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Relay For Life
of Greece
Date: Spring, 2012
Location: Greece, NY
What is Relay for Life?
• An overnight community walking event to
celebrate cancer survivorship, remember
those we’ve lost to cancer, and fight back by
raising money for the cause!
• The event benefits the American Cancer
How does it work?
• Anyone interested in participating gathers
friends/family/co-workers to form a team.
• One person is designated the “team captain.”
This person acts as liaison between their team
and the planning committee. They are asked
to attend 2-3 team captain meetings prior to
the event.
• At the event, teams set up a “campsite” with
their belongings. This serves as their homebase throughout the event.
How does it work?
• Many teams choose to decorate their
campsite (there is a prize for the best one)!
• The goal is to have at least one member of
each team walking the track throughout the
• This represents the continuous fight a person
faces after a cancer diagnosis.
• The idea is that cancer never sleeps, and for
this night, we won’t either!
What happens at Relay?
• In addition to walking the track, we provide
entertainment, speakers, food, and fun!
• The walk kicks-off with a CELEBRATE
ceremony, which honors cancer survivors.
• At dusk, we take time to acknowledge those we
have lost in the REMEMBER ceremony with a
silent lap and the lighting of luminaria.
• In the morning, we encourage participants to
continue the fight all year in our FIGHT BACK
• Each of these ceremonies include
meaningful speakers and activities.
Who Participates?
People of All Ages
Cancer Survivors
Everyone! That’s why we are here to
talk to you today!
How to Fundraise
– Each participant is asked to register online. By
doing this, they are given their own fundraising
page. From this page, they can e-mail friends and
family to request donations. This e-mail will
contain a link to the participant’s individual page
where friends and family can enter a donation.
How to Fundraise
– Teams often choose to organize team fundraisers
such as bake sales, car washes, garage sales, etc.
Money raised at these events can be entered
online as a general team donation.
– There are many creative fundraising ideas on!
How to Fundraise
– The fundraising does not end when the event
starts! There are many opportunities to give or
collect money there.
– Food sales: There will be food for sale throughout
the night. The profits will go toward the event.
– Teams often choose to continue their fundraising
at the event through snack sales, craft sales, etc.
Bank Nights
• In the weeks leading up to the event, the
committee will host a “Bank Night.” Any
participants who have collected offline
donations (check & cash) can turn in this
money at Bank Night to make registration
faster at the event.
• This money will be credited to that
participant or team.
Where Does the Money Go?
• The American Cancer Society (ACS) fights
cancer on four fronts:
– RESEARCH: ACS awards grants to cancer
researchers. To date they have funded 42 Nobel
Prize winners. Many amazing cancer treatments
have come about because of research funded by
ACS! (Gardasil and Tamoxifen are two well-known
saving education for people to take the steps
needed to prevent and detect cancer in the
early stages.
Where Does the Money Go?
• The ACS fights cancer on four fronts:
– ADVOCACY: ACS Ambassadors work with legislators
to promote government funded research, prevention
and detection. They petition legislators for healthcare
and free screenings for those who are uninsured.
programs designed to make a cancer diagnosis easier.
These include things like Reach to Recovery, Look Good
Feel Better etc. ACS also funds HOPE LODGE which
provides free housing for people who are receiving
cancer treatment away from home. Rochester is
currently building a new Hope Lodge Facility
downtown near the hospitals. This is one of
three in NY State (Buffalo, NYC and Rochester)
How to Sign Up!
– This is the Greece Relay event website and it is VERY
easy to use!
– Just click on “Sign Up” and this will walk you
through the process.
– If you need assistance the committee is glad to help!
Important Dates to Remember
• Kick-Off!
– January, 2012
– Greece, NY, Check-In 7:15, Dinner/Speakers at 7:30 pm
• Participant Information Meetings
– March 13, April 10, & May 8, 2012
– 8 pm, Greece Town Hall, Meeting Rooms
(1 Vince Tofany Blvd, Rochester, NY 14612)
• Bank Night
– Spring, 2012
– 8 pm, Greece Town Hall, Meeting Rooms
• Relay For Life of Greece!
– Spring, 2012
– Time TBD
– Greece, NY
• Want more information?
Monthly Newsletters
Fundraising Tips and Suggestions
Track Your Progress
– [email protected]
• Questions, Comments, and Suggestions
• To get your fundraiser posted on the website
Relay For Life of Greece
[email protected]