiocin sensitive
Gram+ cocci in clumps
No Manitol fermentation (MSA media)
DNAseNovobiocin resistant
Gram+ cocci in clumps
No Manitol fermentation (MSA)
DNAseNovobiocin sensitive (Zone of inhibition)
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